Harry, Ron and Hermione looked at each other, for the first time really acknowledging that they survived. All together. In one piece. And now, how they have time to enjoy whatever life brings to them.
'Shall we?' Ron nodded to the door. He grabbed Hermione by the hand and slung an arm around Harry's shoulder. Hermione wiped the last remanet's of tears off her face and kissed Ron on the cheek. Harry just smiled through his heartache, happy that his friends had finally accepted their feelings for each other and were not neglecting what had occurred earlier, in the midst of the battle, when they finally showed their passion for each other by snogging... at a very inappropriate time, in Harry's opinion.
The trio walked past the gargoyle blocking the headmaster's old office, and through the debris, until they reached the staircase and Harry made to go upstairs.
'Harry?' Hermione asked; worry dripping in her voice at the thought of separation.
'I'm exhausted; I'm going to go to bed. I think I'll ask Kreacher to bring me a sandwich as well, I'm so hungry. You guys go back to the great hall, your mum will be worried Ron.'
'Harry no. if you're going to bed we'll come as well, they'll find us eventually' Ron stated defiantly. Hermione on the other hand always being the more observant of the two, softly started to pull Ron away from Harry, noticing he needed some time alone.
'See you soon Harry' was all she said as she passed over her bag, containing a tent, books and most importantly clean clothes, before she and Ron disappeared down the hallway.
Harry watched them go, before turning around and slowly making his way to Gryffindor tower, avoiding all the rubble and purposely ignoring the occasional puddles of blood, driven forward only by his need to eat and sleep. As he reached the fat lady's portrait he noticed the pungent, burnt odorous smell that had been following him throughout the castle was him, and added a shower into his list of necessities.
Ginny Weasley was admiring the lovely day that was dawning above her, through the roof of the great hall, when her mother's shoulder jostled her head and she sighed loudly.
'Oh Ronnie' Molly whimpered as she watched her youngest son approach her family's spot on the Huffelpuff table, where food had finally made an appearance, not that much was being eaten. Ginny glanced over and watched as her best friend and brother sat down opposite her and slowly began to fill their plates. Molly Weasley almost jumped over the table in her haste to hug her son and Hermione. Whilst Ginny only looked at them, waiting for them to meet her eyes and inform her on Harry's whereabouts. However both Ron and Hermione seemed to be avoiding her gaze as they solemnly greeted the rest of the family.
'Where is Harry?' Ginny whispered across the table, so only the new arrivals could hear, her mother was yet again weeping into her father's shoulder and distracting the rest of the family. Two pairs of eyes flittered to hers, both holding a look of fatigue.
'Ginny he needs to rest' Ron stated just as quietly, before, in a typical Ron fashion, he shovelled a very full spoon of pasta into his mouth. Hermione's eyes however continued to bore into her own as she searched for something only a best friend can, Ginny began to tear up as she watched Hermione stare at her in silence. She wiped away the tears before anyone but Hermione could see them and looked down at her full plate of steak and kidney pie, which only reminded her more of the person she needed to see.
'Upstairs. Gryffindor dorms, I think. At least that's where he said he was going.' Hermione relented. Ron stared at her, his mouth agape, before he turned to his little sister and nodded.
'Be nice, don't bother him too much, he's been through a lot.' Ron warned.
'Don't you think I know that?' Ginny almost hissed across the table before standing up and walking away from her family.
'Ginny?' her mother stared at her with worry. Behind Molly, all her brothers, even George, were watching her as well, shocked by her sudden intent of departure.
'I need the loo' Ginny stammered 'I'll see you all soon.'
As her father nodded permission, her mother looked about ready to start arguing, George however started mumbling aloud about funeral plans, fireworks and U Know Poo, which successfully distracted her mother. She glanced at Hermione who pointed to her watch and mouthed 'fifteen minutes' before turning back to George's slightly incoherent speech.
Fifteen minutes. In fifteen minutes her mother would realise she was gone, and Hermione would lead them all to the tower… she had fifteen minutes, maybe less, to find Harry and… well… she didn't quite know what would happen, but she did need to know what in the name of merlin had happened tonight.
Ginny began running towards Gryffindor tower, towards Harry, only stopping to fling open the unlocked, empty portrait of the fat lady. 'Probably off drinking with Violet' Ginny thought.
At the base of the boy's dormitory staircase, Ginny slowed to a walk, trying to relax her breathing. She opened the door marked '7th years' that she had spent much time passing through during the year, whilst plotting with Neville about the logistics of the DA. Inside, wrapped only in a fluffy white towel, was Harry, pointing his wand at her with one hand, and holding a half-eaten BLT sandwich in the other.
His shoulders relaxed but his eyes remained wary until Ginny chucked her wand onto the floor by his feet. He looked from the wand he recognised as hers, to his ex-girlfriends raised eyebrows, and gave her what she assumed was meant to be a smile.
'I thought you were dead' were the first words out of her mouth.
'Yeah. I was.' was all he said back, holding out the plate of sandwiches to her. 'Are you hungry?'