Chapter 1: Two Weeks Into Summer

Two weeks. Two weeks of intense training with Master Silvers. Harry thought as he came home panting and sweating so much that his shirt was soaked. He blushed when part way home to his grandpa's shop and ducked into an alley. Rose was passing bye with a group of girlfriends. He blushed further when he realized they where talking about him.

"Whatever happened to Jake's cousin. That cute british kid?" One asked.

"He went back to his boarding school a month later." Rose said sadly. It was like she missed him.

"I wonder if he's got a brother?" One of the girls said as they passed where Harry was hiding.

"As far as I know he was an only child. He lives with their grandfather."

Harry's stomach did back flips all the rest of the way home. She misses me. He thought with joy. She actually misses me! And not because of my bloody boy who lived status either!

"Last day of punishment Harry." Lao Shi reminded him. "Go shower and be back down in ten minutes. Your going to be dusting the VCR's and televisions today."

"Yes Grandpa." Harry sighed as he lumbered up the stairs to the apartment they shared. He thought back to their training session today.

"Your getting better with transforming." Silvers said proudly. Harry had managed to transform flawlessly for the first time today. "Absolutely flawless. You take after the old man more than just your eyes." He said as he walked around him and studied his dragon self. Which was smaller than his grandfathers but that was expected since he was still young.

It was true. Harry's dragon form was exactly like his grandfathers. He was an eastern dragon with blue scales and white underbelly. But unlike his grandfather, he didn't have white hair and hair trail down from his nose. At least, it wasn't white yet. His dragon fire was unique too! He breathed emerald green flames with white stars! Though he seemed to be learning at a faster pace than Jake did. But according to his grandfather most dragons learned at their own pace. Which was why he wanted to train Jake himself. Most Masters wouldn't put up with how slow Jake progressed at first. He was what was known as a late bloomer among dragons. Now after his first year of being a dragon, he took the job of being the American Dragon more seriously than he did at first. Though he still retained his sense of fun and mischief while Harry had been gone. In fact he got together with Jake, Trixie and Spud once in a while if his grandfather allowed it and they exchanged stories of what happened to them that year. When Harry told them about the Chamber of Secrets though, they looked at him in awe.

"You actually killed a giant, 20 foot snake?" Spud asked as his milkshake spilled onto the floor at a fast food burger chain they where having lunch at.

"Yep." Harry said popping at the "p". "Then it turned out that the diary was the source of Riddle's power over Ginny. So I took a fang from the beasts corpse, and plunged it into the diary!" Harry took out his straw from its wrappings and plunged it into his soda with both hands forcefully. "The diary bled ink and Riddle...he sort of died." Harry said in confusion. "It was very odd. As if he was actually in pain. Then he burst into a million bits of light and disentigrated."

It was starting out to be quite an amazing summer as the last. Especially since he actually felt wanted.

To Be Continued...

So here's the introduction chapter. Hope it was okay. Book two is now up!

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Dean the Cuddly Fox!