Author's Note: I think Arthur would make a good king. So Arthur Kirkland as King Arthur.

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia or King Arthur or anything else in this.

Arthur is King

It was a rainy day. As usual. Arthur was sitting at his desk looking through a window. He didn't like what he saw. His country was looking worse and worse. He just had to do something.

Arthur wasn't really important. He was a nobody. After all he was only the representation of England; he was of no real importance. That was about to change.

In the black of night a tall man took a sword and stabbed it into a large stone at the center of the city square like it was butter. Then he disappeared.

Morning came and thee sun shone down on the stone work of Camolot. Most of all the sun reflected off of a shinny sword sticking out of a stone.

A crowed began to gather around the stone. Arthur looked on from his window with pleasure. His master plan was set in motion. All he had to do was wait. A week at the most. Nobody would be able to pull the sword out but him.

About One Week Later…

"Sir? Kirkland, it's time."

"Yes, Merlin. I do believe it is," Arthur replied with a mischievous smile that reached his green eyes.

Arthur put on his best humble face and strolled out the door. He finally walked up to the dwindling crowed that was still around this mysterious 'sword in the stone'.

"Could this little boy be the new king?" someone mumbled to a fellow stone watcher.

"I don't know, he seems a bit small, but sure seems confident," the person replied.

A small boy, ten at the most, strode up to the sword, his red eyes gleaming. He placed his hands on the sword and braced his feet on the ground. With one gigantic pull… he failed. He tried three more times with the same result. A look of confusion and anger spread across his face, he quickly regained his composure, even managed a smile.

"I guess not," smirked the same person that speculated that the boy might be the new king of England.

Arthur proceeded to walk up to the stone. The boy that tried to pull the sword out stopped Arthur before he made it all the way up to the stone.

The boy nodded to the stone and said to Arthur, "If my awesomeness wasn't enough to get that sword out, you don't stand a chance."

With his arrogance, and annoyance, in check Arthur replied, "Who are you, child, to think you would have the power needed to pull out the sword that holds the feature of England?"

"I am the totally awesome Teuton. And someday, without the help of that un-awesome sword I will be the most awesome power ever." As he finished his sentence Teuton forcefully made his way out of the crowed and seemed to disappear.

Unaffected by that strange encounter Arthur proceeded the few steps to the stone.

With much fanfare Arthur pulled the sword from the stone.

The crowed let out a gasp, then was as silent as they starred at the teen that looked mature despite his unkempt blond hair and crazy expression.

Author's Note: The legend has King Arthur pulling out Excalibur and ruling England in the 5th or 6th century. I wasn't sure what Prussia was at this time and I really wanted him in this so I just called him Teuton. Please review. Anything you want to see? Let me know and I'll try.