I'm sooo sorry that this took forever! I was just busy with another story on Wattpad! Anyway, here's the next chapter! :D

Give me love like never before,

'Cause lately I've been craving more.

And it's been a while but I still feel the same,

Maybe I should let you go.

The two were pulled apart by a furious Ron.

"What the hell Hermione? Why are you kissing him?" Ron yelled at Hermione, standing in between the two.

"I don't know Ronald! Maybe it's because I love him!" Hermione yelled back, angry. This was the first time she had seen Draco since she had escaped Malfoy Manor.

Ron looked like he had been slapped. "Y-you can't love him! He's a dirty snake! He doesn't deserve you!"


"No, he's right." Draco interrupted Hermione, staring at Ron. Ron seemed stunned that Draco had agreed with him. "I don't deserve you."


"Hermione, I stood there in my house while you were being tortured. I didn't do anything to stop Aunt Bella when I should have." Draco said calmly but Hermione could see the pain in his eyes. "I will never forgive myself for that."


"However," Draco went on, speaking over Hermione once again. "I'm not going to let you go. I'm too selfish for that. So instead, I'm going to spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you. So, I'm going to fight for you. No one is going to stop me being with you."

"I am!" Ron snarled, turning to face Draco. "There's no way you're being with her!"

Hermione had had enough. She tapped Ron on the shoulder and when he turned around she punched him in the nose.

"That's for trying to control me." She said, glaring at her best friend. She walked round him and put her arms round Draco.

"I see your aim is still as good as 3rd year." Draco chuckled, rubbing his nose absentmindedly at the thought of Hermione punching him in 3rd year.

Hermione just smiled happily and turned to face the rest of Hogwarts, who were either staring at her and Draco or at Ron in stunned silence.

"Anyone else have a problem with Draco and I being together?" She asked, slightly nervous as Draco's parents were in the crowd.

Narcissa and Lucius stood up and made their way towards them. Hermione held her breath as they neared but let it out when Narcissa hugged them both.

"I will admit that I never thought that you and Draco would be together. But you make my son happy. I have never seen him so happy. Please take care of him." Narcissa said, pulling back.

"Don't worry Mrs Malfoy. You'll have plenty of time to take care of him yourself. Draco and I usually end up arguing every other week. You'll be seeing him a lot, I guarantee."

Narcissa smiled and said, "Please, call me Narcissa."

Lucius came forward and said in a hoarse voice, "I never intended for my son to love a muggleborn. I wanted him to marry a pureblood. However, it is his choice of who to love. I accept that."

Draco then surprised Hermione, Lucius too by the look on his face, by flinging his arms round his father. "Thank you father." He mumbled into his shoulder before pulling away.

"Draco Malfoy!"

Hermione and Draco groaned as Blaise Zabini ran towards them, smirking.

"I told you it would turn out ok, didn't I? Merlin I'm glad you're back, Granger. Draco here has been pining for you all year." Blaise said casually, still smirking.

"Have not." Draco said childishly but his cheeks turned pink.

A throat was cleared behind them and Hermione turned to see Harry staring at her with an eyebrow raised.

"Oh, hi Harry." Hermione mumbled, cheeks turning red.

Everyone, since they were all still silent, jumped as Harry cracked up laughing.

"You – Malfoy – I –" Harry couldn't say anything else because he was laughing so hard. He calmed down after a few seconds then said, "I knew this would happen. You were always complaining about him in 5th and 6th year then something wasn't right in Malfoy Manor. Draco let go of those wands too easily."

"Hey!" Draco said, "Did you really complain about me that much?"

"Of course not!" Hermione lied, glaring at Harry before smiling again. "But I'm glad you're laughing again Harry. I haven't seen you laugh in ages."

Harry immediately sobered up and glanced at Ginny who was sat with her mother, still occasionally crying. "Yeah, well I think I need that laugh. Anyway, I'm off to talk to someone."

Harry shook Draco's hand then headed over to Ginny, sitting next to her and taking her hand.

The hall finally started talking again and Hermione turned back to Draco, her eyes lighting up in happiness.

"I love you." She whispered to him.

"I love you too." He whispered back before he pulled her into his arms and just held her.

You know I'll fight my corner,

And that tonight I'll call ya,

After my blood, is drowning in alcohol,

No I just wanna hold ya.

Ok I don't know whether to make this my last chapter or not. If you think not, tell me in a comment what you think the next chapter should be. I have a little idea but I'm not sure if I like it or not. xx