Christopher was pulled out of his sleep by a sudden jolt of the mattress which he realized was caused by Marianne jumping out of the bed very quickly, rushing over to the waste water bucket by the wash stand. Before he had his wits about him properly he heard her retch as she emptied her stomach into the bucket. He wasted no time rushing to her side, crouching down, supporting her by the shoulders, holding her hair back. The expression on his face was one concern and worry. Her episode with the fever all that time ago had been enough to sensitize him to fearing the worst if there was any sign of ill health. The common cold had kept him awake making sure she did not succumb to that awful fever again. And now she was almost violently sick. And not for the first time recently either.
"Ohh, I'm sorry Christopher…" she muttered quietly as she leaned away from the bucket. She was quite sure the nausea was over now.
"Shh… What's wrong dearest?" he asked quietly as he helped her up to the wash stand. He poured her some water into a glass and into the washbowl. She tidied herself up, splashing her face with the cool water and rinsing her mouth.
"I've no idea. I just suddenly woke up realizing I had to do this…" her voice trailed. They were now looking at each other in the eyes and communicated mutual understanding. It was morning, and she was sick. These symptoms were fresh in their mind from the previous month when Edward had explained Elinor's absence from a luncheon. The Ferrars already had two daughters and these symptoms were well known to them.
Their eyes widened. Christopher could not keep his emotions from showing on his face. He was grinning like a schoolboy while his eyes teared up.
"Oh goodness, Christopher, I hadn't realized it before, but it has been too long since I had my last…monthlies," she said in almost a whisper. They were holding on to each other now, two naked forms now seeking to be even closer to each other. Christopher pulled Marianne to his chest and wrapped his arms around her as if he was not going to let her go ever again.
"I don't know if I dare hope yet, but this would be such a beautiful, amazing news, " it was his turn to almost whisper. As much as he loved their life as it was, he had also been hoping for this moment. To have a child of his own was something he had always wanted provided he would have the right woman by his side. His first love he was forced to give up and the hurt to find out she had had a child by someone else in the end had been grave.
"Marianne, we haven't talked much of children, but I have to tell you now that should we be blessed with a child I would be the happiest of men. And until we met I had given up on ever having even a chance. Just being with you makes me the happiest man on God's earth, but, and I hope you feel the same way, for you to carry my offspring – our offspring – is like being handed an extra blessing and added happiness." He was still holding her close, but had taken her face in his hands by now, lifting her yes at him so she could see how serious he was about this.
Marianne's eyes started to moisten now. She had already understood that Christopher was keen on having a child (or more!), but that his feelings ran this deep she had not quite fully gathered. The raw, deep emotion in his eyes and in his whole demeanour moved her deeply. She did not know what to say and instead she reached up to kiss him on the lips. Then, as they pulled each other into a tight embrace again, she whispered to his ear:
"Christopher, I can think of nothing I would like more than to have children with you. Any child with you for a father will be truly blessed. And to think that there could be new life inside me that you have created with me just fills me with joy and happiness and thought I did not think it possible, I think I love you even more."
For two red blooded individuals who had ever since their wedding night been aware of their mutual physical longing for each other, holding each other's naked forms this close did not go without an effect on both of them. Christopher's hand started to stroke Marianne's back and buttocks, hers doing the same on his.
"Just in case we're not quite there yet, perhaps we could have another moment or two in bed to enhance our chances?" he suggested in that beautiful baritone of his, murmuring into her ear. She was pudding in his hands before he'd even finished the sentence.
The couple, wallowing in the bliss of their closeness and the prospect of starting their own family, were completely unaware of how the servants of Delaford had considered the pregnancy a solid fact for some time already. It had not gone unnoticed by the maids that Mrs Brandon had missed her monthlies or that she had been sick on a few occasions, always recovering quite well soon after. Mrs Brandon's mother had already become concerned at the happy looking couple were not announcing that they were expecting even ore than eight months after their wedding. Mrs Dashwood had raised the question with her housekeeper in conversation, wondering out loud if it could be that her middle daughter and husband (the best of men, of course) were, indeed, having proper relations and if all was well in that respect. Mrs Dashwood could be as prudish as anyone when necessary, but when it came to married women there was more freedom allowed with the speculation.
At the village, one housekeeper had come upon the other and news and gossip ad been exchanged over the vegetable stand and outside the butcher's. When her housekeeper returned from the village, Mrs Dashwood learned that the master and mistress of Delaford were very happy by all accounts and enjoyed the more carnal benefits of marriage most nights, according to what the servants had heard through the walls in the manor. Not that they were eavesdropping, of course. Mrs Dashwood was pleased to hear this. She had had a loving marriage herself and was only sad to have lost that too soon. What she had hoped for her daughters had, naturally, been a good life but also one with a decent, loving husband.
She hadn't really doubted the happiness of Marianne and the Colonel's marriage. She had seen them together so often in various occasions and the two could barely keep from touching each other when within distance, nor keep their eyes off each other when further apart. She had just become a little worried that there was no news of offspring after so many months. Elinor and Edward had announced they were expecting three months after their wedding and naturally Mrs Dashwood assumed her second daughter would in herself pregnant at a similar rate. Mrs Dashwood herself had become pregnant with Elinor practically weeks into her marriage. Having heard the gossip (not that she would ever admit to it being gossip but merely exchange of news) Mrs Dashwood had not been sure whether to be worried or not. On one hand, her daughter had a happy marriage in which she and her husband really enjoyed being together. Then again, on the other hand, if they seemed to enjoy being together at the rate the housekeepers lead her to believe, why was Marianne not carrying?
It was a little bit unfortunate that Mrs Dashwood had not made her roundabout queries just s few weeks later so that she might have learned what the Delaford servants' quarters considered a matter of fact now: Delaford was to expect a new generation of Brandons.