So it is extremely exciting to be writing again. I have missed it so much, but such is life that it gets too stupidly busy. My class is over next week and that will mean more free time. I also picked up a part time job with my mom that so that will take me on the road for a week once a month. I'll try to update between trips! :)

Thanks for the continually support even though it's an old fic! :)


All the boring stuff has come to a close. Thank you for reading this far :3

Disclaimer: Hiro Mashima rightfully owns Fairy Tail.

It didn't take long for the darkness to settle in and the air around Lucy to become cold and stale. Physically her body had fallen into a state of comatose, but mentally she had been transferred to another plane. A plane that only existed for Yuriko to talk with the celestial mage. If talking would somehow help Lisanna, Lucy didn't hesitate reaching back to him.

It took seconds for her subconscious to feel a snag from him. One that sewed itself onto her spirit and sucked her through a void onto neutral ground. Lucy felt herself being ripped apart then thrown through the air and landing on a soft, but firm piece of existence. Opening her eyes, she shook the nauseating pit in her stomach away before glancing around.

Everywhere she looked was an endless corridor of black; up, back, left, right. All black, except her feet. Surrounding her steps as she trekked forward was a ring of white. It followed her giving off some form of illumination probably from keeping her thinking she was falling through a pit of nothingness.

Someone could get easily lost in here. Where am I?

Last she remembered was hearing his voice in her head. Telling her that they needed to talk, coxing her to lie down, close her eyes, and fall through time. It made no sense until she did and felt a sickening pinch that had her subconscious temporarily ripped away. Funny. Lucy had thought as she watched herself leaving herself. To actually see yourself as others do was something that was hard to believe. Yet, there she was watching the image dissipate and replaced with darkness. Yuriko's voice had been so enticing. It had pulled her legs without her permission leading her to her bed from the door. He had controlled her without even realizing it until it was too late. Until she wasn't connected anymore.

Now the blonde mage had started running with no direction in mind, but it had to lead somewhere or else she wouldn't have been brought here. The heels on her boots clicked and echoed in the eerie silence until she skid to a stop. A few meters in front of her laid a curled up body that seemed to want to shrink away from existence. The thing that caught her attention was the reflection of the bodies silver hair. It was more than familiar to her by now.


Lisanna was cowering on her side holding her knees up to her chest. Her face looked somewhat peaceful except for the tears escaping from behind closed eyes and her lips quietly mouthing the same thing over and over. Inching forward Lucy hesitated as she noticed tendrils protruding from her body squirming aimlessly through the air, "Lisanna?"

The tendrils froze prior to them straightening to a point and shot out towards Lucy like daggers that had been thrown. Preparing for the oncoming attack the Celestial mage locked her knees and used her arms as a shield, but let out screech when an invisible force field stopped her attacker inches from her face. Confusion swept her expression as the tendrils pulled back and continued their wriggling above Lisanna.

"Don't look so confused. They aren't here." Piercing the darkness his voice rang through her ears.

"What are you talking about?" cemented in place, Lucy watched and waiting for someone to appear. As her legs were ready to start running towards the voice, the surrounding area lightened to a grey revealing a black silhouette in the distance.

"That's just an image from another plane. Lisanna isn't really here she is just a part of my subconscious that I brought along for a joy ride!" He laughed, "Don't look so distraught. She's fine."

Turning back Lucy saw what was really surrounding her. Wrapped around Lisanna's body were chains, black chains that morphed into dark tentacles dripping black ooze, ooze similar to what Happy had been secreting when they fought.

"You're quite observant and quite right. That is the same thing I used on your little blue friend, but it seems to take a different appearance with every different thing it encounters." As the form moved around her, he came no closer nor farther than when he first appeared, but her eyes captured a lag in his body; the silhouette had a second delay before catching up, "A tad misfortune I'd say. I can't move as fast as I'd prefer in here and I don't even have a physical form. Such a shame, but a minuscule shame compared to being trapped for so many centuries, " Yuriko stretched as if he had just woken up from a nap.

"I'm here. You wanted to talk. So talk." Questions ran rampant in her mind, coursing like blood through her veins, but she had to keep him at bay. Give away some of his secrets that she might relay to the guild.

"I love a woman who gets straight to business," Without having to see his face Lucy could sense him smirking, "Here is my proposition. Host me in your body and I'll let this poor girl go. She can go on and live her happy little dreams she so desperately clings to."

"W-What?" Unable to stop its escape, surprise clung to every letter. Lucy Heartfilia hadn't been excepting any form of proposition let alone barter for Lisanna's safety. His words reeked of alterer motive throwing up more questions that were begging for an answer. Makarov's conversation about the importance of Celestial power to Yuriko surfaced as if on cue to her questions, "No. Absolutely not. I will never allow you in."

"But don't you think you owe it to her?" Yuriko floated his arm behind him as if inviting Lucy into a dining room. Frozen on the spot, the blonde mage watched Lisanna reappear beyond his shape, "After all, this is your fault. Why not give her back her life Lucy? You installed doom and gloom on her by feeling something that you had no right to feel. Lisanna had always been there and you came in out of no where to take it from her. Poor thing." One of the tendrils wrapped itself around his shadowed arm imitating a snake, "I actually pity her. Do you know what she keeps saying in her little ball. I hate you. So much rage, sadness, and loneliness…"

Yuriko's voice trailed off.

It wasn't until those three words slipped from his lips that Lucy felt as if the bone structure of her very existence shattered with guilt. Soon, Lucy could vaguely hear Lisanna's voice chanting hatred; over and over. Guilt for Lisanna, for Natsu, for failing at protecting her family, and for failing to eradicate these dreadful emotions she felt for that stupid dragon slayer.

"I'm so sorry Lisanna…" Tears that had been held in for days, weeks even leaked without end, "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. It all just happened so suddenly. These feelings…I couldn't escape and I even tried. I tried to let him go, but it hurt to much. I love you Lisanna. I never did it to hurt you and I never wanted to hurt you…" grapsing her heart, Lucy fell to her knees blurry vision failing to register Yuriko's decent upon the Celestial maiden.

"Perrrrrfect…" The shadow whispered as he closed in ready to use his take over magic to swap bodies. Thrusting out his hand to grasp onto Lucy's head, the shadow wailed an inhuman sound before being launched backwards. Instantly it became quiet and Lucy could no longer hear the vulgar and stabbing words from Lisanna.

Wiping her eyes, Lucy stared up at a man who had materialized; a physical and vibrant young man. Brown hair hung in uneven strands around his eye brows, parting on the left, his eyes a vibrant green separated by a slightly crooked nose, and radiating from his body was a white glow surrounding both him and Lucy shielding off the darkness.

"W-Who are you?" Lost for words, she steadily got to her feet, "How did you get here?"

"Step back Yuriko." His voice boomed causing the plane to tremble completely ignoring her, "You should have known that I was already here."

"Well, well, well. If it isn't my old friend" Yuriko composed himself and hissed between his teeth, "I figured you were obliterated with our last battle and fed to the Forgotten Pit of Souls; your lovely soul of light would have fulfilled its appetite."

"It is time for you to leave Yuriko, Now." the mystery man's jaw clenched as his aura of light continued to grow pushing the silhouette back farther and farther.

"Fine Ojitoyu. For now, but just wait. Your time will come." In the blink of an eye all the darkness was gone and left Lucy and Ojitoyu engulfed in light.

"Are you alright Lucy Heartfilia?"

"Not right now," After this stranger had saved her from herself spiraling into a trap of guilt, the blonde princess had no need to lie to him. There were so many things she had to acknowledge before facing that dreadful man again. Things that he would continue to use against her; accepting that loving Natsu wasn't a choice and that none of this was all her fault. As Lucy composed herself the feeling of dread from what Yuriko was trying to accomplish settled. He was a tormentor of emotions, torturer of souls, and compelling mages to feel whatever he was implying. She had made it too easy for him. His voice had been so calming yet threatening and whatever that devil had wanted he had almost snatched it away without any difficulty and that was what Master had been trying to teach her to deflect. Now that the Celestial mage had first hand experience, she could prepare for more.

The man cleared his throat interrupting her thoughts, "You don't know me, but as that venomous snake said my name is Ojitoyu. I am here to help you Lucy, but only if you'd let me."

"Ojitoyu? Why does that sound familiar…" hitting her in the face Lucy recollected another conversation with Makarov, "The second Wizard Saint?!"

"Precisely, and if you would be so kind as to let me help you. I am the only one who can defeat this leech, but I refuse to take a host without them acknowledging me and what I am capable of." His voice was calm and soothing, "Let alone the dangers I may bestow upon you in the process."

Standing chin length to him Lucy grazed his features. His skin looked soft, but worn and his green eyes were wise as if they'd seen battle to the end of the Earth. Everything about his demeanor was relaxing and put her in a light trance forcing her body to feel extremely heavy. What would Master have me do? This man was a good guy, he helped stop Akuma in the past which means he has the ability to do it. From what I've been told and researched with Levy he is all good and pure. We need him, but at what cost?

"I'll do it." Exhaustion swept through shoving her to one knee, "What's happening?"

"You've exerted too much energy for being here as long as you have, your body is ready to pull you back," The Wizard Saint kneeled and placed his hand on her shoulder, "I will be near if you need me just like your Celestial Spirits. I will not inherit your body as Akuma has done because that is dark magic, but if you need me. Call upon me and I will appear. You are strong Lucy, remember that."

The Celestial bearer opened her mouth to ask so many questions, but before anything could escape, she felt that nasty pinch snag her and yank her back to her bedside.

"Lucy?" Pink hair and onyx eyes filled with concern greeted her as she regained consciousness, "Lucy, are you okay? What happened?" He seemed out of breath, but in good spirits. Well, better than lately.

"What are you doing here Natsu?" Stupid question.

"To see if you were okay. I was on my way back from training with Wendy and your scent…." He hesitated, "You smelled off… That's all." Embarrassed the dragon slayer turned his back on her sitting on the edge of the bed.

Lucy observed his rigid posture and twiddling thumbs as a sign of concern that he was trying to mask. She knew him better than that and sighed, Perhaps I'll wait to talk to him about it tomorrow. "I just want to sleep." Her thoughts finished out loud as Lucy laid back down her back to him.

"Alright…" He replied quietly starting to rise for the door, but stopped suddenly when he felt a soft, warm, but shaking hand coil around his wrist. Without needing words Natsu turned back to her and steadily lowered himself onto the bed. He snuggled up behind her, wrapping his arms around her as he was so accustomed to doing, but this time was different. The fire eater could sense how low her magic level was and that it hadn't been from training. Lucy had been fighting a battle inside of her that she must have struggled desperately with, but as he felt her ease into his chest, the shaking calmed down to a minimum and her breathing steadied out to a slumber.

Insomnia had etched itself into his DNA since everything had escalated, but now as his ragged breathing fell in tune with hers, Natsu felt himself slipping into a coma like sleep wishing it would never have to end.

"Gray, Have you found anything?" Erza rarely got frustrated, but when she did the fire red-haired mage was ready to pull her hair out.

"Actually, I did. Look at this." Gray yanked a tome out and threw it open to the center page on top of the book Erza had been scanning for what felt like months.

Since Master had sent Erza and Gray to the Archive of Magi they were positive it wouldn't take long to find what they were looking for, but that had turned out to be a massive lie. The Archive of Magi stretch all ways, endless shelves of books upon books that were so dusty a sand storm couldn't even compare and made it seem impossible to slim down their search.

At first they searched aimlessly until they finally found their first clue leading them to a sector that had once been the beginning of the archives. The room they entered was lit with a massive chandelier swinging from an invisible breeze. Directly in front of them stood a metal fence that was locked with two chains imbedded with ancient incantations. As to why it was so heavily locked Erza and Gray could have cared less, but in that vault they found everything they had needed to know even the unasked question about the locks. These records were accounts of those who had suffered unimaginable things during the time Yuriko had taken over before, during, and after Ojitoyu had stepped in and had been locked due to spirits that had been entrapped within the archives.

Gray was a bit sceptic at first, utterly terrified of what else other than spirits lay within that Vault, but Erza had reassured him it would be fine. Now, it had felt like a second home. Book after book nothing seemed to stick out as a clue to help them until now.

"Read this," Tracing his finger over a paragraph in the middle of the book, "We're getting closer to helping Lisanna." A small flicker of joy was shared quietly between the two. They had searched so long and hard for answers and resolutions and they had finally found it.

"Gray, if this is true. Lucy is in danger as well." Erza hesitated as she flipped the page.

"Every solution pointed to death Erza, but this…. Lucy and Lisanna. They'll be okay. These people were witnesses, victims even and can account for being rescued. Even Happy can be cured." Gray felt a some comfort in that. Happy was still struggling without end in the basement of the Fairy Tail building, "We'll write down the antidote and gather what we need."

Erza nodded, "I'll send word that we heading back and we'll pick up the ingredients on the way." The tension was starting to lift. As her eyes skimmed one page to the next, she stopped on the last entry. Paralyzed with fear she read allowed,

"Although the battle has been raging on for years. I feel a shift in the air today. Today will be different and I will be making sure he is sealed away for good. I can feel his energy dwindling, but so is mine. We're matched; hit for hit, power for power, light vs. darkness. A never ending cycle that we have spent so long destroying everything around us. I fear it might always be that way. If I seal him away, I will go as well. I will attach myself to his soul acting as a chain to bind him in limbo. I know how to defeat him, but my strength alone isn't enough in this time. When I connect with him before his entrapment I will put my power on reserve so if he is to escape I will be recharged when awoken. One day it will come to fruition and if so, however he escapes. I will be right there along with him."

"Gray…." Erza locked eyes with the frost mage.

"I know…" Their voices echoed leaving behind an eerie silence. Gray stared at his fiery companion in a mutual acceptance that this wasn't good news. Sure, Ojitoyu was seen as a hero, a good guy, but these two forces were so strong it would destroy another city, town, maybe even the whole country. Gray wasn't ever the biggest fan of humanity, but over the years the town had learned to fully accept Fairy Tail even with how boisterous it got. The idea of them getting destroyed sickened Gray. Magnolia, no, Fiore would be eliminated from existence. Their families, friends, and home. Gone.

Both Erza and Gray knew they had to get back, not just for their Guild's sake, but for their country.