I Love You. I Need You. I Stalk You.

Summary: Things have gone too far. Kei's emotions for Hikari have gone way off and has reached stalker mode. Hikari has no idea of what's happening but Akira and Tadashi do and it's time to stop the stalker! HIKARIxKEI Humor/Romance. Rated T for language.

Chapter Three



Wait... but did he pay for it yet?

He sipped the Chai latte and then.


I burst out laughing. I've never seen Takishima so, pissed off before. I mean, this is the first time he's actually shown something like this to anyone. We were gathering attention from other shoppers and shop owners. Takishima suddenly fell to the ground, making me stop giggling.

"Eh? Takishima, are you okay?"

"What do you think, Hikari?" he whispered and slowly walked away from the cafe.


We headed out, farther from the cafe.

"Do you need help?" I asked quietly.

"No, I don't."

I frowned. Was I being mean to Takishima?

"Do you want me to hold that bag for you?"

My eyes followed the bag he was carrying. Asking this means I'm being nice, right?


He switched to carrying the bag on his left hand, farther away from me. I sighed, maybe something would cheer him up.

"HEY TAKISHIMA! STOP BEING A POTATO COUCH! I challenge you to a race! Whoever gets to the park first wins! No cheating, which means no hiring people to kidnap the other challenger!" I smiled. Yes, he kidnapped me in our last challenge and that was SO against the rules.

"Sure, Miss Rank Two."

I lost balance at that moment but quickly got back up. I have to beat him!

"Ready, set… GO!"


I really wanted to get this over with. I know that this would be the best privilege to find out more info on Hikari but I'm banned from kidnapping her. She had already ran about 50m in a few seconds, straight to the park. I continued walking. Then ran straight into a hill.

There are many secret passage ways in our city. One is a link between this road and the park. It's only about a one minute walk there. With Hikari's rate she'd get there in about three minutes.

I slipped under the cover from the hill and walked slowly. The tunnel was infested with bugs and dirty. It was covered with lights though, making it easier to walk through. And who made this passageway? Me of course.

Instantly, I thought that a break in the park would be better than a worm infested tunnel so I sprinted to the exit.

The bright light struck me as I leisurely sat on the monkey bars, remembering the incident ten years ago.

"TAKISHIMA! I challenge you to a challenge!" the tiny girl commanded.

I jumped off the monkey bars.

"What type of challenge is it?"

"Let's see who can hold onto these monkey bars for the longest!" She hopped up, grabbing the bar with both her hands. I followed too, it was too easy.


After about one and a half hours, she started to turn red. Then she fell.

The fall was hard. I fell too, but on my feet. Her head hit the ground hard and she was bleeding, and crying.


Adults came over as they rushed her to the hospital.

I looked at that same spot where she fell and released a large sigh.


I smiled at her, charmingly. That day when she fell was probably when I started to develop feelings and stuff… she's still the same, just a little more pathetic.

"WHAT? YOU BEAT ME! But I didn't even see you!"

"The magician never tells his secrets, Miss Rank Two."

She jumped onto the swings and frowned.


I smirked, my head down and secretly taking mental snapshots of her. Then my eyes trailed to the bag next to swings. Damn! The boxers!

I leaped to the swings, grabbing the bag as I flew down.

"No need to show off, Takishima."

"I wasn't," I replied, "I need to get home now. You should too."

And with that, I left her alone in this deserted park… not.

I ran across the road then took a path at the back of the park and sat there, in a bush with a camera and my book.

Hikari started swinging on the swings. I guess she didn't want to go home. It was good of her not to.

Suddenly it became cold. Windy too. I could tell that Hikari was worried by her face, I kept snapping pictures then… OMG.

Her skirt went up.

*pedo face*

She pulled it down and cursed but no, she wasn't fast enough for me. I had got over ten shots of that brief moment.

I saw her walk away from the park.

And so did I, in another direction.



We had landed in Akira's bedroom all 'omfg I want to kill myself'.

Megumi had nothing to say (as usual), Akira fainted and I am playing wii!

But yes, I'm worrying inside. I already had my spaz and I feel better now. I just have keepo playing to get my mind off things!



I grabbed another remote and threw it to Megumi.

"Whatever, I lost, your turn."

So I guess the only person who's taking this seriously is Akira.

But who cares, there's nothing to worry about. It's not like he's stalking us.

I looked across the window and saw a glint of light and a pair of binoculars.



Holaa guys! Sorry that it's late. With all the celebration, I didn't get tie to update. Well. Hope you liked the 3rd chappie! Please review or favourite and give me some more advice. I know that Kei's very out of character but I'm trying my best!


(mah new name) OldToYou–NewToMe

Disclaimer: me no own S.A :P