HELLO! PLEASE READ AND REVIEW! Oh, and enjoy! That's important too!

It's Sunday, and Prim and I are on a tight schedule today, so we need to make this quick. You see, Prim has a huge project due tomorrow and she hasn't even started it yet. I'm so proud of her!

So we are walking down the clay isle when a huge crack makes its way across the floor and the ground starts shaking rapidly.

"APOCOLYPSE!" somebody screams.

I check my pocket calendar, shoot. I forgot today was the Apocalypse!

I also see several people in the corner by the candle isle, making a human sacrifice. They are chanting something about Zach Efron; I look and see him burst into flames. Poor guy.

Then a HUGE black whole appears in the middle of the store, conveniently right next to me.

"SAVE YOURSELF!" the store clerk yells.

This seems about the right time to cause a panic.

"TAKE HER!" I scream, throwing Prim into the black whole.

Then I grab a cart and run as fast as I can to the glitter isle.

"SAVE THE SPARKLES!" I'm screaming.

As I make my way to the glitter, I pass Peeta by the baking supplies, with the same idea. He is up to 3 carts. Good for him. I also see Annie and Finnick by the ribbon and feathers.

Almost there. I think making my way through the store. But then I pause. No way. It's Gale. And he's filling up a cart with cheetah print duct tape. Okay then... I think, reaching my destination.

I don't have time to be neat, so I reach my arm to the back of the shelf and wrap it around the extra large bottles of glitter. Then I pull forward. I repeat this until I have all the glitter in the store.

I run outside into the parking lot, with my 23 carts full of sparkles and freeze. What's happening? Is the last thing I think before I fly up into the sky, into space.


You can finish the ending yourself, I couldn't really think of something. REVIEW PLEASE!