Last chapter. That was fast. Honestly has it really been a week?

Anyway Thank you everyone's reviewed this. I'd also like to thank all the readers.

Disclaimer's in the former chapter.

I lay in my bed fading slowly from this world. There's no more pain, just an airy numbness that greatly worries the doctors. I knew that it'd be too late for me to be saved. i wasn't giving up. There was one last thing I had to do.

When Hikaru arrived back bruised and battered from the journey, he rushed to my room. He crumbled at the sight of me barely breathing, barely alive. He dropped hte pretty flower that also looked like it was dying. It used to be a nice light orange now reduced to an emoty color.

"Hikaru please come." He obeyed silently and reached my right side. My right hand reached for his face. He was so warm and alive while my cold dead hand carsessed his skin. He put his hand over mine and looked down with tears escaping from his eyes. This was one of the few times he'd let me see him cry.

"Why? Why did it have to be you?" He asked while I had no idea whathe was asking. But I still tried to soothe him.

"Do you regret what we had?" Honestly he wouldn't be in such a state if I hadn't insisted on joining his world.

"No. Never. But why do you have to go? It's not fair." Instead of shouting he whispered it as if trying to hide it from something. Perhaps Death?

"Lots of things are unfair. But I'm sure you'll get better." I smiled and he broke at the sight.

"What makes you think I'll live through this?" Please understand-

"Because love hurts but it can heal too." that I love you but-

"Kaoru..." I want you to-

"Hikaru I want you to prommise me something?" be able to live your life-

"Anything-" so please-

"Please continue living and forget about me." forget me-

"-but that." the one you loved.

I closed my eyes when my heart struggled to keep on beating. It was already so faint I don't think I could last much longer.

Was this some punishment for entering His World? If so I don't regret it. If Hikaru was born to suffer, I was born to save him.

When he cried I wiped away his tears. When he screamed I embraced him.I've held his hand tightly all these years like he has with mine.

Our hands belonging to two different people. The hands that have grown bigger and have held onto the other tighter. The hands that must let go because I can't keep my promise.

Kaoru was gone. I know because I'm the one who saw him take his last breath, heard the last heartbeat, felt his grip slack, and heard his last words.

"I love you. I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise." Then his hand slackened as his heart stopped and his chest stopped moving.

I don't know how long I cried. How long I screamed his name. How long I clung onto his body. All I knew was he was gone and I was still alive. Someone absolutely wonderful died and I never got the chance to tell them how much they meant to me.

Eventually I stopped bawling and fell asleep. When I woke up I was back in my bed. At first I thought it'd all had been a dream. Until I went to kaoru's room and saw he wasn't in there. I was still in denial. When I went down to breakfest I ignored his parents in black clothes. I stormed over to my mother and father at hte head of the table.

"Where's Kaoru?" Their sad eyes bored into me and I couldn't handle it. I ran away from the room. I ran outside the castle to the garden where I climbed over the wall. I jumped to the ground and ran to the hill. Up and up I sprinted. kaoru wasn't dead. He didn't die. He's waiting for me at our tree. Yeah he'll smile at me and present me with a picnic basket.

But in my heart, or rather what was left of it, I knew that wasn't true. One could only hope. No it wasn't hope; it was denial.

The last of my broken heart was shattered into little pieces when I saw the freshly dug grave.

Under the ancient tree was a marble headstone with an inscription.


Child, Friend, Partner

"Feelings you have for each other will not be known unless you voice them"

Died of sickness and will forever be missed


I walked over slowly like this was just another one of my dreams.

"They say that people destined to be together forever have an invisible red string wrapped around their pinky."

"I would never leave you Hikaru. I promise"

"Hikaru, do you love me?"

"Here Hika. I saved this piece of cake for you."

"I'm not mad. Don't think I'll leave you just because of that."

"I picked the lock Hika. No matter what I'll always pick your lock."

"What do you mean I wouldn't understand? If you tell me I'll understand."

"Your hand. It's so soft but so cold at the same time. You must be so lonely."

"My name's Kaoru. It's very nice to meet you."

"I love you."

"Why did it have to be you?" I put my hand on the headstone. A tear drop fell from my eye and onto the dirt.

"Why did you have to befriend me? Why did I fall for you? Why did you have to break your promise?" The memories were too much.

"And now you're GONE!" I fell to my knees and shuddered violently.

"You're DEAD! You're not here anymore. You're not here because you left me...behind...alone...again."

The sky that was once clear and blue now was covered in gray storm clouds. It start raining and pouring. But I didn't care. I stayed out there and was soaked. I was just staring blankly at the grave. Soon I was reduced to lying on the cold ground. I didn't feel how cold and wet I was. I was just trying to get close to the heart that was once spilling with warmth and love. Soon it was getting hard to move. I didn't fight when my eyes started closing.

"Thank you Kaoru."

"Hika wake up!" I heard a voice wake me and soon hands grabbed me. I opened my eyes and saw a familiar redhead with golden eyes shaking me awake.

"Kaoru? It's really you!" I got up and rubbed my eyes. I was still under that tree. But the sun was out and it was so warm. But what caught my attention was Kaoru as he smiled down at me.

"Of course it's me. Who else calls you Hika?" He laughed and gave me a hand to help me up.

"Thanks. You're really here." I was up and was holding Kaoru's face with my hands. He was alive. My love was alive.

"You sure are acting strangely Hika. Tamaki and Haruhi were getting really worried about you. But I told them you'd be fine with me." He stepped back and I saw he was younger. Then I saw we were the same age. Nine.

"I love you Kaoru." I blurted out and held Kaoru's hands tightly. His eyes widened and he smiled. He threw his arms around me and tackled me to the ground.

"I love you too, Hika! I always have." He giggles and he snuggles into my chest, his hair tickling my face. I laugh and pull him more tightly around me.

Things change when I roll us over so I'm on top. I smile down at Kaoru. He smiles up and I remove his bangs from his face. Then I lean down we rub noses. Our eyes catch and Kaoru instantly blushes when I try to move in closer.

"Hikaru! Kaoru! Don't worry Daddy's here to save you!" We looked up simultaneously to see Tamaki run over to us with tears in his eyes.

"Tamaki wait for me!" Then there was Haruhi trying to catch up to him but failing miserably. Tamaki would've looked back at her had he not seen our current positions.

"Sweet mother in France! Hikaru, what are you doing on top of your brother?" I was confused. Kaoru was my brother? But he was orphan last time I checked.

"Tam-pant-aki-what did-pant-I say-pant" Haruhi came over and was catching her breath on her knees while Tamaki was trying to assist her. I got off Kaoru and helped him up. Then we interlocked our hands. Then I took it a step further. I leaned in and stole a kiss from Kaoru right when Tamaki and Haruhi turned around.

"Look Haruhi! Our little boys are doing a big no-no!" He was waving his arms all over the place while Haruhi was in deep thought.

"Tamaki. Shut up. You're being obnoxious." Tamaki instantly froze and he dropped right in front of us. Haruhi sighed before looking over at us. "Hikaru how much do you love Kaoru?"

"Kaoru's the most important thing in the world!" I gave him a big hug and we both gave Haurhi the puppy dog look. She instantly backed down.

"Just keep it to yourselves." She sighed and started shaking Tamaki awake.

"Last one to the castle is dragon's breakfast!" Kaoru and I yelled in unison and ran past Haruhi.

"No~ I must not be breakfast! I'm too beautiful to be eaten!" Tamaki quickly got up and started running with us, leaving Haruhi in the dust, literally. But that wasn't the only thing we left behind.

All of us eventually made our way down the hill to Tamaki and Haruhi's castle. Away from the anceint tree, away from the meadow, and saying goodbye to the two marble headstones under the tree that had blue roses.

9 years ago

Hikaru's parents were sad but not suprised when they found Hikaru's body lying cold under the tree. He was sleeping on Kaoru's grave like it was his bed. His eyes were closed and a peaceful smile graced his face, the rain having washed away his tears. While they were digging up another gave, next to Kaoru's, they were informed about his cause of death.

"His heart simply stopped." That was the answer most doctors said. Except one.

"It's simple really. When the person you love the most dies, our hearts are broken and we lose the will to live. It's a tragic way to go." The witch doctor had answered while eating an apple.

Several months later Haruhi gave birth to twins.

Hahahaha! I made it an-almost tragedy! Oh well I think I'll lay off the death for awhile. I was just listening to some sad stuff while writing this and somehow typed this up. Oh well. Until then HUGS!