Oh my gosh I updated within a month! I must be comepletely bored out of my mind!

SPECIAL THANKS TO: catgirl963 because her review gave me the idea for Sweden ^^ not exactly the same as her idea but... Thanks also to NiRvAnAaDvAnCiNg95 for the Russia idea. He'll be going on the intercom a few more times in later chapters for different reasons.

PLEASE NOTE: NiRvAnAaDvAnCiNg95 and Arkxy-chan have awesome ideas! I will use them in later chapters. Thanks guys!

Disclaimer: I do not own ANYTHING! Hetalia, youtube, Ellen's dance dare videos that inspired this. Those belong to someone that is not me!Please don't sue me.

Chapter 6 Dancing

"Alright, Norge, you know what to do," a blond said bouncing up and down from excitement slightly pushing his short friend forward towards an employee stacking canned goods on shelves. The shopping cart next to him was filled to the top in cans that he needed to stack. The shorter of the two blonds raised an eyebrow as he noticed the man was putting all the cans on one shelf even if they were for different things. He could have sworn corn and evaporated milk were supposed to be separate.

Shrugging it off and deciding to let the man do his job his way, Lukas turned back to his friend then looked back at the worker and silently asked himself, "How did I get sucked into this?"

Norway sighed and went up to the brunette hoping that he wouldn't actually get kicked out for doing what he was going to do. What could be more embarrassing than getting kicked out of an American WalMart store for barely doing anything?

"How may I help you?" he man asked giving Norway a smile that faintly reminded him of Spain. Not even a few seconds talking to this guy and the Nordic already felt like decking him in the face.

"There's a code four in the gardening aisle," Norway said as seriously as he could which wasn't hard considering he rarely ever showed much emotion.

The man with the name tag that read, 'Steve' took a moment to stare at Lukas then laughed. After a few seconds he stopped and said, "You're not fooling anyone there, little dude."

Little dude? Norways thought with annoyance. Maybe he should punch the guy then he realized the man had said that sentence as if it was something that occurred to him daily. Like random strangers came up to him and said that before. Chances are that with all the forums and videos on the internet about getting kicked out of Walmart he probably has encountered this more than a few times

Reaching into his vest pocket Steve pulled out a small folded square cloth and handed it to Norway saying, "Try saying code four in the electronics while wearing this."

The man winked then walked away leaving two confused blonds and a cart full of cans behind.

"Come on! It'll be fun! Please?"

Those words were all it took for Sweden to agree into doing what his 'wife' asked him to even if he did find it slightly ridiculous and childish. Berwald could never turn down Tino on anything so when he came asking if Berwald could do a prank for him, the only option was to accept.

After nodding a yes to Finland, his blue eyes surveyed the store looking for the perfect unsuspecting victim. After a moment he settled for a younger looking woman that was probably in her early twenties. He waited until her back was turned so he could make his move.

Slowly, the blond walked up to her until he was only two feet away. Finland, who was walking into the next aisle, turned and gave him two thumbs up silently wishing him good luck. Berwald nodded a thank you before looking back at the American woman confirming that she still had her back toward him and was looking at electronics on the shelves.

Suddenly, the tall blond man started dancing behind her but trying not to move his feet too much so the noise of his shoes on the tiled floor wouldn't catch the woman's attention. Turning around, he bent over half way and started to wiggle his butt to her unknowing figure but stopped when he saw that she was turning his way. The Swede pretended he was looking at something at one of the bottom shelves before resuming his random dancing when the red head turned away again.

He managed to do the Macarena a few times before turning so that the front of his body was facing her back, putting both his arms above his head and starting to move his hips back and forth making his whole body do the same. When the woman looked like she was going to turn back again Sweden stopped moving his hips and feigned a yawn bringing one hand down to cover his mouth. After a few seconds he walked away into the aisle where Tino was to find not only his wife but also Denmark and Norway had seen what he was doing.

Finland was leaning on the shelves with his hand covering his mouth as he tried to suppress his laughter but failed miserably and ended up knocking several boxes of headbuds over onto the ground. Denmark held nothing back as he was literally rolling on the floor laughing his ass off barely being able to breathe. Even Norway the man that was able to keep a straight face in almost any situation was laughing.

"I never knew you had it in you, man!" Mathias managed to say in between his howling laughter.

Sweden raised an eyebrow as he noticed Lukas was wearing a Walmart employee vest. Before he was able to question the man on his new clothing the loud speaker came on.

"You shall all soon become one with Mother Russia," was all that was said by a sickly sweet voice before the soft music that was playing before started again.

"Now where were we?" a tall Russian asked in a childish tone as he turned away from the phone and to the three Baltic States.

Each of them shook and he took a few steps closer with large gym bags in hand. The smile that he had on only added to their fear and made them shake more violently.

Random nonesense from DrawingFlower:

Haha catgirl963's idea somehow reminded me of Ellen's dance dare and I really wanted to make one of the characters do that. It took a while for me to finally choose Sweden as my victim. It seemed like he would do it if Finland asked him to. I would have made him do more dance moves but I really don't know any of the names and I fail at describing it so...

If you want to look up Ellen's dance dare videos I suggest you start by looking up, "ellen's dance dare fouseytube" on youtube. In my opinion he's the best. He's got two vids for it. Both are amazing and hilarious. I think that the first one was in a WalMart too xD

Review! I don't really respond to them and if you have an idea for the story and I use it I'll put a thank you in the beginning of the chapter...

Tell me of any errors you see. This chapter might have a lot considering I wrote this at midnight last night and only reread it a few times since. You can also suggest ideas on what the characters might do at WalMart as long as it doesn't involve skittles or Kmart I already got ideas for those. I might put your suggestions in the story. Depends.