Got this idea from a board on Neopets that read, '100 ways to get kicked out of walmart'. At first I was like, "Nah..." then after reading a few I had a strong urge to make it into a story. I haven't been on Neo in months but I just got so bored. I had nothing better to do and the first thing I did was go to the Fan Clubs. They have interesting boards sometimes. This first chapter came to me when I read someone's post saying something like, 'Print out this board and pass flyers of it to people coming into walmart saying "Welcome to Wal-mart!"'

Ch. 1 Welcome to Wal-mart!

England sighed as he walked the streets of Philadelphia keeping his eyes down to make sure he didn't look at any historical buildings that might be around. He knew it would be unlikely that he would see any and know if they were historic or not but he couldn't help it. Somewhere in this city the Declaration of Independence was signed. Why did the world conference have to be held here of all places?

He sighed again remembering the last meeting where America made a big fuss about the conference always being in Europe. He complained about how long it took for him to get there and convinced all the other nations in the Americas to support him. After an hour of their yelling and whining, Germany finally cracked and agreed to hold the next meeting in America.

It would start in a few days but he as well as most of the other countries came early. Half of them wanted to go sight-seeing and the other half were trying to avoid the loud American so they wouldn't have to hear him talking about all the historic places around and bragging about the American Revolution.

It happened over two hundred years ago! Why can't he just let it go already and stop rubbing it in my face? The blonde thought annoyed wanting nothing more than to lock himself in his hotel room until Sunday came, but then he was in danger of his former colony showing up and dragging him around, so he decided the best way to avoid Alfred was to go into the city. It was pretty big and the chances of running into the git were slim.

The Revolution was something he hated to think about. The thought only bothered him once a year when the wanker's birthday came along and he got drunk. Rarely would he ever go to the party that Alfred invited him to every year.

Arthur was so lost in thought he hadn't noticed he was walking straight for a pole until...

"Bloody hell!"

Several people off the streets turned to stare for a moment before walking off. A hand reached down for his. It surprised him that an American had enough manners to help him up. Quickly, Arthur grabbed it and got to his feet mumbling a 'thank you'. Taking in his surrounding for the first time in hours, he saw that he was just outside of one of the most popular stores in America.

"No problem," the girl said grinning wildly as if his thank you made her day. She giggled before handing him a piece of paper. "Welcome to Wal-Mart!"

The brunette ran off before he could say anything. The island nation felt confused for a moment as he tried to figure out what the paper was about. It looked like a bunch of ways to annoy the hell out of people. His bright green eyes slightly widened as they rested on the title.

"One hundred and one ways to get kicked out of Wal-Mart?"

He threw the paper behind him and started walking away from the building. The blond stopped and turned back to pick the paper back up again telling himself it was just because he was littering. It wasn't like he was going to read it and try anything it said.

That was absurd! Who in their right mind would attempt these for the sole purpose of getting kicked out of a store?

The first chapter was boring but don't worry it'll get interesting. Please review! If you catch any errors please inform me! My keyboard is kind of broken and skips letters sometimes and I haven't been doing good with grammar lately for... reasons...