Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who.. not in this universe, anyway..


He said goodbye. 200 years earlier than he wanted to. But he knew he had to let her go.

Nobody else would die.

Nobody else.

Not again, not Rose, not Amy, not Rory… Not River.

Although, of course, she did die. For him.

Too many people had died because of him.

Too many.

It was the room that did it, the room that reminded him of the monster he was. The room, his room. He had opened the door, expecting Amy's mangled body to fall upon him, to see death. Instead, he saw himself.

A younger him, dressed in a pinstriped suit, watching an alien drown. An alien he drowned. He killed. Rachnos. Fire.

He stood alone, the quiet hum of the console singing, the sound of his breath, the lump in his throat.

The darkness.

The silence.

He flicked a switch, pulled a leaver, disappeared. Left his friends.

He had a lot to do; Jim the fish, Asgard, River Song.

He only had two hundred years, now.

He needed to start making his goodbyes.