A/N Hi guys, I apologize for taking too long to update. Hihihi. I don't really know how to write a chapter that'll make a good ending. ^_^ If this seems crappy to you, I am very sorry. *bows* I just proofread this. :3

So, to everyone, who listed this story to their alerts and faves, to those who took the time to review and share their thoughts, to those who waited for every updates, to those who inspired me to write more, *bows* please accept my thanks! ^_^ *hug tight* THANK YOU MINNA! :D I love you all.

Chapter 15: FAIRY BABY

Natsu shut the refrigerator door close, he was impatiently looking for the milk yet it appears there's none left. It wasn't really his favorite drink, but ever since Lucy got pregnant, it had been a habit in that household that everybody should drink milk, since Lucy hates drinking milk and uses whomever who doesn't drink the beverage as an excuse to exempt herself from drinking too. And so he got used to it as well.

Since Lucy had given up on her apartment in the riverside, he and Happy always sneaks around her new home and practically, well not totally, lives with the couple. Their habit of trespassing Lucy's house had never ceased even up until now.

"Luuuuuuuuuuucy!" Natsu shouted. "There's no milk left…"

"Aye! And fish too…" Happy yelled cutely, raising his right paw as he flies around the kitchen.

"Lucy!" Natsu growled loudly, enough to shake the house.

Gray came down in a rush, "Shut up, you stupid flame head! Don't you see you woke up my wife?" he yelled the instant he saw Natsu.

"Oh, yeah? Well when she gets tired of you, she will come to me… Because I'm the second most important guy in the wedding, I am the best man." He said, his eyes in extreme excitement as he sticks out his tongue. "And, there's no more milk. You should go buy some, I'll take care of Lucy."

"Tough luck, ash brain! She'll never get tired of me, she ended up marrying me and carrying my child, should I remind you?" Gray crossed his arms across his chest and nodded proudly. "She's Lucy Fullbuster now." He exclaimed, emphasizing every words.

"How dull? Lucy Dragneel is better." Natsu mocked, he was enjoying Gray's twitching expression.

"What? You want to fight, idiot?" Gray roared, as he unconsciously takes off his pajamas.

Natsu charged, getting all fired up. "I'm on, you perv –"

"ENOUGH!" Lucy interrupted with a high monotonous voice, her body emitting a dark aura that made the two shiver in fright. She's acting worse than Erza. "Can't you two get along for one freaking day?" She took her whip out, "Or do you want me to rectify you?" she yelled, as she pointed a finger at the two guys in front of her.

"L-Lucy… C-calm down." Gray trembled, looking hopefully at Lucy. This kind of commotion had always been a ritual to them every morning. If it's not Natsu being too loud and annoying, it was Lucy being too demanding and violent. Of course that was just in Gray's point of view, but if you look at it in the bigger picture, Gray plays the big part. A brawl constantly starts with his wrong approach as he always fight with the loud and annoying Natsu and gets beaten up by the demanding and violent Lucy, just because she says he was pissing her off. Mirajane, however, had predicted that it must be because of Lucy's pregnancy that his wife always seems to bully him.

"L-Lucy, it was Gray who challenged me first…" Natsu quivered, his voice shaking. It wasn't until Lucy's pregnancy that he finds himself too scared of her too. Great! And they're not even in Edolas? Lucy had been so cranky ever since that creepy stomach of her started protruding. Lisanna had of course told him about the weird condition Lucy had been going through. The younger white head explained that Lucy is carrying a dragon egg in her stomach, so until she lays the egg, she should always get what she wants (except not drinking milk, they really had to force her, it was for the egg after all… as Natsu had always thought).

"It was you, squinty eyes! You started it first!" Gray yelled, turning to face Natsu.

"I did not! You did, droopy eyes!" Natsu fumed, now leaning face to face with Gray.

"So… you're really asking for it?" Lucy intervened, her voice low. The two tough boys felt shivers run up and down their spines, as they slowly turned their heads to look at the celestial mage who is now releasing a demonic-like aura, as she caresses her stomach in a circular motion.

"O-okay, you can have her, f-fire breath!" Gray stuttered as he slowly took a step backward, preparing to run away.

"N-no fair, snowman! A-after all, sh-she's your wife!" Natsu did the same, sweat starting to build up on his forehead.

The two boys stumbled and ran away. Lucy and Happy was left dumbstruck at the kitchen, "Happy, was I that scary?" she threw Happy a you-better-know-what-to-say-you-stupid-exceed look and tilted her head slightly to the side.

Happy glanced confusedly at the trail Gray and Natsu ran off to, his head in conflict if he should go run away with the two or just answer the question plain and simple. He shrugged, "Eh, Lucy… There's no more fish left…"

Lucy's scary expression quickly changed to the normal Lucy as she walked towards the refrigerator and opened, she examined the contents and grinned widely. "Yay! No milk for today." She said, chuckling. "Wait for me, Happy, we'll go shopping today!"

"But Lucy, fish are the best when we go fishing." Happy protested cutely.

"Fishing, eh? Well, since our two boys ran away… Maybe we could go fishing with Virgo today." Lucy poked her head with her index finger, gesturing as if she was thinking.

Happy beamed widely as she flew straight to Lucy's chest and hugged her, "Aye Lucy! You're the best… even though you're scary!"

Lucy hugged the blue exceed back, "So, I'm scary?" she asked with a low frightening voice.

Happy blinked twice, realizing he just said something he shouldn't have. He slowly glanced up to the blonde. He decided the best thing to do right now was to follow the two boys who just ran away and escape the wrath of a girl who swallowed a dragon egg (that's what Happy and Natsu thought), but too late. Lucy was already stretching the poor cat's mouth violently. "Yushiiiiiii, pweashe shtop… Haym shooooowiiiiiiii. (Lucy, please stop… I'm sorry)" Happy managed to say out loud.

"You stupid, stupid cat!" Lucy shouted, as Happy tried his hardest to save himself from further injury. The crying cat managed to fly away from her, she then grabbed her whip and clumsily ran after him. "Come back here, you foolish kitty!" she yelled, but just before she could take another step, she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She then noticed that her legs were dripping wet. "Oh my God! My water just broke, Happy!" she panicked.

Happy halted as he heard the statement, "What do you mean?" the cat turned his back around to take a look at Lucy.

"Call Gray! Call Gray!" Lucy screeched, "I'm giving birth!" the girl groped to the wall for support.

As the words sunk in one by one to Happy's brain, he immediately ran after Gray and Natsu who was just at the backyard, continuing their little fight. "Gray! Gray! Lucy's laying the egg! Lucy's going to lay the egg now!" Happy yelled, crying. Gray and Natsu lay motionless as both of them stared at Happy questionably.

"Egg?" Gray scratched his head, confused.

"Sh-she's finally going to lay the egg? No more big stomachs? Same old Lucy?" Natsu yelped, his eyes were shining in excitement.

It was then that Gray finally realized what the cat was saying, her wife's going to give birth. He then rushed to Lucy and immediately brought her to the guild, in where Polyushka was waiting. Great timing, right? Well, if it's Polyushka were talking about, it wasn't a coincidence she's there, she had expected it. And with the help of Wendy, both of them managed to make Lucy's labor safe.

Lucy was holding Gray's hand all throughout. He almost felt like fainting, Natsu had insisted that he wanted to stay by Lucy's side too but was drove away by Erza. The scarlet-haired mage said it would bother Polyushka to have both Gray and Natsu around them, since they'll just do nothing but bicker at the small strangest things. That was for sure.

After a lot of groans and moans, Lucy had finally calmed down as she heard the small cry of a little baby. Polyushka wiped off the blood of the baby and covered it with a white cotton cloth. Now, it was Gray's turn to be all nervous. His grip to Lucy's hand getting tighter and icy each second, "Gray, it hurts…" Lucy moaned weakly.

Gray snapped out of his bewilderment and loosened her grip to Lucy, "A-are you okay?" he asked, wiping the formed drips of sweat on Lucy's face.

Lucy was still panting heavily, "I guess I am… But Gray, you're clothes?" She exclaimed, forming a weak smile on her lips.

"Ack! Where did they go?" Gray was again stunned by how he managed to take off his clothes while Lucy was giving birth. He was sure he was wearing his clothes fully when he entered the room.

"What an indecent human?" Polyushka said, raising her right eyebrow. She walked towards us carrying a white buddle, Lucy noticed a small hand reached out, it brought slight tears in her eyes.

"Congratulations Gray-san, Lucy-san… You have a son." Wendy announced enthusiastically.

Gray just sat beside the blonde frozen, Lucy let go of his hand and extended her reach to Polyushka. "Oh, no. No. Not yet human!" Polyushka warned, making Lucy flabbergasted. The blonde was about to protest when she felt the same sharp pain she just felt a while ago on her stomach, "Before you carry your son, you must rest a little first. I understand you want to touch your child, but not now. You just had a sensitive child birth, it might cause you trouble later." The old woman explained.

Lucy's eyes started to welled up in disappointment. "Lucy-san, I promise I'll do everything for your fast recovery…" Wendy said with eyes flaming in determination.

Gray bounced his stares from Wendy to Polyushka to his baby and to Lucy, and then back to his baby. "I-I'll carry him." Gray squealed, almost sounding like a girl.

Lucy looked at him and drew out a warm smile. "Here," Polyushka said without a hint of any emotions on her face as she placed the baby into Gray's arms. "Handle him carefully."

The raven haired boy stiffly nodded, once the child was settled, Lucy leaned her face slowly and placed a soft kiss on its tender head.

"He looks so much like you, Gray…" Lucy whispered to the man at her side, she gently to tap his shoulder and smiled, "Relax."

"H-he's adorable, Lucy." He said softly, his voice couldn't hide the mixed emotions inside him. He was delighted and nervous, he looked over at his son and smiled. "Hello there, little one… I'm your daddy." He said trying not to let his voice break. His eyes welled up in tears. His family now is complete. The family he had longed for years is now right before his own eyes, with Lucy as her wife and now, a little baby boy for him to raise. He would carry this moment to his grave.

There was a slight knock on the door. The new parents and Wendy turned towards the sound to see Erza, Levy, Mirajane, Juvia, Happy and Charle pop their heads in.

"Are you done?" Erza asked nervously. "We wanted to see the child."

Polyushka released a scary aura as she looked at the peeking toms in the door. "You better make the human girl rest, I'll allow you for now… But make sure to be quick. Gaaaaaah! That's why I hate humans!" she hissed, stomping her way out. As she opened the door widely, it was then revealed that most of the guild members were there. Even Makarov himself was trying to elongate his neck just to peek a view of what's happening inside the infirmary room.

Wendy smiled brightly at the sight of the guild members, "It's a baby boy…"

The whole guild roared as they entered the room in a rush, making Polyushka step back and make way. She was annoyed but she understand how happy would the guild be to see their new soon-to-be member. It was in deed a blessing from above. A fairy baby she could call. She drew out a small smile on her tiny lips, Wendy however, was clinging tightly to her skirt. "Aren't they fun, Grandeeney-san?" Wendy commented innocently.

"Don't call me that!" Polyushka rolled her eyes.

Soon, their Fairy Tail family filled up the room. Everyone gathered around the bed to gaze upon the new child.

"Aw, he's so cute!" Levy squeaked.

"He looks like Gray-sama!" Juvia yelled excitedly.

"No way! He's as beautiful as princess…" Loke commented, appearing out of nowhere.

"I wonder whose eyes he got. It must be from me." Erza cupped her chin, and blinked plenty times.

"Oh, so that's how it is when you swallow an egg…" Happy scratched his head with his free hand. "Lucy, I have a gift for your baby egg." He raised a fish tangled in ribbons.

"Where's your brain, cat? I told you that girl didn't swallow an egg. That's not possible!" Charle slapped Happy behind his head.

"She's right, Happy!" Lily nodded stiffly as his hands were crossed close to his chest. "And that gift is no use to him at all." He then pointed a paw at the tangled fish.

Happy pouted. "Really an idiot like his master." Gajeel exclaimed coolly, pretending not to care. He then turned to look at Lucy, "I'll teach your child how to sing, bunny girl!"

Everyone sweat dropped. "I'm a parent of another brat!" Makarov cried out loudly.

Mirajane tapped Makarov's back and smiled, "There, there, Master… This is a happy moment… You should stop crying…"

"What an idiot old man!" Polyushka remarked.

"Hah! Gray's got luck. Good for you." Laxus stated, looking intently at the child.

"And I thought you'll end up doing it with Loke, cosplay girl! I was rooting for you." Bixlow teased, making Loke let out a few cough.

"I thought that, too." Loke intervened.

"What the hell, Loke?" Gray howled in a low voice, trying to avoid startling his new born child.

Loke pushed his glasses up on his nose, "Of course, I was just kidding." He winked.

"Gray and Lucy, you're the man! Raise him like a man!" Elfman punched a fist in the air.

"Lucy's not a man, stupid!" Evergreen rolled her eyes.

"I'm interested in teaching your little boy ecritures… He must learn how to trap his own daddy in times of need." Fried interjected.

"Shut up Fried!" Gray shrugged, now looking back at his baby boy.

"We have to party! Let's make him drink booze now, Gray!" Cana sneaked in, holding a baby bottle with alcohol as its contents.

"Are you crazy, Cana? Gray! Try doing that and I'll throw you out of the house!" Lucy cautioned in a serious tone.

Gray shivered in fright, "O-of course not." He sputtered.

"What are you going to name him?" Lisanna asked in amusement, eyes locked at the baby Gray was holding in his arms. He leaned back and looked around, "And where is Natsu?"

The question made the cheerful chatter stop as everyone wondered the answer.

Natsu however was wandering around the infirmary room, he suddenly appeared beside Lucy from under the bed and asked her where the egg she laid was. "Come on, Lucy. You don't need to be shy. Where's the egg?" Natsu barked.

"What egg are you talking about, you idiot?" Gray disputed, "It wasn't an egg! No wonder your stupid cat kept babbling about Lucy laying an egg. It was all your idea after all. Stupid master and cat!" he argued.

"What did you say, foolish exhibitionist?" Natsu defied, he was about to charge to Gray when he noticed what his rival was holding into his arms. He reached out a nervous hand to the little child. As he was about to pull back, the baby boy grasped his index finger tightly. He shook it playfully. It looked like a happy greeting to the pink-haired man. Everyone remained silent, watching the little scene Natsu and the baby was making. Natsu leaned down closer to the baby. "Maybe he believed I'm his daddy… He was from a dragon's egg after all." Natsu let out his signature grin.

Gray felt a vein pop out of his head, as the others started to laugh hysterically. "He wasn't from an egg, you flame bastard!" he yelled, making the baby cry.

"Let me… Let me hold him?" Natsu was too amazed to let the opportunity pass. He wanted to hold the baby into his arms too. "I'm the best man! I should be the next one to hold him. Come on! Come on!"

Gray panicked, it wasn't clear to him if he was about to get angry to Natsu or he should make his little boy stop crying first. After all, it was his fault he cried. He then looked at Lucy for permission, she smiled and nodded. That must be an 'okay'. So he carefully placed the baby to Natsu's arms. "Careful, Natsu." Lucy warned worriedly.

Natsu couldn't describe how nice it was to hold the little baby in his arms, though little Gray was still crying. He knew it wasn't his but the fact that it was still from her felt nauseous, he used to dream of this moment in the past. He smiled unconsciously, "Call me daddy, okay?" the pink-haired boy spoke. Everybody laughed.

Of course, except Gray. "No way, I'm his daddy!" he screeched, pointing an angry finger to Natsu.

"Not fair!" Natsu pouted, "I'm better suited to be his daddy!"

"Like you are?" Gray argued.

"Yes, I am –" just when Natsu was about to argue back, he felt something warm and wet dripping on his chest. "D-did he just pee on me?"

Gray fell down laughing, "T-that's my boy!" Gray cheered.

Lucy smiled warmly, "We haven't even thought of a name, and yet you guys were arguing who will be called 'daddy'." The crying baby started to tone down, as Wendy took the child and change his wrapping with another clean white cloth.

The whole room broke into laughter. It was a memorable moment for Fairy Tail. For the first time, that gathering didn't end up into a big brawl like it always does. After some time, the name had been decided…

"Yousei… will be his name." Gray declared, leaving everybody silent. "I will name him after fairies… He's my fairy." He smiled, wrapping his strong arm around Lucy, who was now holding their baby after drinking some recovery drink made by Wendy. Polyushka, however, is not pleased to have the whole guild inside the room, she believed it might create stress to the new mother. But of course, there's nothing she can do but complain about how hard headed humans are, especially this guild.

"Hi there, Yousei… Do you like the name your father gave you?" Lucy asked tenderly, making cute faces as she looked at Yousei.

"I didn't give him that name! He should be named after me, Natsu Junior!" Natsu scratched his head as he sat down on another bed.

"That's not right! It should be Happy Junior!" Happy chirped in, now munching the fish he meant to give to Lucy's baby.

"Like that gorgeous baby be named before you, you weak cat! If it's about the name, it should be before me, Erza Junior!" Erza commanded as she tapped her chest twice with her fist.

Lucy chuckled, "What do you think, baby? How's Natsu Junior?" she looked down at the child, Gray felt a vein popped out of his head. "How about Happy Junior?" another vein popped out of Gray's head, "…hmm, Erza Junior?" Now, Gray was about to object when Lucy spoke again, "Yousei?" The baby let out a small chuckle. Everyone's attention was again drawn on to the infant. He was so cute, and he just chuckled. Is that even possible for a new born baby? "Then, it's decided. His name is Yousei. Say hi to your family, Yousei…" Lucy smiled sweetly as she plays her finger along with his little hands.

"Tonight, we party! All booze on me!" Makarov yelled out, crying again. He was going emotional as he remembered the hardship Lucy and Gray went through, and just at the sight of a child, everything fell right back into place, like everything that happened made sense after all. Once again, the energetic guild roared to shake the whole building in delight.

Lucy handed her husband Yousei, "Good job on choosing a name, Mr. Fullbuster." She whispered softly against his ears.

"Let's make another baby, Lucy!" Gray whispered back excitedly as he placed Yousei in his arms carefully. "Let's make 30 more babies!"

"Didn't you see how painful it was to give birth?" Lucy hissed, terrified. "Are you planning to kill me?"

"I heard that Lu-chan! It would be great to have 30 more babies?" Levy nudged quietly, "Apparently, Mira had found a spell that'll transfer a pregnant woman's pain to her husband or any other man. Why not let him try?" she chuckled innocently, she then looked at Gray "Right Gray?"

Gray, in his perverted mood nodded in agreement to no end. "Yes! Yes! I won't let my beloved Lucy to get hurt again by giving birth, so I'd do it even if it takes a hundred times!" he swore.

Lucy and Levy giggled, "That's so sweet, Gray!" Erza tapped his back. "Consider me a witness to this, Lucy. I promise to make sure Gray keeps his words! He said it on his own will anyway." Erza looked at Lucy with determination in her eyes.

"I love you, Gray!" Lucy smiled.

"I love you too, Lucy!" Gray answered back.

"I love you more, Lucy!" Natsu yelled, interrupting the moment.

And so, as everyone gathered and partied around that night, Lucy smiled in peace. Finally, she could live a tranquil life with the people who were nearest and dearest to her heart. Even though her parents weren't among them to see Yousei's birth, and see him grow up, she knew they were always watching over her. They were smiling down upon their little daughter and their grandson who would one day grow up to be a great person with the guidance of Fairy Tail.
