Authors Note: Hay everyone here is the first chapter of the newley improved 'An unforgettable journey". The changes on the first few chapters are not to big. Thank you all for your support.

Summary: Rachel is an outsider with a secret past. Finn the popular jock fights his way into her heart. When the truth comes out, it threatens to destroy their love. My finchel version of 'A walk to remember'

Disclaimer: I dont own anything Glee, or Music.

Chapter 1.

Finn's P.O.V

I've been popular since like sixth grade in Lima cuz of all the sports I play. Its cool to be at the top of the food chain as they call it. Once high school starts everything changes. Popularity at McKinley High school is different than Jr. High. The stakes are higher, and the parties are actually worth going to. I mean life as jock is awesome. Everyone ether wants to be either be me or be friends with me. I got the girls begging me to date them and most theses girls fall all over me. I've dated a few of them here and there. None of them worth a long relationship. I have everybody's respect.

I'm on student council, and made homecoming king last year. The whole school knows who I am. Here I am my Sophomore year and I expect nothing less of myself than to be popular, along side my girlfriend Quinn Fabray, captain of the cheerios. We've dating for three months now. I'm running for student-body present this year. So yeah I can say I have it all. Nothing less. I'm not rich, but that didn't keep people from being friends with me.

"I will make changed at this school. Make this school greener, a place where students can come to when they need a place to turn to." I declared during my speech.

I could hear people cheering me on. The other players on the football team patted me on the back, showing support.

I turned over to kiss Quinn. Damn this girl is hot. Blond, tall with blue eyes. I loved being popular. What else was there?

I looked up into the crown and this girl caught me eye. Her face was familiar but couldn't remember who she was. Her hair was hidden in a baggy hat. She has brown eyes and was wearing black pants and a gray sweater, she didn't even wear makeup. I could tell she watched me from far away. I don't know who the hell she is, but I do know that girl from where I just cant remember where I've seen her. I cant take my eyes off her. She looked at me and began to walk away from the crown.

"Why are you looking at that goth loser?" Quinn asked me as she wrapped her arms me.

"Because she's a loser." I pointed out as I turning around to face the crown…..

Two weeks later I was giving another speech at an assembly. I know had so much power I have over the school. Everyone cheered me on. It felt good being the most popular guy at school….Then there SHE was once again. The same girl from the corner of my eyes. She was wearing the same similar back pants and black sweater. This so called loser caught my eye for some reason. No girl dose this to me, especially one that wore the same thing and had nothing special. Still I had to just get her out of my big head.

I quickly ran over to her before she walked away.

"I'm Finn Hudson, I've haven't see you here to McKinley. Are you new here? You didn't seem interested in my speech last time I spoke." I introduced myself to this girl as I walked with her.

"First of all I know who you are. Second of all I've known you since we were seven. You don't notice girls like me." The girl rolled her eyes and began to walk way from me.

"No one walks away from." I say trying to keep up with her.

"Well it looks like I'm the first." She says and finally stops walking "Your as arrogant as you are an ass whole."

"Ouch that hurt." I replied in a cocky tone. She looks at me and rolled her eyes at me and starts walking again.

"Hold on a second. What's your name?" I asked trying to keep up with her.

"You don't even know my name. So typical of a jock. Then again you are a typical jackass. I'm Rachel Berry." Rachel snarled. I rolled my eyes behind her.

"So do I get your vote Rachel Berry?" I asked giving her my trademark smile.

"You think I want to vote for you just because your popular? You walk around here like you're the king of the world. Think again. Not all girls are falling all over you. I'm no different. So do yourself a favor and stay the hell away from me and go back to your blond girlfriend. She seems to be angry that your talking to a nobody." She finished saying as she walked away slowly.

Rachel spoke so quickly that my pea sized brain didn't have time to register what she was saying.

"Girlfriend? W….w…where?" I asked. I looked around to see Quinn walking towards me, crap I know I'm in trouble. Unfortunately I don't care about Quinn. I'm only with her because she the most popular girl in school. I don't even have sex with her. No else knows though and I'm trying to keep it that way.

"What was that about?" Quinn question as she got closer to me.

"Nothing important." I denied. No girl ever turned me down. I watched as Rachel walked away with her head down. I saw when Puck throw a slushy in her face from a short distance. Rachel turned to me with an angry face.

"Who were you just talking to?" She chuckled when she saw Rachel being slushied in the face.

"No one apparently. Just a loser" I answered. We went to rejoined the crowd of people cheering me on. The spotlight was all on me. Rachel disappeared in the crowd.

"She's nobody Finn, forget about her." Quinn pointed as she leaning up to kiss me. I kissed her back, but I didn't feel anything. Why was he with her again? I don't want sex from her even though everyone thinks I'm a player. I lied about being with girls to keep my rep. Wow I am pathetic as they get...