So I decided that what I originally published wasn't enough for a first chapter so this is a repost of the same chapter but with a little more added to it. Not much is different, Just a few more sentences in the beginning. Please enjoy and review (:
Disclaimer: Obvious right? If I owned any anime I wouldn't need to be on this site. I don't own Ouran High school Host Club!
Claimer: The plot and any OC's are mine!
Painful Memories
Chapter 1
It was any normal week at Ouran. The host club was performing its usual tasks of caring for its guests every day after school in the renown music room #3. However, as days went on and the school festival was now far from the student's minds, the once happy host club began to gain a tenser air. The boys concern slowly grew as they watched their only female host grow darker and quieter each day. The Hitachiin twins, normally pulling pranks on their fellow club members every chance they got, as well as Tamaki, would ask her multiple times each day if they did something wrong; Tamaki in normally a hysterical manner. Each time she would smile at them and simply shake her head, saying she was fine. However, slowly they all began to realize (even the normally dense host club king) that her eyes never seemed to hold the sincerity.
It was the middle of the week and their customers were slowly leaving as the day began to wind to an end. Haruhi found herself sitting at her usual table, however, instead of watching the antics of her fellow hosts like she did every other day; she was looking at her cell phone, thoughts swirling through her mind. She was jolted out of her thoughts when a hand gently touched her arm. She turned to see Hunny concerned face looking up at her and slowly noticed that everyone else was around her with varying similar expressions.
"Haru-chan, are you alright?" his petite voice asked, making her forget for a moment that the young looking boy was actually one of the oldest members. She opened her mouth to respond when another voice interrupted her first.
"Yes, you had your phone out throughout the entire club, it was putting off our customers," Kyouya Ootori said from his seat across from her while typing into his computer. After a second of typing he looked up to eye her and she quickly looked away. She opened her mouth to speak, to try to argue, when a loud ringing made her jump. She looked at the phone in shock and quickly snatched it from the table. Standing up she noticed everyone staring at her, waiting for an answer to her unusual behavior.
"Sorry guys. Excuse me for a second," she said before running to the back and entering the changing room.
The guys stood motionless for a few moments, all just looking at each other in shock before the twins began to move towards the back. "What do you two think you're doing," Tamaki asked incredulously and with a dramatic loudness. They both turned back to him simultaneously, giving him the same look of annoyance that their leader didn't seem to understand.
"We are going to listen at the door," Kaoru said.
"How else are we gonna find out what's wrong," Hikaru added as they both shrugged and continued to the back. Tamaki was about to start yelling when Hunny, Mori, and Kyouya pushed passed him to follow the twins. The king gaped at his hosts before sullenly following behind, also wanting to know what was wrong with his precious 'daughter.' The twins already had their ears up against the door although it wasn't necessary because they could all hear her quiet voice from within.
"Thank you for calling me... Yes, no I understand what it would mean, but how is he?" The eavesdropping boys gave each other varying looks of confusion while the shadow king pondered silently to himself behind the others, his gaze stuck on the door in front of them.
"What? What do you mean he regressed? I thought he was doing better?" Her voice grew in loudness before growing quiet again, a touch of fear in her tone.
"No, he can't! Why did he make that decision on his own? I... I, yes I understand, thank you for telling me. Goodbye," she said and they heard the phone shut with a loud snap. The boys immediately moved away from the door and back to their tables, waiting for Haruhi to come back into the room. However, they began to worry as time went on. Tamaki slowly began to pace, unbeknownst to him he slowly began to move closer to the back each time he completed a pace. He was halfway between the others and the door when it opened and Haruhi exited. Tamaki froze and was about to exclaim and ask if she was okay when the twins ran past him, making him stumble and almost fall on his face.
"Haruhi, what was that all about?" Hikaru asked, almost angrily because her tone of voice had scared him and being angry was the easiest way for him to act. Kaoru touched his brother's shoulder with his hand, hoping to calm him down before turning to look at the boy dressed girl before him, only to notice her darkened eyes.
"What's wrong," he asked as everyone else moved up around them. Haruhi quickly shook her head.
"It's nothing, just had to take a call." She knew the suspicious looks meant they didn't believe her and so she attempted to smile, to disarm them. However, she realized she didn't have the energy to force a smile and instead dropped her head to avoid looking at them as she walked past.
"Why do you look like your about to cry then?" Hunny's hesitant voice asked and everything halted. The other hosts looked at him in shock at his tactlessness before turning to look at Haruhi who stood stock still. They couldn't see her eyes because she was looking down but instead they saw something more shocking. The light from the window hit her face and a glimmer appeared that slowly slide down her cheek before it fell and splashed on the ground.
"Haruhi what's wrong?" Tamaki asked in his dramatic fashion. He stepped forward and grabbed her, spinning her around so he could crush her in a bear hug like he normally would but instead stepped back in shock. Her face was streaming with tears.
"Haruhi, what..." Tamaki trailed off, the normally suave host unsure of what to say to the unusually emotional Haruhi.
"I'm sorry," she said softly before turning and running for the door.