So this is my first ever FanFiction and I am really excited. I've been waiting for someone to publish a story like this but I finally had to do it myself. I hope everyone enjoys it. Pretty please read and review so I know I'm not a complete failure. Thank you!

Summary: The Doctor, Amy, Rory, and River just finish up a mission when they get a message from Rose Tyler. I know Rose is in a different universe with her family and the Meta-Crisis Doctor, but I needed to bring them in somehow. Also the Diviner and the Psychlofo's are my own creation. I will try to explain what it is. Post 6th Season of Doctor Who.

Chapter One: A Message from Beyond

The Doctor launched the TARDIS off into space with a great "Geronimo" while River, Amy, and Rory all caught their breath near the stairs.

"Never…" River panted. "Never…do…that…again!"

The Doctor turned back to his companions. "What?"

"We could've died back there!" Rory said. "What were those things?"

"Psychlofo's." the Doctor said joyously. "They are brilliant! Did you see all those people running for their lives!"

Amy frowned. "You seem very happy about that?"

The Doctor shook his head still smiling. "No of course not, I just can't believe no one had thought about controlling goldfish before, I mean it was brilliant! Goldfish!"

Amy nodded, making a face. "Yes I still smell like a fishbowl."

"You smell as wonderful as you always do." Rory said to his wife. To the Doctor he said "How did they do it, I mean, control Goldfish into attacking people?"

"That is an excellent question Mr. Pond." The Doctor pulled a plate-sized metallic disk with a hole in the middle of it out of his tweed jacket. "They used this."

No one said anything.

The Doctor's face fell a bit, pouting. "Well, isn't any one going to ask what it is?"

"What is it?" Rory asked.

The Doctor smiled broadly again. "It is-"

"Well it is obvious isn't it?" River leaned back against the railing of the stairs. "It is a teleport device that will temporally transport you to a point in time that you specify; usually con artists use it to protect investments. Probably a Model 4 Diviner, correct Doctor?"

The Doctor's face fell once again. "You are not actually transported anywhere, it is your surroundings that change. You tell it to show you something and it will show you. For example, if I asked 'will I always look this ridiculously handsome?' Then it will show me myself in thousand years still looking handsome." He stuck his tongue out at River.

River shrugged. "It basically is a technological way of telling the future."

"So, what, they used it to show them how they were going to take over the Earth?" Amy asked confused. "And it told them goldfish was the way they did it?"


Amy shook her head, her eyebrows raised. "I will never understand aliens."

"So what do we do with it now?" Rory asked.

"Well that's just it, I don't know." The Doctor said looking at the disk. "I mean, we can't let it fall into the wrong hands, claws, or tentacles. Especially tentacles." He made a face and rubbed his thumb and pointer finger together. "It would get all sticky with mucus."

"Keep it on the TARDIS, it'll be safe here." River said.

"Yes that is a good idea." The Doctor said sarcastically. "I'll go put it in my room."

Everyone froze.


"You said your room." Amy said.

"Yes, I did."

Rory's eyebrows rose in surprise. "You have a room?"

"Well of course I do."

"You sleep?" River asked surprised.

The Doctor sighed. "Everyone needs a room."

"Do you sleep, Doctor?" Amy asked with raised eyebrows.

"Why must we always talk about me?" the Doctor asked, sliding between the companions and up the stairs. "'Who is River Song and what does she have to with the Doctor's future?', 'What is the Doctor's real name?', and 'Does the Doctor sleep?' Honestly Ponds, don't you have better things to do with your time?"

With that the Doctor disappeared into the corridor, leaving his annoyed companions speechless.

As the Doctor walked through the corridor, he passed Amy and Rory's room. He didn't really like thinking about their room since he had discovered that River had been conceived on the TARDIS, it just made him feel a little awkward. It was almost as awkward as when he passed River's door…his wife's door.

The Doctor shuddered a bit at the thought. What would he do in her room?

The Doctor wouldn't admit it, but he was more scared of that thought than of an army of Daleks.

The Doctor continued down the corridor to his room.

"That man drives me mad." River said shaking her head. "He's brilliant and I love him, but he drives me mad."

Amy laughed. "Yes I think he leaves that kind of impression on everyone."

"Well, I for one," said Rory. "Don't love him."

"Oh, Rory, sweet wonderful, Rory," Amy said, pressing her forehead to his. "Yes you do."

Rory sighed.

River opened her mouth but a loud BEEP kept her getting a word out.

"You have received a message." Said the calm, ghostly voice of the TARDIS interface.

River, Rory, and Amy looked to one another, looking for an explanation.

River turned and spoke to the control panel of the TARDIS. "A message from whom?"

There was a pause as the TARDIS searched for an answer. "Unknown."

"From what year?" River tried again.


River through her hands up, exasperated. "What can you tell us?"

There was another pause and then. "Bad Wolf has returned to the TARDIS."

River froze. "What?"

"Bad Wolf has returned to the TARDIS."

"What does that mean?" asked Amy.

River said nothing.

"What is 'Bad Wolf'?" Amy asked.

"Bad Wolf is—was—someone the TARDIS created to save the Doctor." River was surprised and little afraid, which Rory found unsettling.


"A companion. A companion who looked into the Heart of the TARDIS and it did…things to her." River shivered a bit.

"What kind of 'things'?" Rory asked.

"It made her inhuman." River said. "The Heart of a TARDIS in a human body. It should have killed her."

"It didn't?"

River shook her head.

"Then why did it say that Bad Wolf has returned?"

River said nothing.

"What are we all standing around looking glum for?" said the Doctor as he appeared at the top of the stairs. "You're not all still upset that I didn't answer your question, are you?"

River spoke to the control panel. "Repeat transmission."

"You have received a message."

"Oooh, a message." The Doctor rubbed his palms together. "From whom?"


The Doctor frowned. "From what year?"


"What can you tell us?" River said again, monotone.

"Bad Wolf has returned to the TARDIS."

The Doctor stopped smiling. "What?"

"Bad Wolf has returned to the TARDIS."

"Make it stop saying that!" Amy exclaimed, shaken by the now eerie message.

"Doctor?" River looked to the frozen man. "What are you going to do?"

The Doctor didn't look at her. "Open message."

A hologram of a small, dark-haired woman in a black and white dress-suit appeared near River, who jumped back in surprise and joined her parents near the Doctor.

The hologram woman smiled broadly and said in a honey sweet voice, without true emotion "This message requires a voice password for the 'Doctor'. If you are not the 'Doctor', please cancel this message relay and continue on your way. If you are the 'Doctor', then please give the password."

"What's the password?" Amy asked the Doctor who did not reply.

River looked at the hologram woman. "Bad Wolf."

The hologram woman shook her head and, still smiling, said. "Bad Wolf is not the correct password."

"Doctor?" Amy tried again but the Doctor remained still, his face frozen in surprise. "Doctor, you have to open it."

"Do I?" said the Doctor quietly. He snapped his head up and gave a hard laugh. "Why should I? Hmm Amelia Pond? Why should I?"

Amy was a little shocked at the Doctor's reaction. "What-what if it's important. What if someone needs your help?"

"It wouldn't matter if anyone near the person who must have sent this message needed help, because I couldn't help them!"

"Why?" said Amy, angry now at the way the Doctor was treating her.

"Because they aren't even in this universe, they aren't anywhere where I could help them. Not without destroying our universe and theirs."

"I don't understand."

The Doctor smiled a bit. "I don't want you to have to."

Amy couldn't think of what to say.

"Maybe they've figured out a way around that sweetie." River said quietly.

"Yes maybe they have." The Doctor looked at the hologram. "Or maybe it's a trick."

"Does it matter?" River said. "Would you really risk their lives—the lives of the people you love?"

The Doctor said nothing.

"Just give her the password sweetie."

"Do you know the password?" Rory asked.

The Doctor looked at each of their faces. He finally settled on the River's.

"Do you know what will happen?" he asked her.

"For once, Doctor, you must take the slow path." She responded.

The Doctor said nothing.

"Doctor?" Amy tried. "What are you going to do?"

The Doctor smiled. "I'm going to save her."

"Save who?"

"I'm going to save—"he looked at the hologram. "Rose Tyler."

The hologram smiled. "Rose Tyler is the correct password."

The hologram changed into a different image. This image was of a young blonde woman in a once stylish but now torn, black suit with a dark, pink blouse. The blouse had dark smudges of what looked like ash and dried blood on it. There was a small, but deep looking cut above her left eyebrow streaked with dried blood. Her hair was matted with the same dark substance as on her shirt and blood. She smiled sadly.

"Doctor, if you're getting this message, then I'm dead."

I cannot stress this enough: please, please review. Leave comments, say whatever, it doesn't even have to be about the story. Just talk about your day.