Thank you to anyone that followed 'Finding that Holiday Spirit'. And I close off this fic with a bonus one...Arizona celebrating the new year!

Bonus Chapter: A New Year

Six days later...

New Year's Eve; Valley of Peace

The sun starts to set and at the Jade Palace, everyone was excited for the new year to come in, including Musaki. He was uber-excited to have this happening, because it's the best time to start all over and make new goals and also because he's excited about turning 17 soon. He walks across the Peach Tree and he sees Arizona sitting there watching the sun go down. He walks over to him and he asked, "So...first time celebrating New Years, huh?"

Arizona looks up at Musaki and replied, "Yeah, I guess. I mean, I've heard of it, but I never actually celebrated it before. Every year in Kong Wolf City, Dai Ling's comrades way to celebrating new years is making new goals to being torture to the innocent, making my life more miserable and when they party, they usually get drunk, make out with random girls and party until they're passed out. And sometimes...most of them were mating."

Musaki had a little mental picture in his head about that explanation about mating on new years and he said, "I think I can live my whole life without that picture in my head."

"It's scary." Arizona shuddered.

Musaki shook it off and he smiled at him and said, "Well...ours is gonna be a little different. We have confetti, fireworks, streamers and everything fun. We totally know how to rock a new year."

Arizona felt like he was gonna take his word for it and he wanted some fun for once and he said, "What do you guys normally do?"

Seconds later, Shifu explained to Arizona, Ruiz, Shing and Kazuo about how they celebrate New years and said, "We have a huge festival in the valley of peace where everyone in the entire town celebrates the new year. It's usually about 500 valley residents or travelers that come here and we're the ones that bring in all the fun; dancing, food and making new years resoultions."

"Sounds really awesome." Shing replied.

"Since you're new members, what are you new years resoultions?"

Shing tried to think of one and then he said, "Be a better brother and student and hopefully to prove myself to be an awesome kung-fu master."

Then it was Kazuo's turn to think of one himself and replied, "Get used to a new life and just enjoy life, period."

Ruiz had his turn and also said, "I'm hoping to just live my life the way I would live; no violence and also just live a peaceful life that I never had."

Then, Shifu looks at Arizona and he wasn't sure how to make a new goal mfor himself, but after everything that's happened, he had the strength to just explain his resoultion. He clears his throat and said, "I hope that my new life stays like this and I can learn how to be a better student, a better friend and also...make my dad proud. And to just live my life in peace and protect my friends more."

That kind of resoultion made a believer out of Shifu and he said, "I think you will do well within in the new year."

"Does the Furious Five have new years resolutions too?" asked Ruiz.

"Same as every year; get better and more stronger."

"And what about the Dragon Warrior?"

They see Po gobbling some of the noodles on his bucket, leaving them a little uncomfortable and Shifu disgusted and then, Po burps loudly and said, "That's some good noodles."

Shifu groans in embarassment and replied, "With the Dragon Warrior, I'm hoping he'll lose weight and not make a fool of himself and getting himself into one of his little exploits."

"That bad, huh?" asked Kazuo.

"But I know that he'll at least...and I do mean at least...try to do better."

As nightfall comes in, the kung-fu masters came out of the palace and into town and already there are several people coming out looking forward to the new year as well. Arizona and Musaki chuckled softly and they could see the entire valley decorated for New years. Arizona chuckled and said, "Wow. That looks awesome."

"Yeah, I know. How cool is that?" asked Musaki.


Suddenly, they see Jo, Ichi, Fu, Kaguya, Ren and Naomi coming in from behind and Musaki said, "Hey, guys!"

"Happy New Year's Eve!" Ichi exclaimed.

"Same as you guys."

Suddenly, they see Zeke coming out of Uncle Mako's place along with Max, Samurai and Phoenix and Arizona was happy to see Max and he went over to him and said, "Hey, little buddy."

"Hey, Arizona." Max said, with a smile.

"Looking forward to New Year's?"

"You bet!"

Then, he looks up at Samurai and he said, "The birthday continues."

Samurai chuckled softly and he said, "Yep. I'm 18 now. The party never ends and I still wanna celebrate it on a night like this. It kinda feels weird knowing that I'm almost an adult, but still a teenager. It feels awesome regardless because I have a lot more freedom."

Phoenix scoffs and said, "Freedom? Dude, you couldn't even stay out late if you wanted to."

"Watch me."

"You guys coming with us?" asked Arizona.

Everyone exclaimed, "Heck yeah!"

Later on, they had this big stage in the Valley where everyone was looking forward to the celebration of New Years and Shifu came up and said, "I'm glad to see you all here on this special occasion. As this year comes to an end, we must look forward to what's ahead of us in the new year. I'm sure everyone has their new years' resoultion settled and we hope you'll accomplish those goals you'll see this coming year. Now, let's have some fun!"

The crowd starts cheering and there's music playing as everyone is having a lot of fun. Musaki then sees Naomi looking at the sky and he asked, "What's on your mind?"

She looks at Musaki and replied, "I'm hoping I have a better year than last time. It's just...I've never had any friends and most of them hate me for me."

He puts his hand on her shoulder and said, "I'm hoping you have a great year too. And don't worry. You'll be just fine. With me, anything is possible."

She reached out and gave him a huge hug and she said, "Thanks, Musaki. You're a great friend."

"If by friend, you mean your potential mate?"

Suddenly, he sees Samurai and Phoenix laughing at this and Musaki was shocked to know that someone spilled the beans and shouted, "Really?"

"Ichi told us everything." Phoenix added, while making kissy faces.

Then, he looks at Ichi and he let out a sinister chuckle and he said, "It was Kage, actually."

Musaki rolled his eyes at this and he said, "When this is over, you're so gonna get it, Kage."

Kage smirked at Musaki and he said, "Hey, you can't take the heat, get out of the volcano."

Naomi seemed kinda embarassed about this and she started blushing a little and Musaki said, "Pardon my cousins. They like to be a little...rambunctious."

"I see. I hope they weren't serious." Naomi added.

"They're never times."

Then, Musaki, Ichi, Jo, Kaguya, Fu, Ren, Arizona, Ruiz, Shing, Zeke and Kazuo went on the stage and as some fast music started playing, they started dancing. Jo showed off his kung-fu moves with a backflip with some breakdancing in and he ended with him standing in his hands. Then, Fu and Kaguya did some kung-fu dance moves along with some backflips and frontflips while doing tumbles.

Ren and Zeke did some dancing as well to show off their glow-in-the-dark bandanas when Ren jumps up to the stage and Zeke does the splits and Ren lands on the ground with a peace sign in the air. Kazuo, Shing and Ruiz does a backflip/kung-fu/breakdance move that got the crowd on their feet and jump up and does the anti-gravity lean on the left and the right.

And finally, Musaki, Arizona and Ichi ended with a breakdance with a kung-fu routine where they jumped up the stage, did a backflip and millions of twirls and ended with a pose saying, "SKADOOSH!"

Everyone in the crowd was riveted and cheered like crazy and everyone in the crowd cheered hysterically, including the Five and Po. Po pumped his fist in the air and shouted, "All right, Lil' Saki!"

Then, everyone else came and took their bows, making the cheers intensify and they got off the stage while Shifu was getting back on it and he said, "Now I don't know who will top those moves."

"That was insane!" Crane exclaimed.

"Yo, that was wicked sweet!" Mantis added.

"Best moves I've ever seen." Monkey said, happily.

"That blew my mind to the extreme." Viper said.

"You guys were awesome to the max!" Po exclaimed.

"You really impressed me as well." Tigress said.

Suddenly, another dance song was playing and the entire valley was dancing along to it and suddenly, Musaki and Arizona were the ringleaders for their moves. Every move they make, everyone else does and they followed their every move they can dance with. It was the best way to kick off the new year.

Suddenly, it was 1 minute until midnight and Shifu said, "It's time for the new year, everyone! Get ready!"

Everyone got ready for this moment to come in and when it got closer, everyone shouted, "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

Streamers, confetti and fireworks were all over and everyone cheered loudly as the new year reigned in the valley. Soon enough, Musaki and Arizona were totally excited about the new goals they'll set for the new year. And then, Musaki gets to the stage and asked Samurai to come to the stage and danced with him. Another dance song was playing and both of them were dancing like never before and pretty soon, everyone was getting into it, like loving life as well.

Arizona joined in as well and so did the Five, Shifu and Po as they celebrated the new year together.

When it ended, everyone was cheering loudly and Musaki looked at Samurai and said, "Happy birthday, cuz!"

"Best birthday ever!" Samurai shouted.

Then, he looks at Arizona and he was smiling and said, "Told you this new years was awesome."

"And you made it possible. This is the best night ever." Arizona added.

"Mine too. Happy new years, buddy."

"Same to you."

And that's it everybody! Thank you all for loving this story and for taking time to read this bonus fic! Ichi, Fu, Ren, and Kaguya are owned by Wonder Panda Tan-Tan, Naomi is owned by seylenagomez and Jo is owned by Jo 'Po' Navark. Hope you guys have a happy new year! Reign 2012!