Happy MLK day everybody! So here is the final chapter of my first fanfiction (which I had a blast writing, by the way), and I hope you all enjoy. I'd like to thank all my readers for their support, but especially my reviewers, including Im BusyPlanningGlobalDomination (who I forgot to mention last time, sorry about that), WordNerb93, BroadwayFanGirl91, and Midnight4568. You guys are the greatest! As always, I do not own Phineas and Ferb, but I also do not own the song I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues by Elton John, which I thought I should include in this chapter. If you've never heard it before, I encourage you to listen to it, it's one of my favorite songs of all time. :) Again, thank you all for sticking with my story, and without further ado, I give you the final chapter.

Chapter 11

"I'm Lindana and I wanna have fun!

I wanna wanna wanna have fun fun fun!"


Everyone clapped as Linda Flynn-Fletcher took a bow. She left the stage and took a seat next to her husband, who was sitting off of the dance floor, surveying the scene.

"Oh, Lawrence," she said, "The dance has been such a success this year! Look at all these kids enjoying themselves! I'm so glad we decided to help chaperone."

"Same here," Lawrence agreed. "How many comeback tours until you get the free pie, by the way?"

"Hmmm," Linda thought, "20 or so, maybe?"

The M.C. for the night then came onstage and took the mic.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Lindana!"

The crowd applauded again, and Linda smiled and took another bow.

"And now," the M.C. continued, "it's time for the world-famous annual Danville Summer Dance dancing contest! Everyone get up front and start dancing – our judges will decide the winners after watching your moves to this next song!"

A cool dance beat began to play, and most everyone hurried to the dance floor. Phineas and Isabella, however, who were sitting in the back of the room together, knew the inevitable outcome of this contest. The two stayed behind and Phineas gave his brother a wink as Ferb walked up front calmly.

"See, he'll start off slow," Phineas explained to Isabella as they watched Ferb sway slowly on the dance floor. "And then, when everyone least expects it, he'll bust a sweet move!"

Sure enough, after a few minutes, Ferb broke into an amazing breakdancing routine. Everyone stopped to watch as Ferb moved with wondrous skill. And to end his act, he did his famous up-the-wall backslide up a speaker and landed in a split on top. Everyone applauded profusely. The M.C. came back onstage holding a trophy.

"And the winner is, for the fifth year in a row, Ferb Fletcher!"

Everyone cheered as the M.C. helped Ferb off the speaker and handed him the trophy. Phineas and Isabella applauded from the back of the room.

"That's my bro," Phineas smiled.

Isabella grinned back at him and sighed with delight, for Phineas had timidly taken her hand during the dance.

Baljeet and Buford were sitting at another table on the other side of the room. Baljeet was casually observing Phineas and Isabella while Buford was munching on some snacks.

"Look at them, they are so cute!" Baljeet mused. "I guess everything worked out, didn't it, Buford...? Buford? Where'd you go?"

Baljeet looked around him but Buford had disappeared from the table and was nowhere to be seen. Baljeet glanced at the dance floor however, and saw the bully standing there, heading over towards the chatting Fireside Girls.

"I wonder what he's up to…" Baljeet thought to himself. But suddenly a slow song started to play over the speakers.

"All right, everyone," the M.C. said, "it's time to grab a partner for a slow dance! Pick a special someone and start swaying, people!"

Baljeet watched as Buford then went up behind someone and tapped them on the shoulder. The person turned around and Baljeet realized it was Adyson. Buford, acting very out of character, smiled graciously and took a deep bow, then outstretched his hand to the girl. Adyson gasped, glanced at her friends with a look of excitement, then took Buford's hand and walked to the dance floor.

"Oh, how cute!" Baljeet said.

"Why, thank you, Baljeet," someone spoke from behind him, "you're so sweet sometimes!"

Baljeet whirled around to see Ginger standing there in a beautiful dress. His jaw dropped and he mumbled something incoherently.

"Might I have this dance?" Ginger smiled. Baljeet nodded and mumbled something again as Ginger helped him out of his chair. Unbelieving, Baljeet began to slowly move across the dance floor as Ginger put her arms around him and began to dance to the music. Ginger grinned in spite of herself: all the work with Isabella yesterday had made her feel so much more confident in herself, and apparently it had worked. Buford gave Baljeet an encouraging punch in the arm as he and Adyson circled by. Baljeet didn't even notice: he was too preoccupied with the idea that someone actually wanted to dance with him.

Meanwhile, Candace was walking outside with Jeremy in the nearby garden, letting out all her frustrations with her brothers.

"I can never win!" Candace complained. "I can never prove to Mom that they're up to something! The mysterious force is up against me! Those evil little boys are…"

"Wait, wait, slow down, Candace," Jeremy said. "Evil? You're brothers aren't evil."

"Sure they are," Candace responded. "They go around and make contraptions every day to mess with my head. How is that not evil?"

"You're beginning to sound like this pharmacist I taught guitar to once," Jeremy said, chuckling. "Your brothers aren't bad at all – in fact, I think if you stopped and joined in what they do every once in a while, you might even have a little fun."

"Fun?" Candace exclaimed. "How could I have fun when their super-bustable machine would be taunting me?"

Candace glanced in a window to the dance and saw Phineas inside, sitting at a table.

"Look, there's Phineas now!" Candace told Jeremy. "I bet he's coming up with some way to ruin the dance for everyone by building a giant breakdancing robot or something…"

"I don't think so, Candace," Jeremy smiled, looking closer at the scene. "I think he's just having a good time with a special friend."

"Wait, what do you mean…?" Candace said, and leaned to see behind Phineas. Spotting Isabella, she stopped and said, "Oh…I get it."

Candace sat down on a bench and sighed. "Well, I suppose I could still bust him…I mean, he is a little young to have a girlfriend…"

"But I don't really see the harm," Jeremy added, taking a seat next to Candace, "especially if Phineas feels the same way about Isabella that I do about you."

"Ooh, I like the sound of that," Candace grinned, and she and Jeremy shared a kiss.


"Well, everybody," the M.C. announced, "it's time for the last dance of the night! You've been a wonderful audience, so we've got something special lined up for you. Ladies and gentlemen, Love Händel!"

The whole room burst into applause as Danny, Bobbi, and Sherman walked onstage and waved to the crowd. Bobbi and Sherman took their places on the bass and drums as Danny walked to the microphone, waiting for people to gather on the dance floor.

"All right, everyone!" Danny called out. "This song's a tribute to being with the one you love in the time you have together. Let's take it away, guys!"

In a surprise move, Danny didn't head for his guitar, but sat down at the piano that was behind him, adjusted the mike to point to him, and began to play and sing.


"Don't wish it away, don't look at it like it's forever.

Between you and me, I could honestly say that things can only get better."


Linda and Lawrence excitedly got up and swayed to the song, reminded of their youth. All the other kids broke into couples and began slow dancing. Baljeet and Ginger, Buford and Adyson…even Candace and Jeremy came in to dance. But one couple seemed to be missing: Phineas and Isabella were still sitting alone.


"And while I'm away, dust out the demons inside.

And it won't be long before you and me run to the place in our hearts where we hide."


Hearing these words, Phineas couldn't help but feel like Danny was singing about him and Isabella. He desperately wanted to ask Isabella to dance with him, but he was already nervous enough holding her hand that he wasn't sure what to do. Isabella felt the same way, but also couldn't find the words to say it.


"And I guess that's why they call it the blues:

Time on my hands could be time spent with you."


"Come on, Phineas," the boy told himself. "You can do this – you'll regret it if you don't."

And feeling like this was now or never, Phineas stood up from the table and held out his hand to Isabella.

"Isabella, could I have this dance?" he breathed.


"Laughing like children, living like lovers,

Rolling like thunder under the covers…"


Isabella breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "With pleasure."


"And I guess that's why they call it the blues."


She took his hand, and they walked down to the dance floor together. Standing between their happy friends, who seemed so adept at this already, Isabella timidly put her arms around Phineas, who nervously reciprocated.


"Just stare into space, picture my face in your hands.

Live for each second without hesitation and never forget I'm your man."


Phineas and Isabella began to sway back and forth. Feeling butterflies continue to fly through his stomach, Phineas glanced over at Jeremy and Candace, trying to see if there was anything else he should be doing. But they appeared to just be swaying as he and Isabella were.


"Wait on me, girl – cry in the night if it helps,

But more than ever, I simply love you more than I love life itself."


Closing her eyes, Isabella sighed and leaned on Phineas' shoulder. Phineas' heart leapt inside of him, but he tried to stay calm.


"And I guess that's why they call it the blues:

Time on my hands could be time spent with you.

Laughing like children, living like lovers,

Rolling like thunder under the covers…

And I guess that's why they call it the blues."


As the solo played, Isabella and Phineas slowly moved across the floor. Phineas felt himself slowly relaxing in Isabella's arms, and she in his. They came to rest at the middle of the floor, unaware and uncaring that everyone else could see them.


"Wait on me, girl – cry in the night if it helps,

But more than ever, I simply love you more than I love life itself."


Phineas looked into Isabella's eyes, and she looked back into his. They seemed connected somehow.


"And I guess that's why they call it the blues…"


"Oh, Phineas…" Isabella said breathlessly, "I just want you to know…I've had a lot of great days this summer, but…"

The words were lost before she could say them. Isabella had lost herself in Phineas's eyes. But somehow, he seemed to understand.


"Time on my hands could be time spent with you…"


"Me too," he said, losing himself right back in her eyes.


"Laughing like children, living like lovers,

Rolling like thunder under the covers…"


Then Phineas, compelled by some greater power from deep inside him, began to pull closer to Isabella. Feeling her heart beat wildly inside of her, Isabella took a deep breath.


"And I guess that's why they call it the blues."


"Phineas, are you sure about this?" she whispered.


"And I guess that's why they call it the blues."


"Yes," he breathed back, "yes I am."


"And I guess that's why they call it the blues."


And as the music faded into the background, Phineas and Isabella felt the rest of the world drop away. Knowing that this moment was everything, and somehow knowing this was not the last, their lips met.


"And I guess that's why they call it the blues."

Thanks so much everyone! I hope you all liked the ending. :) I'm still putting together ideas, but I hope to have my next fanfic up fairly soon, and I hope you guys will check that one out too! See you all later!

- MuchuFox