Lily pretended to faint onto the library table. Severus smiled at her. God she was cute.

In her best Scarlett O' Hara accent, she said "Oh Severus, I just do not think I can go on anymore! I will die, I tell you just die if I have to go on studying this way!" She turned around grinned, and curtsied. "I'm wonderful with accents, no?"

"You are something else, Lily."

She sat down, folded her arms onto the table, and laid her head on top of them. "But seriously, Severus. I'm exhausted. We've been studying for our OWLS for hours." She giggled to herself. "Say that ten times fast!" She hiccuped. "OWLS for hours, OWLS for hours, OWLS for wours, howls for rours…" She laughed as though she had never heard herself say something quite so hilarious ever before.

Snape gave her a look over. "Lily?" She was hunched over in a belly laugh. "Lily, are you alright?"

"Haha shah shah ahem. Ahem. Yes, yes of course Snape. Hah. I'm fine." She tried to compose herself, but a small silver flask fell onto the floor. She picked it up and giggled. "Oops!"

Severus gave her a disapproving look. "Lily, what was that?"

"Ooh nothing." She snorted.



"Was that a flask? Have you been drinking?"

She pursed her lips, then nodded. "Yes. Yes I have."

"God, you leave to get a few books and a snack and return like this. Lily…"

"I know, I know, I'm underage blah blah blah, but these OWLS are driving me up a wall, I can't stand it! I just needed a little something to take the edge off."

"That Potter boy is a bad influence on you… you never would have done this before you started hanging out with him."

"Oh shut-up, Severus." She rolled her eyes. "Here, try some. It's pumpkin flavored, your favorite." She handed him the flask across the table.

He sighed, twisted it open, lifted it to his lips and pretended to swallow it. Snape hated alcohol. The last thing he needed while he was studying was to be out of his mind, or even worse, around Lily… he really needed to be on his toes tonight. But, he didn't want her to think he was a stick-in-the-mud, so he just pretended to drink some.

He handed it back to her and smacked his lips. "Good stuff."

"There you are, Sev! Now you can just chill out a bit. Let your hair down, shake it off!" She started to shake her bright red hair.

"Ooh, Lily…" She was just being silly now.

"Ooooh, Lily. Ooooh, Severus…" She crossed her legs in the chair, and Snape returned to reading. She sat there for a few seconds, teetering from side to side, trying to decide what to do next.

"Hey, Sev?"

"Yes, Lily?"

"Oooooh!" She squealed with delight. "Say my name again!"

He laughed, confused. "Lily?"

"I just love the way you say my name!"

"Well everyone likes to hear their own name…"

"Sevy…" She batted her eyelashes at him.

Severus crossed his arms. What was she trying to do? She never acted like this when she was sober. This was a side of Lily that he rarely saw.

She stood up on the chair. "Sev?" She said sweetly, and started to twirl on top of the chair, causing her grey skirt to ruffle. "What do you think? Is this skirt too short?"

It was to her knees. "I mean, it's regulation."

"Right. Well…" She hiked it up a bit. "What about now?"

"I guess that's fine."

"What about…" She pulled it up so that it just barely covered her butt. "Now?" She twirled again and her skirt went up so that Severus could see Lily's light pink underwear.

"That's great." He smiled and shook his head. Seriously. What was going on? Severus had been dreaming of this kind of thing forever, but why was it happening now?

She kept spinning, and almost fell in the midst of it. Severus leapt up to catch her, but she got her balance back, started laughing hysterically and continued on spinning. Severus sat back down, and rolled his eyes.

"Lily, maybe you should get down, so you don't hurt yourself."

Lily just kept giggling, then stopped and gasped as though she had just had the largest epiphany of her life. "Let's do it!" she squealed.


"Let's do it! Right here in the library!"

"Oh my Merlin, what are you talking about?"

"Let's do it in the library! It's so scandalous!"

"Exactly why we shouldn't-"

"You mean exactly why we should do it." She leaned over the table and pushed a stray bit of jet black hair behind his ear. "C'mon, Sev. Haven't you ever thought about it?"


"Oh, you said my name again!"

"Lily, we shouldn't… what if we get caught."

"Severus, I know you want to. I know you like me. You've liked me for a while now, haven't you? And no one has been in the library in hours." She bit her lip. "Well… then let's go." She smiled at him devilishly and raised her eyebrows.

"You're drunk, you're not yourself right now…" He started to turn away.

"Drunk words are sober thoughts." She said and winked at him.

"What has gotten into you?" He couldn't help but grin.

"Well soon… you." She laughed that laugh that made her scrunch up her nose, and then crawled across the table to him. She pulled his tie towards her, and kissed him passionately.

This was not like Lily at all. But what if this night made her see that they were meant to be together? Snape could not pass this up, so he gave in. They knocked all of the papers on the floor, all of the large books came down with a thump, and Lily began to tear off Severus's clothes. They made love on the table. Or, at least, one of them did.