I know I said that I was not going to write another story until I finished the others, but Inspiration hit me in the face with this one! I dropped everything I was doing to get on the computer and write... And here you have it!

I own nothing of Inuyasha but the story line that I have created...

Chapter One: Leaving

It was past the time in the feudal era and back in the present where Kagome was meant to be.

The final goodbye's were harsh on her after the death of Naraku, but it had to be done. After the dark half demon's death, Kagome could feel the pull of the well. It was calling her to go home.

It was different than she expected. She had thought that she would just magically disappear and reappear in her time, but that wasn't so. The final battle was fought inside of a dark mountain that village people from afar named 'Evil Spirit.' When Naraku was finally defeated, along with all of his incarnations so that he would not have the chance to return, the mountain started to collapse. It was bound to happen since Kagome had shot off one sacred arrow followed by another combined with Sesshomaru and Inuyasha's vastly devastating attacks.

It all hit Naraku at once and he didn't stand a chance against them.

After his last breath, Kagome felt the pull.

It was only fully recognized once they had made it a safe distance away from the destruction caused by the battle.

Everyone was gathered and worn and tattered. Even Sesshomaru looked rough around the edges. Kirara still had Miroku, Sango, and Shippo on her back in her transformed state. Kagome was on Inuyasha's back and Sesshomaru stood tall in between the bunch.

It didn't feel real. The long and awaited journey to rid the earth of Naraku's existence was finally over.

Before the battle, Kagome had already said her goodbye's, but that little tug on her soul at that moment told her that she had to make one final journey in the feudal era.

Kagome broke out into tears.

The earth was still shaking with the after effects of the collapsing mountain, but she couldn't think of that. She was still in the past and she was grateful as well as sad that she knew she was leaving. She was never meant for a place such as that.

She didn't belong.

Her clothing and her mannerisms did not match with that time on Earth. She was too strong-willed and definitely too independent. To find her way, she would have to leave.

They all traveled together in sadness that was forced away by a happiness that they did not feel, but for Kagome, the group wouldn't let her leave to teary faces. After the first days rest, Kagome awoke to pain all over her body. She knew that she would be stiff after the battle, but this was a different kind of pain.

Her whole body throbbed from the inside. When she sat up and cried out, everyone woke and fought the sleepiness in their eyes to see what was harming her.

Everyone but Sesshomaru.

He was awake the whole night watching. Waiting.

The pull of the well, the pull of her time, was calling for her even more harshly than it was the day before. They traveled quickly that day towards the well in Inuyasha's forest. He was saddened by Kagome's leaving, but held it in bravely.

His emotions were in an uproar already. Because moments before Naraku's demise, Kikyo had sacrificed herself to give Kagome the remaining part of her soul. Inuyasha had wanted to cry out his grief, but didn't. The situation called for him to react with swiftness to take out Naraku and that's what he did. He would grieve later.

When the third day came, the group couldn't travel fast enough. Kagome was in such a pain that she could barely move about on her own. She said her goodbye's to Miroku, Sango, a weeping Shippo, and a mewing Kirara.

Sesshomaru and Inuyasha traveled on with Kagome. Throughout the whole time, Sesshomaru did not make a comment. Their progress was much quicker than traveling with the rest of the group. That gave Inuyasha hope that the closer they were from the well, the less Kagome's pain would be.

He was wrong.

On the forth and final day. Kagome was lethargic. Feverish. Muttering incoherent thoughts. Inuyasha ran with her in his arms the fastest he could, but finally stopped and burst into tears, holding Kagome close to his heart.

"Sesshomaru," he whispered. "I'm not fast enough to get Kagome out of here, I don't know if she'll be able to make it another day here." Inuyasha looked up into his half brother's golden eyes. "You have to take her to the well in my forest. You have to bring her back." The last part was a sob. Inuyasha showed no shame in his crying.

"You had better get her there safely or there'll be hell to pay!"

Sesshomaru did not comment on Inuyasha's disrespectful tone of voice or words. He took the priestess Kagome into his arms, nodded his head in acknowledgement to Inuyasha and was off.

In his ball of light, he flew faster than a person could think. He knew something like this would come and he waited for the moment in silence. He left his ward, Rin, and Jaken, his retainer, in a safe place, so taking the miko with him proved to be no problem.

He arrived at the desired destination later that night. He was out of breath and could not hide it. He wasted a lot a energy getting to the well and it was showing.

Kagome was quiet in his arm, cuddled against his chest, staring out into the nothingness of the night sky and the stars.

"Miko, we have arrived." She looked at him and whispered. "Take me into the well." Her voice was barely there and was almost taken away with the dancing winds.

He jumped into the well as requested and the miko's body started to glow. Her strength seemed to return to her and she gripped his neck tight. Leaning up, she kissed him on the corner of his mouth.

"Thank you Sesshomaru."

That small innocent kiss rocked him.

Before she disappeared completely, Sesshomaru felt words coming out of his mouth that he was powerless to stop.

"I will find you."

Then she was gone. That burst of energy dwindled into nothing, but it felt like a sealed promise to Sesshomaru. One that he would keep.

He would find her!

Kagome sat at the bottom of the well and cried her heart out at her leaving her most beloved friends. But she was back in the present, where she was meant to be. A small flare of energy at her side advised her of the jewel that was miraculously back inside of her body.

The only things that were keeping her sane enough to get through what she was going to have to go through was the reminder of the jewel that was in her side again, and that last promise Sesshomaru had made upon her last moments there.

He would find her.

Kagome could only hope that that promise was true.

This story will not be a long one and please tell me what you think of it...

I am working on my other stories so you will not (Hopefully) have to wait long for those to be out...

Please R&R...

~_~^-^~_~ - Ditto Princess