"I'm bored" Valkyrie Cain sighed and sat down on a couch opposite Skulduggery's armchair,

"Read a book" Skulduggery suggested, looking up from the book he was reading.

"But books are boring"

"No they're not."

"Yes they are."

"Fine then, they are,"

"Then why are you reading one."

Skulduggery sighed, "Valkyrie you really are the most annoying girl I've ever met."

"I know" Valkyrie said whilst wearing a huge grin on her face. Skulduggery went back to reading his book.


"What?" Skulduggery replied, looking up from his book, a little annoyed.

"I'm bored"

"You are really getting on my nerves Valkyrie."

"It isn't my fault you're so boring."

Skulduggery shut his book, "What do you want to do then."

"I don't know."

"Well, that helps." Skulduggery spoke in sarcasm.

Valkyrie paused for a moment and then answered, "Lets read a book"

Skulduggery was going to argue that's what he suggested in the first place but he let it go, "Ok. I know a good one." Skulduggery got up and traced the bookshelves with his finger.

"Hang on." Valkyrie said.

"What know," Skulduggery sighed.

"May I make a request to what book we read?"

"Go on then."

"But whatever book I suggest we have to read and you can't say no."


"Say you promise and if you break your promise I get to keep your hat for a whole year." Valkyrie smiled.

"OK," He looked her in the eye, "I promise I'll read to you the book of your choice."

"This one" Valkyrie took out a small leather book out of her coat pocket. Written on the front cover was the words property of Skulduggery Pleasant. She had found his diary. His own secret diary.

How? Was all Skulduggery Pleasant was thinking at that moment.

So for the next year Skulduggery went without his hat because he couldn't tell her, not yet anyway. Valkyrie Cain didn't need to know how much Skulduggery Pleasant really cared for her anytime soon.