A/N: I'm so sorry guys. I've been so busy with everything in my life lately. School, my social and parasocial life… I've only been able to squeeze this little chapter out before I have to start school again next week. It's been hectic but I have been enjoying life, yes? I've also been joining new fandoms every time I read new/watch new stuff, so my imagination has been overstretched, too. So… For all 2 of you who have been waiting for this… here you are. After squeezing my brain cells for nearly two weeks, I'm sorry for the substandard work here. I know what I want to write, I don't know how quite to write it. But….here you are! This isn't the promised last chapter, seeing that I've decided to split the super long last chapter into two. But I will have an epilogue for you guys too! Enjoy!
"I will accept this ring, Eragon." Arya twisted her ring between her fingers, playing with it.
Eragon smiled widely as ecstasy jumped in him. By accepting his ring, she was accepting a link involving them that was as intimate as his link with Saphira.
"But I will not marry you... not yet." Arya interrupted, still smiling slightly—She seemed to be in high spirits despite her refusal. Eragon felt as though she had just slapped him. Why?
Arya answered his unvoiced question. "Now is not the time, Eragon." Arya turned to face Eragon, placing her left hand on his cheek. "When the dragon eggs are safe, when the riders are again freely roaming the land upholding justice, when I no longer have to worry for the safety of Firnen, you, Saphira and me, I give you my word, I will marry you." She repeated the phrase in the Ancient Language. "I will marry you."
Eragon smiled, pleased. This is the Arya I know; she is the one who places duty before anything else. "Eragon smiled and straightened, placing his right hand over her left, grasping it in both hands, saying "Then let's get started, shall we? I await the day you finally wear that ring. Do you wish to name it?"
Arya smiled. "All will be in good time, Eragon." Arya cast one last, rare, unguarded glance of fondness at the ring before she pocketed it. "For one, we need to find a place where the Shur'tugalar can be re-established. What thoughts do you have on this?"
Eragon winced, and the action did not go unnoticed by Arya, whose eyes immediately narrowed on his expression. "What is it? Is there a problem?"
Eragon touched Saphira's mind, saying, Should I tell her? I would not want to worry her with problems that are not problems, Saphira.
Saphira was impatient—she was being disrupted from an intimate moment with Firnen—and did not take kindly to being interrupted. Arya is right, Eragon. You have to learn trust the people around you who care about you. Tell Arya, and worry not that she sees you as a hatchling. I think you have convinced her of your abilities well enough Eragon. There is a fine line between distrusting your ability and distrusting those around you.
Eragon sighed. "You're right. Both Saphira and you." Saphira growled mentally. "I need to start trusting the people around me… I thought I got so jaded during the war that I didn't really trust anybody except Saphira."
Arya's countenance changed—a subtle hint of anger leaked through her calm façade, building into a wave of rage which silenced the glade—even the wind seemed to stop blowing.
"So you are telling me," Arya's cold voice whipped through the glade, betraying the hurt in her rage. "That after all we've been though, that you do not trust me?" Her voice cracked as the last word left her lips. A storm descended upon her features, colouring them with a rare display of fury. Arya pressed a hand to her forehead and clenched her eyes shut.
Eragon held a finger up before Arya tormented herself with more agonizing thoughts. "Arya, stop. That was not what I meant. I had thought that I didn't trust anyone, but I did. The only person I didn't trust was myself."
Arya fixed him with a death stare.
Eragon smiled wryly, continuing with his muse. "After all, trust is a fickle friend—uncontrollable, fragile, but I have always trusted you. Even when I was having those dreams of you, I knew I could trust you, which was why I did not even consider a trap when I travelled over half of Alagaesia to look for you.. I guess I knew I loved you before I met you, Arya. And that is the greatest act of otho I can give you.
"But I did not trust myself. I did not trust myself to be able enough to command respect—especially from you... and I needed that respect. I guess I didn't have the luxury of years to grow up, so I do have trouble knowing who I can trust—myself. I think… I think it is time I learned to put more faith in myself."
Arya's gaze softened. "By that statement alone, Eragon, it shows that you are grown and your actions should have won you much respect from everyone. Even from me, Eragon. So answer my question, Eragon—Is there a problem?"
Eragon squared his shoulders. " Yes." He sighed. "I cannot find a place suitable to build the new home for both the Riders and the dragons. I have been preparing for… leaving Alagaesia, actually." Eragon laughed bitterly and allowed himself a moment of self-pity. "Angela told me when she read my fortune, anyway."
"Ah." Silence swirled like a blizzard around them again. "I'm sure there are several places that are suitable for the home of new riders and dragons. Maybe… Vroengard? I have not seen it yet, but it was once the home to the Riders, so it should be fitting for us to set it up there."
Eragon shook his head "No, Vroengard is too corrupted by the magic that has been unleashed there. It would not be safe for the hatchlings when they do emerge from their eggs.
Arya dipped her head silently before pressing on, determined to find a reason for them to stay. "Or you could have it near the Beor mountains, it would be sheltered enough for the hatchlings. Du Weldenvarden would be alright, too. My people can protect them."
Again, Eragon shook his head. "it would seem like the riders favour either race too much. I don't want any more disturbances in that sense. The people in Alagaesia are too mistrusting, and I don't want any conflict to result due to small issues like that. Arya, I have thought about matter for awhile. Both Saphira and the Eldunari agree with me on the matter. We cannot find a suitable place where the eggs and Eldunari will be safe; we need physical barriers on top of enchantments to keep them both safe. Furthermore, can you think about all the angry farmers when their livestock keeps getting eaten by the wild dragons?"
Eragon gave a soft snort. "I've become so powerful that I have grown to become a threat to Alagaesia."
Arya gave Eragon a long, searching gaze, as if re-assessing her opinion of him. Finally, she deigned to reply, "Eragon, those are childish worries." She paused to let the words sink in.
Eragon winced at her harsh words, although they resonated within him.
"Think back of the purpose of the Shurtugal, Eragon. We walk between the light and dark, right and wrong. We oversee the peace of Alagaesia, we keep it, and guard it with all our might. How then, do you expect to keep to our original promise if we are far away from Alagaesia. You are running from the problems, not solving them, Eragon."
Eragon mulled over her words. "But I'm still a threat to every sovereign in Alagaesia."
Arya sighed, visibly growing impatient. "You can fear the power that you wield, Eragon, and run from it, or you can master it and empower the other sovereigns. Do you think that Saphira, the Eldunari and I are going to leave you alone on this? No! We are here as your advisors, your friends, and we will walk you through this. Remember, a leader that is not confident of himself is as dangerous as one who is too confident. And you have to trust the people around you to help you, Eragon, or risk insulting their friendship further." Arya paused for breath.
"As for how to deal with the angry farmers…Eragon, you are a Dragon Rider, it is your duty to be handling issues like this! You say you don't want to deal with it, but if you don't, who will? Dragons are a part of Alagaesia. Their fate is tied to the land, so you are going to rip part of Alagaesia away just because you don't want to deal with angry farmers? I expect more of you, Eragon!"
Eragon looked up at the sky. What Arya said was true, all of it. He had to become more confident and start taking charge of his position as the Dragon Riders. This was his fate. He had come this far, and he will not run from it.
"Thank you, Arya. I guess I needed that slap. I just feel so… lost now that Galbatorix is gone. I guess I will need more training on leadership from here." Eragon smiled sheepishly. "However, we still have to solve the problem of not having a suitable place to set up a home of the Shur'tugal, as well as a nursery and safe place for the Eldunari. We… need a home."
Arya inclined her head and smiled. "Now, we are finally getting somewhere." She raised an eyebrow at Eragon. "Tell me, o mighty ruler of the Dragon Riders, have you ever seen the Floating Crystals of Eoam?"
Saphira bugled happily as they made their way to Eoam.. It has been long since we last rode together.
Eragon smiled. With Firnen and Arya too? I'm jealous. You hardly ever spend time with me now that you found Firnen.
Saphira threw her head to the side as snapped her jaws impatiently. As if you don't spend your time with Arya!
Eragon grinned. At least we don't do the things you do!
Saphira growled richly, as did Firnen beside her. A clear peal of laughter burst through Arya's lips. So Eragon hit a raw nerve, now did he?
Glaedr growled—mentally—too. The biology of dragons are different from the two-leggeds. The fire in our bellies are hotter than yours, and the heat of youth runs wild in Saphira and Firnen. Not like you two-leggeds, who take so much time in courtship that both parties would have died before any offspring has been sired.
Umaroth and the other Eldunari were in Ellesmera, under the guard of the elves, who were delighted to catch up with their old friends, and so they did not come along for the short scouting trip. It was already more or less decided that Eoam would be a good place for the Riders and dragons alike.
Saphira and Firnen both gave approving snorts. Arya looked chastened. Eragon just continued chuckling.
Eragon loved the feel of the wind in his hair. Then he started thinking of the Floating Crystals of Eoam, and felt wonderfully excited again. Say, Saphira?
Do you think we will be able to find our home on Eoam's crystals?
Saphira thought for awhile before answering. Perhaps we already are home. Maybe our home is in the sky.
The idea pleased Eragon to no end.
By the evening of that day, the party had reached a few leagues outside Melian, and had stopped for the night in the wilderness in order to avoid prying eyes and unwanted attention.
Arya came up to Eragon, who was unsaddling Saphira, and handed him a cup of warm tea. Eragon accepted it gratefully and immediately began sipping.
"We'll probably reach tomorrow, so be prepared for a long day. Rest early, alright?"
Eragon smiled. "Alright. You sleep early too. I'll ask Glaedr to keep watch for us."
They sat down on the ground, side by side, and watch the remaining twilight fade to inky darkness before they got out their blankets and laid down to rest.
The next morning, the party resumed their journey before the sun had fully risen. It was a long flight ahead and they did not want to remain on the crystals in case it was unsuited for living.
Around noon, Eragon could spot a faint glittering in the far distance. He made a comment to Saphira about the presence of that glittering an what it could mean. Could it be stars? But they are far too brilliant to be stars. Furthermore, it's the middle of the day, and the only star that we should be able to see is the sun.
Saphira was silent for awhile. Then Eragon could feel awe take root of her mind.
I think, little one, that what we are looking at are the Floating Crystals of Eoam.
A/N: Please leave a review if you'd enjoyed it! Thanks! Also, the main point that I wanted to make in this chapter/ update is that I wasn't sure how much of Alagaesia Eragon had actually seen before he'd wanted out. And all the reasons that he had for wanting to leave Alagaesia were solidly fragile. So, yes, I've been wanting to shoot down all those stupid reasons. Arya's tone might have been a little OOC here, but I would like to assure you, that was 100% me ranting. Gah. Childish Eragon.