Hi, sorry bout the LONG- w8 :P

I smiled and shut it down... but not quite! Bling-Bling. Courtney? Huh, wonder what she wants.

"What!" I said.

"Duncan... I-I was wondering if...um..." She looked uncomfortable. "Will you go out with me?" I was shocked. And as far as I'm concerned Gwen Who?

"Sure, meet me in school tomorrow at my locker." I winked and shut it down.

Well Courtney did mean it when she asked me out, cause she was waiting for me. And as soon as I got there she kissed me, on the lips.

"Excuse me." Said a certain goth girl. "Sorry to disturb but I need to open my locker." Courtney scowled and moved away. I looked back at her. She didn't seem to care. That made me mad, but mostly sad. Maybe I did make the right choice going out with Courtney.

Gwen's POV:

"Girl, did you see Danger Boy and that witch making out?" My friend Leshawna said from behind me. I slammed my locker to answer, but sadly my fingers were in the way.

"Ow!" I shrieked grabbing my two middle fingers.

"Girl, we gotta get you to the nurse!" She dragged me to the nurse, there 'lil miss CIT and Duncan' were making out. We walked around them.

"No, no-" I said when we got in and the nurse was not there.

"Heart more broken then fingers?" Leshawna guessed correctly. I nodded, sadly. "Girl-"

"Its OK, Shawnie... really."

Soon, I was all bandaged up but I had missed half of Geography. And I got of from work till someone (Heather) reminded everyone that I was left handed.

At lunch, I sat at my usual table, with my usual friends. (Harold, Shawnie, Bridgette and Geoff.) I was trying my best to fight the tears, especially since Duncan gave my seat away to Courtney and I had to sit beside Izzy. Crap day.

Short I know, this idea was brought to you by .Cake. R&R