
Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Seed/ Seed Destiny.

A Walk down the Aisle

It was the most awaited day in the country of Orb. The people were busy preparing for the very important occasion. The large screens in every city were all ready to be used to witness the wedding of the most important person in their country, the young Chief Representative. The said event would take place in Onogoro Island where the bride and the groom resided.

In the room of the princess, the blonde girl was sitting on the edge of her bed. She suddenly lied on it then raised her left hand staring at the back of it. A heavy sigh was made by the princess. Then, knocks were heard on her wooden door. She sat up again and said, "Please come in". The door went open to reveal her nanny, Fia.

"Oh princess! How come you aren't prepared yet? ", Fia asked with a pout. "You told me that when I come here you will be ready but as far as I can see, you haven't even taken a bath yet", she added.

"Fia, first of all, stop calling me princess and don't worry, I'll take a bath now, okay?", Cagalli said half-heartedly.

"Ok, after you took the shower, I'll put your make-up and do your hair", Fia said.

"No need Fia, I can manage to do those", she replied nervously. Fia narrowed her eyes.

"I promise", Cagalli said with a convincing voice.

"No. I'll be the one to do that! ", Fia said firmly.


"No buts, ok? ", Fia said.

"Fine. I just have one request", the princess said.

"What is it then? ", Fia asked with her arms crossed.

"Just do my hair and make-up after I put on my dress and just wait for me outside. I'll just call you if I'm already done", she replied.

Even though Fia was still confused about the princess's request, she just agreed and went out of the room. Fia sat on the couch outside the representative's room while waiting for her.

Meanwhile, the butler of the manor was checking on every part of the huge mansion. Upon finishing his work, he decided to take a look on how the princess was doing. Although he was just a mere butler, the princess considered him as a friend. When he reached the room, she found Fia sitting on the couch.

"Hey", he called. Fia shifted her gaze from the floor to him.

"Oh, Hi", she replied with a weak smile.

"How is she doing?", he asked

"Do I really need to answer that?", she replied. He forced a smile and sat beside her.

"I guess not", he said.

"She's too young to get married, right Eldin?" she said. It was more like a statement than a question.

"I agree. But, I can't think of any way of getting the princess out of this… uhmmm…"

"MESS", Fia supplied.


After a couple of minutes, Cagalli Yula Athha, the Chief Representative called for Fia.

"I'll just do my job for a while", Fia said as she stood up and entered the room.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting Fia", Cagalli apologized.

"It's alright pri… I mean Cagalli. By the way, Eldin is outside", Fia replied.

"I see…", she replied while Fia got the comb and started doing her hair.

Outside the room, Eldin was still sitting on the couch. Upon noticing the purple haired man, he suddenly stood up and bowed to give respect.

"Good morning Master Seiran", Eldin said. The man made a nod and Eldin stood up straight.

"How is my bride?", Yuna inquired.

"Her Highness is currently getting ready with the help of Fia", Eldin answered politely but deep inside he loathed that man.

"I see. Tell her that I am waiting for her downstairs, ok?", Yuna said with a sign of authority in his voice.

"I will, Master Seiran", Eldin said then Yuna made his way downstairs. The butler sighed as he resumed his sit. He got a newspaper from the table near the couch. As he was expecting, the headline was the wedding of the most influential people in Orb (Cagalli and Yuna). He busied himself reading every page of the newspaper. When he had enough of his reading, he checked his watch. It was almost an hour since Fia entered the princess's room. He assumed that it would take longer since he understood that Cagalli should be the most beautiful person in that event but he found out that he was wrong when the door suddenly went open and Fia, together with the bride came out of the room. Eldin was surprised about the appearance of the princess. Cagalli just had a very light make-up which was almost close to none with her hair, which was now longer than it used to be was tied into a simple ponytail. The dress, in Eldin's opinion did not suit her. It was a simple tube dress with purple lace that matched with the groom's attire. Her veil was also in place.

"Oh, hi Eldin. How do I look?", Cagalli asked with a faint smile on her face.

"To be frank with you, I wasn't expecting you to look like that but still, you are beautiful. You always are", he replied.

"How flattering", she said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"By the way", he said as he leaned forward to her ears and whispered something that made her laugh a little.

"Alright. I'll see you two later", she said.

"Good luck", Fia said.

"Thanks, I need that", she replied then went towards the receiving area of the mansion. Now, Eldin and Fia were now left outside the room. Cagalli went down the stairs. She could see the disappointment on the groom's face that earned a small smirk from her. As she got nearer, he approached her and touched her hair.

"You know what? I don't like how your hair was done", he said while shaking his head a bit. Cagalli moved her head so that Yuna would take his hand off of her hair.

"Shall we go now?", Yuna asked then placed her arm clinging onto his, much to Cagalli's dismay. He led her to the car and entered it.

Back to Fia and Eldin, they also walked downstairs using the other stairs and talked.

"Don't tell me it took you more than an hour to do that?", Eldin started.

"Of course not. Uhmmm… well, the princess wanted to delay the wedding just for a little bit so we stayed there longer. Honestly, it only took me a couple of minutes to do her hair and well, if you call that make up", Fia replied with a faint laugh.

"And what is it that you talked about while I was there outside waiting for both of you to come out of that room?", Eldin inquired while pretending to be hurt in a joking way.

"Aw… Eldin is mad that we did not let him in and join our girls' talk… Haha… well, whatever we had talked about is none of your business", she said playfully.

"Hey, that's not fair", Eldin said in a childish way.

"Whatever you say Eldin", Fia said.

"But I'm really sad for her. She doesn't deserve this", Eldin said while his expression changed.

"Yeah", Fia agreed. "If only there is something I can do to help her", she added with a sigh.

Inside the car, Yuna suddenly spoke. "You know what? I really don't like your stupid boyfriend", he said with a smirk. Cagalli looked at him with disbelief but did not say anything.

"Hnnn… why are you so silent. I thought you're gonna say 'Yuna, I don't want to marry you' or something like that", he said again. With that Cagalli can no longer held back the tears. It just flowed out of her dull amber eyes. Yuna looked at her with a satisfied smile.

"Stop crying my princess, we are now approaching the crowd", Yuna told her then she wiped her tears away and began waving to the Orb residents who were all excited to see their princess getting married. She managed to force a weak smile for the people waving back at her. Cagalli looked at Yuna's direction to see him with a broad smile while also waving at the crowd. At that moment, Cagalli really wanted to go out of the car and tell the people that she doesn't want to marry the man beside her but she knew better than to do that.

Soon enough, they already reached the destination, the shrine in Onogoro where the former leaders of Orb were married. The place was adorned with colorful flowers. The chairs were neatly arranged for the visitors who are all part of the Orb government while the aisle was highlighted with a red carpet.

Yuna went out of the car first, and then he went to the other side to open the door for the blonde princess. He reached out his hand for her and she accepted it with a forced smile though she really wanted to just vanish into the thin air at that time.

Once the bride and the groom were already at the red carpet, the music began playing. They slowly marched up the stairs of the aisle towards the priest that will bind them together as a married couple. Cagalli can no longer hide the emotion she was feeling, the fake smile was gone as they are nearing the altar. She tightened the grip to her flowers to release the anger that she felt for the man beside her. She wanted to wash away the smirk on his face but she cannot. She felt the stares of the people who went there to witness the supposedly happy event but for Cagalli, it was a nightmare.

When they reached the altar, the priest spoke.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are all gathered here today to witness the wedding of our Chief Representative herself and her fiancé who is also part of the Orb government, Cagalli Yula Athha and Yuna Roma Seiran", he said and the crowd answered back with a big round of applause.

"We are now going to hear their vows of being together. Do you, Yuna Roma Seiran, accept Cagalli Yula Athha to be your lawfully wedded wife, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?", the priest said.

"I do", Yuna answered.

Do you, Cagalli Yula Athha, accept Yuna Roma Seiran to be your lawfully wedded husband, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?", the priest asked. Cagalli suddenly plastered a big smile on her face and answered, "I do", as she faced her fiancé.

AN: Eldin and Fia are characters from Lufia: Ruins of Lore and Riviera: The Promised Land respectively. I get the wedding thing from the original series. Sorry for the errors committed in this fic. I hope you like it and please review.

Asucaga fans please don't kill me for writing the wedding scene… this is just a prologue and this is also an asucaga fic since I'm also an asucaga fan…

I may or may not change the usual pairings but not Asucaga… promise^^

To all kiraXlacus fans, there is a high possibility that they will not end up together in this fic… sorry… but as I am saying… there is only a possibility.., I might change my mind….

To Asucaga Forever members, thanks for welcoming me in the group in fb. I really appreciate it.
