"Well ...Well" said a cold voice."Finally the Black Heir has decided to follow his family tradition."

"That's true my Lord." Said Regulus Black happily. "Our mother , your staunch supporter couldn't stop her tears of happiness when she learned of big brothers decision"

"My Lord I present myself before you , as your humble servant I am too tired to fight my true self and my blood. " said Sirius Black solemnly

A cold laugh filled the dark and cold room.

"Now , now, Black, you of the purest blood and having extraordinary Black talent must be of highest use to me . " Voldemort said this staring at Sirius as if trying to discern his true loyalties.

After few seconds of silence finally Voldemort said , "I welcome you in my ranks".

" I would do my utmost to prove myself to be the most loyal in serving you my Lord for I have trust of best Aurors and Dumbledore himself" said Sirius Black happy with himself.

Then at once the door banged open and Lucius Malfoy walked in along with Peter Pettigrew who was whimpering behind.

"My Lord , we need to exercise some control on Fenrir." Said Lucius Malfoy but stopped suddenly when his eyes fell on Sirius . Peter face turned to ash white .

"What is he doing here?" asked Malfoy venomously. "My Lord , you cannot be thinking of letting him join, he is one of the most dreaded Auror out there. Many of our friends are in Azkaban because of him."

Peter was like he had been turned to stone.

"Are you trying to suggest that you know better than our Lord,Lucius, our Lord who is most accomplished in Legilimency . " said Regulus hotly. "Big brother has finally seen error of his ways and knows the true worth of his pure blood, blood far purer than your Lucius."

Voldemort looked like he found it all very amusing, then said calmly,"I have searched the depths of his mind, Lucius. Just state your business now. Whats with the sudden appearance?"

Peter was just cowering with fear in the corner of the room.

"Yes my Lord, Fenrir, that damn werewolf is out of control"said Lucius .

Just then Severus Snape walked in with amused expression on his face. But that look disappeared at once when he saw Sirius there. "What are you doing here?" he said filled with hatred.

"Well Snivellus, oh sorry Snape , I just heard the true call of my pure blood, unlike yours" said Sirius with the same hatred in his voice."At least my mother didn't marry some mudblood."

The amused expression on Voldemort suddenly disappeared. He hurriedly said." State your business Severus."

"Nothing my Lord, Lucius wanted me here for some reason,"said Severus.

"Yes my Lord, About Fenrir…" Voldemort suddenly raised his hand cutting off Lucius sentence.

"Well then we know the first task for our promising Black Heir, find us someone who can control that filthy creature,"said Voldemort examining every movement of Sirius, still feeling the sting of Black's last comment to Snape.

"I will try my best , My Lord,"said Sirius. "I already have a candidate in mind. It might take some time to convince him to come to our side. But I am sure I can get him. A werewolf who is an extraordinary wizard."

Peter then said suddenly" You cannot be thinking of Remus, Sirius."

"Do not refer to me as Sirius, you filthy rat." Said Sirius angrily. "You are addressing the heir of ancient and noble house of black."

Peter cowered under Sirius's rage. Then Sirius excused himself and left with Regulus to do the task assigned to him.

Severus stared the back of Blacks and then excused himself too.