Finding Harmony

A small, plastic horse doll sits on a table, its lavender colour shining in the moonlight spilling in from the window. The shadowy figure of a young boy reaches out to the doll and clutches it to his chest as tears fall from his eyes. He looks over to his little sister's bed and furiously wipes at the tears, then strokes his fingers through the doll's mane lost in thought.

"Oh Harmony, where did you go?..."

The light from the setting sun shone bright behind her casting her profile into shadow. The pale, yellow pegasus's wings stood spread out against the sun as she approached the clearing where she heard the cries of what she thought was a distressed animal she could help. But as she came closer to the creature she thought at first it could be another pony curled up in a ball, their blonde mane sticking out in two directions as if it were two tiny tails on the side of the pony's head. Still something was wrong. The pony with the tails in her mane was two-toned in colour. Her body covered in lavender cloth such as a pony would wear to a fancy ball, and her legs that were clutched tightly under her body were blue. The winged pony's perception of the creature completely changed when it raised its head to her.

"Are you an angel?" came the small voice of a filly, but it was not a filly who looked up into the eyes of the Pegasus. No. The face was oval shaped and the colour of summer peaches with rounded rosy cheeks. The nose was small and flat with no muzzle, and the eyes, although wide with fear were much smaller than any filly the concerned pony had seen before. This creature was unlike anything she had ever seen before in her life.

"Mommy said there'd be angels…" said the voice again, and that was enough to send the pony into a panic, and squeaking like a mouse she jumped into a bush away from the strange sight.

"Wait! Don't leave!" cried the little voice so like a lost filly calling for their mother it sent a pain into the heart of the hiding Pegasus. Her gentle soul could never abandon a crying and helpless little creature even if she couldn't understand what exactly they were. Her fear of the unknown kept her paralyzed under the shelter of the little bush, but the empathy in her heart pulled at her to resurface and face what scared her, but who seemed just as scared as she.

The sun was a little more than a glint in the sky when the shy Pegasus pulled herself out from under the bush she sheltered in and forced herself to approach the helpless two-tail as she thought to call it. The two-tail was again curled into a ball so that her namesake was all that was visible as the wary pony came closer, her hooves softly echoing against the dirt ground.

Don't be afraid. The Pegasus thought to herself. She's small, and scared like a baby bunny. I can help her….

Just then the creature looked up again, her fur-less, peach coloured face scaring the winged pony again but she stood firm as she saw the fear in the eyes of the two-tail.

"You're not an angel.." the fear in the voice was almost palpable as the creature mentioned the name of the pegasus's bunny friend again in the negative.

"You're a… a… " the pony stepped back. "A Pegasus!" the two-tail's voice rose in pitch and her small face lit up in happiness at her discovery.

The yellow Pegasus was shocked that the creature seemed to understand what she was while she couldn't comprehend anything about them.

"Y-yes I'm a-" the pony stopped short as suddenly the little two-tailed creature launched themselves at her in a wide open hug, clutching her around her shoulders.

"Wow, a real, live, Pegasus just like my dolls! I love your wings, and, and you're yellow and your hair is… its pink!" came a string of excited words from the now standing two-tail. Although the Pegasus now saw that the creature was more of a two-leg as she stood up to just reach her head using only two legs and what she thought had been hooves originally wrapped around her like her animal friends' paws.

The excited voice of the young two-legged creature reminded the pony of her always excitable pink friend who she usually felt shy around, but with this strange little one clinging to her she felt no fear or discomfort, but a motherly instinct to take care of her, not unlike her common nature of caring for small animals.

"Hello, little one," the Pegasus spoke up gently nuzzling the two-legged off of her mane. "I don't think I've ever seen anything like you in this forest before. Where do you come from?"

The little one calmed down enough to listen to the voice of the pony before her, and looked quizzically into her eyes.

"I don't know. Where am I? I've never seen anyone like you before either… except in my storybooks." The two-legged frowned a little, upsetting the Pegasus to see she had scared her again.

"Oh, don't worry, we can figure it all out with the help of my friends" she said, deciding right then and there that she must bring this lost little creature to see her learned unicorn friend, Twilight Sparkle. She surely would be able to explain what she was and where she had come from.

"There are more of you?" the two-legged spoke up excited again.

"Why yes, this is Ponyville, in the land of Equestria, and many ponies and pegasi live here." The Pegasus explained. She had no time to mention the unicorns, dragons and alicorn princesses before the little one chirped again.

"Oh please let me meet your friends!" she cried, excitedly bouncing up and down in one spot, again reminding the Pegasus of her just as excitable friend.

"Of course, of course. But first, my name is Fluttershy." The winged pony said, softly, her ears bending down as the shyness of introductions still overtook her. "Please, tell me your name." she continued, smiling kindly.

"My name is Harmony. Mommy says it means everyone gets along." The small one grinned, happily, but the pony seemed to be lost in thought about the meaning of the name of her new friend.

"Oh…my..." she spoke. "That's a very special name." The pony flicked her long, voluminous tail out toward the child. "Can you hold on to my tail and try to hide yourself…if that's OK? I think it would be best if the other ponies in town don't see you until we meet my friends. Will that be OK with you, Harmony?" Fluttershy asked, haltingly.

"Hehe, it tickles" the little one giggled, already holding on to the pony's flowing tail which hid her in a curtain of soft pink.

"Now hold on, and try to keep up. It's not too far to where my friend lives." She said as she slowly started to trot forward, hearing the giggle of her companion behind her.

Oh, I wonder what this sweet little creature could be? I hope Twilight can help us figure this out. She thought, excitedly to herself as she headed to Twilight's library and into the coming night.