I do not own Fairy Tale.

Lucy was all alone well except for Makarov and Mirajane, but Makarov had been meditating somewhere out of site and her and Mirajane ran out of things to talk about quickly. She soon had a strange feeling about Loke being in trouble or something. For some reason she kept hearing him say something she couldn't understand.

"Mirajane did you hear Loke just now?" She asked the older woman.

"Not really, maybe he's trying to communicate with you from the Spirit World or something… maybe you should trying calling back?" She advised.

After calling his name she waited a few minutes for something though she didn't know what to expect. For several long moments she get didn't anything. She was about to call him again when she heard was a painful scream there was no doubt in her mind it was Loke. His voice was cracking so hard that it seemed like it was about to collapse altogether.

Her eyes filled with fear which Mirajane did not miss. She put her hand on Lucy's arm as if it might be comforting but it didn't help much.

Before she knew she started screaming like she was crazy. She was yelling his name hoping he would hear her, would come to her so she could help him. She kept screaming for him till her throat had gone so numb she couldn't say one more word. At that point tears started to form in her brown eyes. She tried to call so him once more though it was more like a pathetic crying sound.

After another few long painful moments he appeared before her. He was definitely Leo the lion. His head was tilted down so far that she couldn't see his face. Then she realized he was covered cuts, bruises, and blood. His breathes were deep and labored so much that she could hear it from five feet away.

"Loke…" She cried weakly.

He seemed to try to look up at her but as soon as she was his eyes he fell onto her lap. The glimpse she saw of his eyes was so bleak and painful.

"Mirajane help!" She tried saying but it was more like a very muffled cry.

She quickly ran into a back room and brought out Makarov a few seconds later. Makarov did not wasting a second ripping his shirt off. Lucy was horrified to see how deep Loke's wounds actually were. She couldn't help but stare while they put a rag in his mouth to use as a gag, and then tied his hands together.

"Lucy I need you hold him down by his shoulders!" Makarov demanded.

She did as he said and saw Mirajane pinning down his legs. Makarov told them to hold him as tightly as possible while a flame formed around his hand. She watched him press his hand down on one of Loke's many wounds.

As he begun Loke's eyes flew open they were full of agonizing pain and sorrow. She couldn't bear to look into him. Just the glimpse she got of his eyes had torn her heart in to pieces. Then his screaming sounded like a helpless animal being torn inside out. Her face turned as pale as his was.

By the time Makarov was finished she looked as bad as he did. The only difference being he was knocked out from not only from whatever happened to him but what he had just been through.

"He should be fine just take him over to your place sometime today." Makarov said trying to sound casual as he walked away.

"What? Why?" Lucy asked.

"Because he is your responsibility. Besides it will be nice bonding time for you two." He said before disappearing to where ever had been before going off to where ever he was.

She looked down at Loke, he looked tortured. He looked so… well handsome of course she would never tell anyone that. Besides he never has just one girlfriend in fact he's never really single either. She wants to a guy's one and only absolutely no exceptions not matter how attractive he was.

"Lucy why are you blushing?" Mirajane asked curiosity filling in her eyes.

"Oh no reason…" She said jumping back trying to look calm.

She obviously didn't believe Lucy but she didn't pry into her explanation. Instead she dragged her to the counter. She gave Lucy a free cup of water and a cheerful smile, though it seemed out of place considering what just happened but then again she had got a glass thrown at her and kept that smile when they first met.

"I wonder what he's dreaming about." Mirajane wondered innocently.

"Hmmm… maybe catnip and scratching posts." Lucy joked to which both laughed hysterically at.

"Or maybe girls." Mirajane joked though she was probably right.

"Yeah… probably…" Lucy muttered sadly loud enough for the other women to hear.

"Oh sorry about that" She responded innocently.

"It's okay I'm not even sure why I'm acting like this…" She chuckled.

The hours went on and while Lucy was enjoying make jokes at Loke's expense it wasn't the same with him not awake to stand up for himself. As the sun begun to set she began to carry her unconscious celestial spirit to her home.

"He so owes me for this!" Is what she thought to herself as she carried her heavy temporary charge.

By the time they reached her apartment she was dragging him and almost dragging herself. She slumped him onto her couch. After doing so she made readjusting her back her next task. Once she had both complete she realized just how cute he was in his sleep. He seemed to have a likeness to cute defenseless kitten sleeping. Of course he was not defenseless and definitely not a kitten and she didn't even let the word "cute" get into her head.

"Lucy?" He asked weakly with his eyes barely open.

"Loke! What happened to you?" She as she perched herself by his side.

"I… don't… know…" He said weakly as he tried to pull himself up to get a look around the room.

His attempts had been proved fruitless as she easily pushed him back down though she probably could have been more carefully since he winced at her slightest touch. Once she had him back down she backed off apologizing for what she had done like a young girl that had broken a priceless family heirloom. No matter how much pain he was in he couldn't resist laughing at her about it. Not like she didn't threaten him to stop. As funny as it was he didn't want to find out why Mirajane had told him that Lucy could be as scary as Erza when was mad.

"Sorry! Sorry!" He practically begged.

She gave him an annoyed look before asking how he was feeling. He obviously wasn't as good as he tried to sound. She watched as he attempted to get to his feet but he as he got to his feet he almost bashed his skull open like he did her coffee table when he fell.

Lucy then spent the next half hour pressing a wet rag to his head while she pulled out splinters from his forehead while forcing him to lie on her couch of course. He gave her a very apologetic smile as she worked. Whether it was about the trouble he'd given her in general or the fact he was getting his blood on her couch.

"Did you happen to give Karen this much trouble?" She joked but obviously not a very welcomed one.

"Yeah probably…" He said in a sad and remorseful tone.

She then apologized like Aries would which quickly changed his mood to back to him being the one comforting her.

After pulling out the last visible splinter on his head she had him press down on the wet rag on his forehead while she looked for bandages and what not. It took about another twenty minutes to find what she was looking for and returned. After pulling off the rag she saw how it looked like a big mess with watered down blood, though on the bright side he was still awake (well a little dazed but still awake) and the wound stopped bleeding. She proceeded to gently wipe off the blood with another dry rag then carefully bandage it. Once she had finished she was astounded how quickly went back to sleep.

After the hour or so she realized that she was actually stuck with him for the rest of the night at least and by her judgment it'd probably be at least two days.

She decided she was too tired to take care of anything else.

"I'll handle everything else tomorow." She thought to herself.