Author's Note: Yeah, I'm cranky that the scene was cut too. But here's my interpretation of the kiss and subsequent events. Hope you enjoy!
Again, thanks to my wonderful beta, Jodie, who offers her creative insight and thoughtful comments about my writing. Always puts a smile on my face.
It didn't matter where they were.
They could have been at the local fair, the supermarket, or even the gas station.
People everywhere. Staring. Rushing. Whispering.
Instead, they were within the halls of McKinley High. Their place of work.
Students everywhere. More staring. More rushing. More whispering.
And still, it didn't matter.
Because when Will Schuester pressed his lips against Emma Pillsbury's, no one else existed. The halls melted away. The boisterous students vanished. The past became a distant memory. A single kiss was all that was needed to whisk the duo to a world where finally, finally, the possibility of a relationship was within reach. What a powerful awakening.
His top lip rested on her bottom lip, not wanting to go anywhere. Unhurried open-mouthed kisses, filled with heat, love and promise consumed their innermost instincts. His hands slid down to her waist, holding her close. Emma placed her left hand on his chest, rubbing slowly. Their eyes were closed, savouring each tender caress.
A quiet, high-pitched squeak escaped from her throat. Being in Will's arms, kissing him like this, felt absolutely amazing. She let him take over, kissing her deeper. Forcefully. Passionately. Emma leaned into him for support, her entire body weakening from his touch. He was the only man that could make her feel this way.
This was the perfect start to the summer.
Will stared into her brown eyes, stroking her cheek. "Do you think that kiss was a mistake?"
"No," Emma sighed happily. "That kiss was the beginning of making things right."
Will smiled and took her hands in his, interlocking their fingers. "Speaking of making things right…" He kissed her again slowly, sneaking his tongue inside her mouth, possessing her, reclaiming the woman and the lips he had missed so much.
"Mmm?" Emma murmured, still lost in the kiss.
He kissed her forehead. "I want to take you out to dinner this evening."
Her heart soared. "Sounds wonderful, Will," she said as she played with the collar of his shirt.
"I'll pick you up, say around 7pm?"
She nodded. "I'll be waiting."
Emma smiled the entire way home. She hadn't felt this way in a long time. Excited. Nervous. Thrilled. Just… just so happy. Everything was falling into place. She caught a glance of herself in the rearview mirror; her cheeks were still rosy pink from her and Will's public display of affection. She couldn't wait to kiss him again, to feel the touch of his lips against her skin. Her body trembled from the simple thought of placing her hand in his. Emma was ready to take the next step and enter a whole new world with Will Schuester. Tonight was going to be magical.
Will smiled the entire way home too. There was no way he was going to let Emma slip from his fingers again. He wanted to hold her in his arms forever and tell her how much she meant to him. Many nights he had dreamed of kissing Emma the way he did this afternoon, only to wake up in an empty bed, clutching a pillow. The dreams were so vivid, so real, it destroyed him a little each time. Not any more though. Thinking about their future, heck, even just thinking about tonight, ignited a fire in Will's belly. And it burnt solely for Emma Pillsbury.
A crescent moon hung brightly against the navy sky. The night was so clear; millions of stars scattered overhead, creating their customary sparkling constellations. 7pm arrived quickly. Almost too quickly, as if Father Time had given his clock an extra boost to hurry on tonight's proceedings.
Outside Emma's apartment block, Will pulled up in his blue sedan. Opting for smart casual, he chose pair of dark-washed jeans and a buttoned short-sleeved shirt. Will carefully picked up the boxed arrangement of red roses, bordered by Baby's Breath, from his passenger seat that he bought after work and walked up to the front door, pushing the buzzer.
"Will?" Emma's voice crackled on the intercom.
"It's me, Em," he replied.
"Door's open. I'll see you soon."
Will walked into the foyer and took the elevator up to Emma's apartment. He ran his free hand through his hair, checking himself in the reflection, approving his appearance. He felt his heart rate increase as the elevator bell chimed and the doors opened to Emma's floor. Was he…? Could he be… apprehensive? Jitters are good, he told himself. You'll be fine, just breathe. He listened to those calming words of wisdom and took a long, deep breath. It's Emma, and you love her. Don't screw it up. And sometimes words of wisdom were harsh.
Finding apartment 5J was easier that Will thought. Emma's door was ajar, so he knocked lightly and then stepped inside, calling out her name.
"Be out in a second Will!" She called from her bedroom. "Oh no!"
"Is everything okay Em?"
"It's just – auugh, my-my shoes, my favourite shoes, they just broke. Let me just grab another pair." She unbuckled her shoes, examining the left heel that mysteriously decided to snap apart from the base and placed them back in her cupboard. Emma looked at her shoes, all neatly stacked in plastic shoeboxes, frantically deciding which pair would go best with her dress. In the end, she selected her open-toed silver and black t-strap stilettos, a little higher than usual, but they matched perfectly.
Will was pacing in the lounge room, flowers in hand, admiring the family photos on her bookshelf. A set of two stood out in particular. Emma couldn't have been more than five or six. In the first one, her eyes were big and soulful, making her appear wise beyond her years. Tufts of ginger curls were tied up in pigtails with oversized blue bows and a dress to match. She clutched a Raggedy-Ann doll to her chest, smiling shyly at the camera. In the second, the doll was now being cradled in her arms. Emma was looking down at Raggedy-Ann in adoration, her face alight with joy. She was the doting mummy for her baby doll.
Precious. Innocent. A tender glimpse into Emma's childhood. Will couldn't wait to discover everything about the child in the photographs and, in particular, the woman she had become. The woman he loved. The woman who, one day, would look at her own child, their child, in the same way she looked at that doll. Will shivered with delight. A baby with Emma. So wonderful.
Adrift in the world of Emma, he almost didn't hear her approach from behind, her heels clicking on the tiled floor.
"Hey," she said.
Will spun around smiling, but almost dropped the flowers when he saw her. Wearing a short, black halter neck dress patterned with red cherries that fit snugly to her body, she looked almost nothing like the Emma Pillsbury from work. No cardigans, no brooches, no bows. Even her hair, normally parted on the side, was straightened with soft curls running through it. Where had this woman been hiding? He gulped and stared at the wonder before him.
She chuckled. "Well, aren't you even going to say hello?"
He cleared his throat. "H-hi. Wow, you look…amazing." Will walked over to her and kissed her on the cheek. "These are for you."
"Oh, Will." She bit her lip, accepting the roses. They smelled so fresh and sweet. She kissed him back. "Thank you, they're beautiful."
"Not half as beautiful as you." Emma blushed at his comment. She never thought of herself as beautiful, more classically plain. But for tonight, she was beautiful. And she had Will to thank. As well as the city boutique from where she bought the dress.
"I-I don't normally wear, uh, things like this, but the lady at the store said it was ideal and convinced me to buy it."
"You bought it just for tonight?"
"Yeah…" Emma nodded.
Will thought he was going to break out in a cold sweat. All she had to do was wear that forever and he'd be totally content. She bought it for tonight. For me. He was already teetering over the edge, but held it together, giving her a smile.
"Are you ready to go?"
"Yep!" Emma put the flowers on her kitchen bench and took one last look at them before turning back to Will. "You're going to have to help me a little. I'm not used to wearing these shoes. I'm a little wobbly on them."
"Well," he began, wrapping his arms around her, "Hopefully by the end of the evening, your feet won't touch the ground." Will paused and took a step back, realizing what he just said. "No, no, no, I didn't mean it like that, I meant – "
"N-no, no of course, why would you, why…" Her voice turned to a whisper. She looked down at her feet, a little shy from Will's comment.
"What I meant to say was," he said, resting his hands on her shoulders, "I plan to sweep you off your feet." Will tilted his head to the left and made contact with Emma's lips, breathing in her perfume, craving her taste and her touch once more. He enjoyed eliciting pleasure from the one woman who brought out the best in him.
She beamed up at him, touching his cheek with her hand. "Kiss me like that again and you will." He grinned, placing his hand over hers. They looked into each other's eyes, searching deep within, realising what they both felt right now was mutual. It was something that had been there all the time; it was just never given the proper chance to fly. Until now.
Kissing her cheek, Will said in a low voice, "We better get going or else they'll cancel our reservation." He put his hand in his pocket and dug out his car keys.
Emma nodded. She smoothed out her dress and picked up her clutch from the coffee table.
Will extended his hand; Emma willingly took it. It felt warm and secure.
"C'mon, dinner awaits."