Changed Forever

Chapter 5

Changed Forever

A/N: I know I said I'd have it up by Monday, but forgot I had basketball games. Anyway, this is the final chapter! My outline for it takes up half a page! I'm proud! Anyway! On with the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own BTR or anything that sounds familiar.

Logan POV

Ever since that weekend at Carlos' neighbor's house, I had a craving to get my hands on more drugs. Finally, it was the end of the week, Friday.

My craving was only growing stronger, so I decided that was going to go out on a mission; I was going to find Guitar Dude.

I had asked around and everybody gave me the same answer; I could find him in the old bathroom that nobody used.

During Study Hall, I asked to go to the library, but instead I went to the bathroom.

"Umm…hi" I said to a guy sitting on the sink counter.

"Hey dude," he replied.

"I was wondering what you got," I told him. He pulled his sunglasses down and looked at me in disbelief.

"You, of all people, are asking me for some stuff?" he asked.

"YES!" I basically yelled. I had heard that a lot today. People couldn't believe that Logan Mitchell was looking for drugs.

"Well I got some pot, crank, coke..." he started before I cut him off.

"Coke," I said fidgeting my fingers around. He dug a plastic bag out of his bag and handed it to me. I left without a word, new possession in my coat pocket.

Kendall POV

Logan and I skipped 7th period. James and Carlos couldn't come because they had a test, but we just had PE.

We had fun and messed around, but I got serious when Logan told me what he got his hands on.

"Just be careful," I warned him, but he didn't seem to take it seriously. I wished he did. He's the smart one, he should know.

I was home alone since my mom was bringing Katie to basketball tryouts. I was in my room doing my homework when my phone started ringing. It was Logan, so I picked it up.

"Hello?" I said calmly.

"Kendall! Can you please come to the hospital? I need to talk to you," said a frantic Mrs. Mitchell.

"Mrs. Mitchell, what's wrong?" I asked her.

"It's Logan. I-I…I thought I raised him right!" she cried out not finishing what she was going to say. The lined clicked off and I bolted out the door, to my car, and headed to the hospital

Logan POV

When I got home, I quickly said hello to my mom and headed straight to my room. I sat cross-legged on my bed and I pulled the bag out of my pocket.

I put some in a tissue that I grabbed off my side table and snorted it up. I put some more on, then more and more until I felt buzzed.

After a while, I started feeling woozy, so I went to walk over to my bathroom, but I was feeling dizzy. I swayed back and forth a bit for collapsing and blacking out.

Mrs. Mitchell's POV

I was starting to get dinner ready when I heard a loud crash from Logan's room. I went over to the stairs and called up for him.

"Honey are you okay?" I yelled up to him. When I got no response, I walked up the steps and knocked on his door.

"Honey?" I asked again. I got no response so I slid the door open gently. When I didn't see him on his bed through the small crack, I swung the door open. What I saw was awful.

Logan was on the floor unconscious. I ran over to him and checked his pulse. He still had one, but I knew that could change any second. I pulled out my phone and dialed 911.

"911 please state your emergency," said a woman on the other line.

"My-my son! He's passed out on the floor and I don't know why! He still has a pulse but I need to get him to the hospital!" I basically screamed at the woman.

"Ma'am where are you right now?" she asked me.

"116 Victoria Dr.," I told her.

"Help is on the way. Please stay on the line with me ma'am," she said calmly.

"Okay," I said, and that's when I started to cry.

"Do you know why he could've passed out?" she asked me.

"Not at all," I told her.

"Does he eat and sleep regularly?" she asked.

"Yes. He always eats and gets about 8-9 hours of sleep each night," I told her.

"Ma'am, please do me a favor and check his room," she said.

I did as I was told and saw something on his bed that I didn't notice before; a small plastic bag of a white substance.

"Oh my goodness," I said.

"What is it ma'am?" the lady asked me.

"I-I found drugs," I said hysterically. I would not believe that MY Logan got a hold of drugs. I taught him better.

"Ma'am, please tell this to EMTs when they arrive," she said. I heard sirens down the street and I ran downstairs to tell them about Logan.

"I found him unconscious in his room. Then I-I found drugs," I said with a sob when they got there. They loaded Logan onto a stretcher and boarded him on the ambulance.

"You can meet us at the hospital," one of the workers said. I got in my car and followed the ambulance all the way there, but not before grabbing Logan's phone. I needed to call people that may have known about this, and the first person would be Kendall.

Kendall POV

Once I got to the hospital, I made a mad dash into the main waiting room where Mrs. Mitchell was.

"Mrs. Mitchell?" I asked her. She turned around at looked at me with wide eyes. Then I realized that I was wearing super tight pants, combat boots, and a leather jacket, something she wasn't used to.

"I found Logan in his room unconscious. I found drugs n his bed. Kendall, did you now anything about this?" she asked me.

I looked down at my shoes.

"You did know! I want an explanation right now!" she told me.

So, I told her everything. I started with his first day of school, to his first time skipping, to James' party, Carlos' neighbor's house, and then skipping today.

"Kendall Knight, I am disappointed. I thought you were a nice boy! But now I hear that you were influencing Logan to do stuff that I know he would never do if he never met you!" she said angrily. I suddenly felt guilty.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Mitchell," I said.

"It's too late now. I just hope Logan is okay," she told me. We sat in silence for a little while before the doctor came out.

"Logan Mitchell," he said. The both of us sprung up quickly.

"And?" Mrs. Mitchell asked.

"Logan is fine, but he is going to have to talk to officials. As you know, drug use is illegal," he said. Mrs. Mitchell looked down sadly.

"I understand," she said.

"Do you know if anybody else was involved?" he asked. I was kind of hoping Mrs. Mitchell wouldn't say anything, but I knew that was basically impossible.

"Him," she said harshly, pointing in my direction.

"Who are you?" the doctor asked me.

"…Kendall Knight," I said.

"Well, we are going to have you wait for authorities to come. Follow me," he said leading me out of the waiting room. I gulped and suddenly felt nervous. The man lead me to another room and told me to sit down and wait, so I did, not wanting to get in any more trouble.

"Mr. Knight, is it true that you were involved in using drugs?" a police officer asked me.

"Yes," I replied truthfully.

"Is there anything else you would like to tell us? Better to tell us now than for us to find out later," he told me. I took a deep breath before replying.

"I have a fake ID and use it to purchase cigarettes and alcohol," I told him. He wrote this all down.

"Kendall Knight, you are under arrest for the underage purchase and use of tobacco and alcohol, having a fake identification, and drug use. I will read off your rights. Please put your hands behind your back."

Logan POV

I couldn't believe what had just happened to me. I was just arrested. The doctor deemed me well enough to be released, and just like that I was cuffed. I told them everything that happened truthfully, as they said I could get into more trouble for lying. I was pushed down into the cop car, to find Kendall in there, hands behind his back.

"Well hi," Kendall said. I looked at him and took a deep breath. I didn't respond, just looked out the window.

3rd Person POV

The police found out that James and Carlos were also involved, and they were arrested too. All 4 boys had been sentenced with Juvie since they weren't old enough to be put in jail. They also had to do community service.

Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell were heart broken. They couldn't believe that their own son Logan, the genius, perfect child, had been arrested. Mrs. Mitchell always felt guilty. She felt that if she had asked Logan when she first suspected, he wouldn't be in this position.

Mrs. Knight and Katie were devastated. Mrs. Knight couldn't-wouldn't-believe that her son smoked, drank, and did drugs She had never suspected a thing. Katie was even worse. She missed her brother, and was sad that he had lied to her. He promised her he wasn't smoking!

Mr. Garcia being a cop himself heard of this immediately and couldn't believe his ears. He knew his son knew the consequences of doing that kind of stuff, but did it anyway. Mrs. Garcia found herself an emotional wreck. Her own baby was in Juvie for doing things that could've ruined his life.

The Diamonds weren't as surprised as the others. They kind of suspected something after the party. They were disappointed, of course, but they weren't as bad as the others.

As for the guys, they regret every decision they made. Each of them wrote a letter to their families to say that. They each had to do "therapy" to help them with their "problems," as they called it.

Logan knew nothing would ever be the same. He was changed forever.

A/N: So this story is done! I have another one in mind! Sorry for any mistakes!