AN: Hey Y'all! This is the rewritten story of Warped! I hope you all like it!

It was Christmas at The Burrow and the Potter and Weasley family were enjoying themselves thoroughly. The kids were all in the back yard while the adults were inside, enjoying a nice catch up.

After a while, the parents decided to go sit outside for it was a fairly nice day. As they went outside, what they say made them all chuckle. James and Fred were hiding behind the oak tree while Hugo, Rose, Albus and Lily danced around uncontrollably. As they watched, Roxanne, Louis, Molly, and Lucy all ambushed the mischief-makers, with Roxanne pinning her twin to the floor. They others all went for the 12 year-old Potter. Their remaining cousins, Victoire and Dominique, as well as Teddy Lupin, all watched on, laughing, until they went over at broke up the 'fight'.

"It's nice," Ginny said, as the adults watched, "they don't have to deal with what we had to. They get to enjoy life."

"You saying you didn't?" Her husband asked her jokingly.

"No, I'm just saying, they'll all have a good childhood. No danger, loss, grief…" she trailed off as they all remembered that fateful night 19 years ago.

"Your right." George whispered, "It will be nice for them."

His wife leaned into him, comforting him, for she knew he was thinking about his brother, as was everyone else. There special moment was interrupted by Rose shouting, "GIVE THAT BACK YOU FREAK!"

"MAKE ME!" James yelled back, as he and Fred manoeuvred around the adults and dashing into the house, almost giving their grandmother a heart attack. Their cousins, including a very red, very angry, Rose Weasley, closely followed them. It looked as if Ginny was about to go after them until her husband stopped her.

"It's okay," he said, "let them have some fun. It is Christmas after all."

"But- Fine." His wife grudgingly agreed, knowing it was useless to argue. "But James is going to be in so much trouble when we get back home. And with that, they all went into the living room, being careful not to interrupt they children.

Meanwhile, in the floors above the living room, there was a big argument going on.

"Just give it back to her. It's none of our business James." Louis sighed.

"Yeah, listen to Louis guys. Also, Fred, Roxanne is going to absolutely murder you when she finds us, which she will. Eventually. " Lucy replied.

"Well, I'm willing to take those consequences." Fred replied, now looking terrified.

"Really, are you?" Before Fred could retort however, there was a loud bang and the rest of their cousins stood before them.

"Give me back my diary." Rose said, dangerously quiet.

"No." James said stupidly, shaking his head.

"Then suffer the consequences." Suddenly, Rose lunged at him. James dodged, but by doing so, he slammed into his grandfathers desk, smashing a red and black glass cube as he did so.

"James! Are you okay?" Albus cried, rushing over to attend to his brother.

"Albus, don't-" but it was too late, Roxanne's warning was useless. Albus stepped on the black mist that had emerged from the cube and the room jerked. They was a loud bang, and, as simple as 1,2,3, the cousins all vanished, leaving only Rose's diary.

Teddy Lupin was annoyed. His girlfriend had left him, again. I suppose he couldn't blame her, with the baggage of her cousins and all, but she could spare some time for him, once in a while. He entered Mr. Weasley's office only to be met by a horrifying site. The desk was tipped over, there was glass on the floor, and Rose's diary was lying there, splattered with blood. Immediately, Teddy rushed downstairs and opened the door to the living room, stopping all conversation.

"Teddy?" Bill asked, "What's wrong? Where are the others?"

"I don't know sir." Teddy replied in a shaky voice, "They've vanished."

All that could be heard was the ticking of the cuckoo clock.