Author's Note: Here! Have a drabble from my ask blog! I'm sorry it's so short. And I'm sorry for such an original title! [insert eye roll here]

Please enjoy!

Izaya stared out his office window, sighing at the grey sky looming over Shinjuku.

The Tokyo skyline was dark in midafternoon. It seemed all too soon that summer's warmth had been chased out of Tokyo by autumn's chill.

Now, it was time to replace his summer clothes with cardigans, fur trim and soft sweaters once again.

Continuing to observe the changing weather, rather than his beloved humans on the streets below, the raven missed the sound of the front door clicking open and shut, allowing him to be pleasantly surprised as he was taken out of the trance deep thoughts left him in.

"You look so perfect when you're thinking," Shizuo growled, coiling his arms around the brunet's thin waist; careful not to overuse his strength and crush Izaya like he might have tried to several months ago.

Izaya shuddered, loving the ripple of shivers shooting through his spine as his lover's hot breath ghosted over his ear.

"Tch," he scoffed in order to cover up the heat rapidly rushing to his cheeks. "You're too cheesy, Shizu-chan."

"That's fine," the blond chuckled lowly, knowing he was spreading a heat akin to a wildfire through the brunet's system, "As long as you keep looking like that."

"Turns you on, ne?"

"Not quite as much as your smile – the real one that isn't deadly and maniacal - or the way you look getting outta the shower, but yeah. No use in denying it."

"I repeat: cheesy," the raven scoffed despite enjoying such flattery.

But Shizuo didn't care.

Izaya smirked, reaching behind himself to grab a fistful of the bodyguard's dyed tresses and pull him in for a searing hot kiss. The taller man tasted like vanilla and cinnamon despite the slight taste of tobacco on his breath. The flavor had the informant moaning into Shizuo's mouth; using his curious, explorative tongue to beg for more.

He loved that taste, so sweet and infectious that many of his days now revolved around anticipating the blond's return home if only to soak up that essence as best he could.

Izaya dragged his tongue over the blond's teeth.

"Hnn…" he whined slightly as Shizuo finally released them both in order to come up for air.

There were times in which he hated himself for melting so easily at the will of such a brute.

"You like that, Flea?" Shizuo asked, expressing his animal-like side has he shoved his smaller lover against the pane of glass which kept the two separated from falling to the streets below.

Immediately, his hands slithered down Izaya's sides just slowly enough to feel each rib beneath his shirt, down to his hipbones and even further down the information broker's pants.

"Show me what else you like," Shizuo teased, grinding against the raven just to hear him moan and squirm from beneath his touch – just another thing about Izaya that turned him on.