Disclaimer: I don't own anything Super Smash Brothers related. Just a fan of the franchise.

I thought this would be a bit fun. Who doesn't like a good OC story? The summary will clue you in. Read the end note to find out where I'm going with this!

"Master Hand better make this quick," Bowser grumbled. "I have better things to do, you know."

"Like what?" Mario challenged. Bowser shot him a glare, but chose not to say anything.

All the Smashers had gathered in great hall of the Mansion. This place was usually reserved for eating, special announcements, special occasions and parties. Master Hand had summoned all the Smashers to gather here at 1:00 PM. "Don't be late," the notice that was posted on each of the Smasher's dorm doors warned.

"I wonder what it could be about," Lucas wondered, looking worried. "The last time he gave an announcement was when he kicked out certain Smashers."

"He won't kick you out, if that's what you're worried about," Marth responded kindly. "He only kicked out the Smashers who placed last in the Tournament. You'll be fine. I'm sure it's nothing too serious."

"I wouldn't bet on that," Captain Falcon cut in, darkly. The racer leaned forward so that he could whisper conspiratorially to Lucas, "The time before he kicked out Roy and the rest was when he demanded to know who leaked nude pictures of Samus."

"Somebody leaked naked pictures of Samus?" Lucas asked, horrified.

"Falcon, shut up," Samus said, icily. The voluptuous blonde turned to Lucas and said, "You will probably never see a naked picture of me. The day you do, you won't live to see another day."

Everyone who heard that statement shuddered. At that moment the double doors to the hall opened and a giant hand floated in and the chatter ceased.

When he'd finally made a stop at the head of the room he spoke. "Thank you for taking out the time to see me. I would not be calling you here unless I had a very important announcement to make. And I do."

He paused here, as if he didn't know what to say next. Then, in a strained voice he said, "I'm afraid we are facing some financial issues."

At first, nobody spoke. Nobody knew what to say. Falco was the first to regain his wits. "What do you mean? How can this have happened? We're one of Nintendo's most successful companies! And what do you mean some? How bad is it?"

With these questions suddenly came a barrage of other complaints and questions.

"Are you cutting our pay?" Peach shrieked.

"Does this mean our vacation days are cut short? Aw man, Candy's gonna be pissed!" Donkey Kong complained.

"You don't understand," Mr. Game & Watch was pleading. "This is the only place I can get a job!"

"If I go back to Ash, I'm going to get abused, you just watch," Pikachu muttered. "You know our relationship wasn't like on the screen right? The kid was super lazy and made me do everything for him!"

Jigglypuff nodded in assent. "And if I go back into the wild, nobody will appreciate my singing!"

"Nobody appreciates your singing here either, Jigs," Snake said, gruffly.

"Will every one be quiet, please?" Master Hand bellowed. All the Smashers quieted down. "To answer your questions Falco, there are not enough people who are interested in watching our matches anymore. Unless we bring more viewers to our matches, I am afraid we may have to move to a smaller house and we will have to cut down on paychecks, vacation days, and I may have er... Terminate some of your contracts."

This brought about new complaints. Lucas began to cry.

"That's why I've decided on something. You may not like this, but I figure this is the only way to create an even bigger audience," Master Hand spoke over the complaining. Everybody quieted immediately again.

"You're not going to bring more out of Nintendo characters to the fight, are you?" Ganondorf said.

"Oh God, if you bring Master Chief, I'm going to quit regardless. The dude's amazingly self absorbed," Snake said. The other people nodded in quiet assent.

"No, I've already thought that out. Instead, we're going to going to play a bit of a lottery game."

"Lottery game?" Link asked, confused. "I don't get it."

"You would if you would stop interrupting," Master Hand shot back. He was starting to grow annoyed at all of the interruptions. "When people buy tickets to see our matches in our stadiums, it will come with a little incentive. By buying these tickets, they will have a chance to live in the Smash Mansion for a year!" he finished dramatically.

There was a long silence. "I still don't get it," Popo said, confused.

Master Hand sighed. He knew some of the Smashers were a bit slow. "Not only will our fans buy our tickets to watch you fight. They will also buy tickets in hopes of staying at the Mansion for a year, all expenses covered. If a fan purchases a ticket, and it just so happens to be gold, as opposed to red, then that means they will be able to secure a seat at the Mansion! During the time they are here, a reality show will be filmed as you Smashers and these lucky fans interact throughout the year! You will eat together, go out together, fight together and essentially live together! Now do you get it?" He explained patiently.

"No offense, but this sounds like a really stupid idea," Star Wolf growled.

"For once, I'll have to agree with the wolf," Fox said.

"Can you imagine the repercussions this is going to have on us? We're going to have obsessed fans on our cases the whole time!" Ike said. "What if they steal my stuff and sell it on eBay?"

"This isn't your choice to make. I have already met with the board and they agree that this idea is brilliant. The tickets are in circulation, so there's nothing you can do about it," Master Hand responded, a little miffed that they weren't responding to his brilliant idea as well as he liked.

There was a collective groan. "Well thanks for telling us after you made the choice!" Marth yelled.

"No problem," the giant hand responded sarcastically. "Meeting dismissed." And with those words, the hand floated out of the room feeling a bit disgruntled.

The Smashers were right to feel like this wasn't a good idea though. Because their lives were about to take a turn for the worse.

Aaand the story ends with a bit of foreshadowing!

Okay, here's where the fun part comes in! The fans of this story will be created by none other than, you the reader! Get creative as possible, and please note that I do not accept "overly perfect" characters otherwise known as Mary or Gary Sues. I will also not accept more than 15 OCs. There are a couple of requirements that I ask for:

1. I will need a description of how the OC looks. I will also need the basics. Name, age, etc. You may also describe the personality. What does your character do for a living? I'd like for you to create a character that has a life revolving around him/her and a history etc. The more detailed and interesting your character is, the longer your character will stay alive because I have more content to go off of! ;)

2. In addition to this, you MUST submit at least one reason/motive behind why your character may be the murderer. After all, there will be an equal amount of suspicion amongst the OCs, Smashers and everyone else living in the Mansion!

3. Please do NOT write the description of your OC in a review. You may review saying you're interested in submitting an OC, but please PM me the details. I do not want other reviewers knowing all of the OC's backstory. That would give away a lot of the story if everyone already knew everybody else's background story.

4. Have fun, and please review on your way out!