Chapter Seven

            She walked amongst the garden in the courtyard, lost in thought and observing the flowers. Which is why she did not notice when she bumped into the brown-haired knight she had danced with last night.

            "Good afternoon, Your Highness," said a voice as she looked up in surprise.

            "And to you," she replied.

            "I hope last night was a good experience," he said.

            "It certainly was. For a first experience of these court balls, I say it turned out pretty good in the end." Yes, the end was definitely the best.

            "And meeting Jonathon wasn't?" he asked jokingly.

            "He was certainly interesting," she said hesitatingly, after searching for the right word. After all, I don't want to offend him. The Prince is his friend.

            "He can be a bit of a prig at times. But he lightens up when you get to know him," he said.

            "Well I suppose since it was only the first meeting I will get to know him better," she replied.

            "And with your fair face, lady, I'm quite sure that will be. Not that I wouldn't mind getting to know you better," he said flirtatiously as she giggled.

            "And are you sure you're the only one?" she replied with the same charm.

            "Certainly not. But our gallant knight Jonathon shall prevail in the end, shan't he?" he said jokingly.

            "Yes, I think he shall," she replied.

            "You only think?" he asked jokingly.

            "I'm quite sure, though," she replied in the same manner. "But I fear I must depart now."

            "Then let me escort you to your chambers, fair lady." He bowed flirtatiously.

            Alanna sat with her ladies-in-waiting, embroidering a tapestry. Stitch by stitch, the outline of a deer was formed. But her thoughts were far away. Last night's banquet hadn't been what she hoped it would be – meeting a less priggish betrothed. Yes, that Sir Gareth of Naxan's description of her betrothed had been quite accurate. She hoped the tonight's ball might be better. After all, perhaps the Prince was just surprised by Clarusan customs. But he need not say they were immodest. Or unmannerly, she thought as she tried to push those thoughts away. It would do me no good if I dislike him. But the ball wasn't that bad. After all, meeting Sir Gareth was a good experience. She hoped they might be friends in the future. They had a good conversation last night over the dancing. Not all Tortallans were as stuffy as she had thought. Unfortunately, Jonathon, as she had found out, was quite a traditionalist. But they – she and Sir Gareth – had a good conversation over the topic of festivals. She had found out there was only one festival – Beltane – not in the social season. Mostly, nobles stayed on their fiefs summer, spring and part of fall, then came for the winter social season. Tis' bound to be quite boring most of the year, she reflected.

 Alanna enjoyed festivals greatly – the games, fun, and dancing. They were always great times of celebration in Clarus, whether it was for a god or otherwise. But Tortallans didn't really have any festivals. Just mostly balls or masques. She supposed masques would be quite fun, but so far, the one ball she had attended hadn't been too interesting, save meeting Sir Gareth. It was just that everything here seemed so . . . courtly. Even the balls, which she had thought would be more like the festivals in Clarus  As if the people couldn't just freely express their feelings, but had to be constantly polite. Everything seemed to be about rank. People dressed quite ostentatiously, as if in an attempt to impress others. And if the Lady Etiquette was any guide, nobles could be quite full of self-importance. They seemed not to care much about the commoners.

"– absolutely ruined."

"Yes. It's quite sad. She rarely ventures out even. She wasn't even at last night's ball," Alanna overheard.

"And remember when she used to flaunt her beauty so openly? Now, I wager that even a bandit wouldn't look at her!" said Lady Winifred with a small smirk.

"She only ventures out with the heaviest of veils. I saw her yesterday in the gardens. Floating about sadly," said Lady Marguerite.

"Well it certainly serves her right," said the snide Lady Octavia. "Flaunting around like that! Humph!" She stabbed particularly hard at the fabric.

Alanna got up to go for a walk in the gardens.

"It is not the etiquette," said Lady Etiquette, with a look directed at Alanna. And as Alanna exited her chambers, her ladies-in-waiting and Lady Etiquette followed.

As she walked through the halls, her ladies-in-waiting followed, gossiping amongst themselves. She walked through a maze of stairways and halls, finally leading her to a single winding staircase. She walked up the staircase, winding around and around, until she was at the top. Alone. She looked down, seeing her ladies-in-waiting and the Duchess slowly inch up the staircase. She walked to the balcony, seeing all of Corus spread before her. A breeze ruffled her hair and she looked down upon the city and felt quite peaceful and free, even. As if everything in the world had mattered no longer.

"Your Highness?" the reedy voice of the Duchess interrupted. "The banquet is to start in an hour and a half. We must return to prepare."

The banquet. Alanna turned around and nodded and they walked down the winding staircase, through halls and stairways. Alanna returned to her chambers with the Duchess and the other ladies dispersed to their own chambers to prepare.

Alanna was dressed in a gown of fine herringbone wool in brilliant mauve, with delicate embroidered golden inserts at the elbows, from which the sleeves flared out widely. Small puffs of chemise peeked through at the shoulders and round her waist was a delicately woven golden girdle, the long thin tails hanging down to the hem of her gown. Celia dressed her hair simply (that is, by Tortallan standards), with her hair parted above her ears and two thin braids from the middle of the part line, all secured in the back of her head with a golden circlet from which a pearl hung from the middle.

She was escorted to the banquet and seated next to the Prince. They conversed politely over the day's happenings. Though perhaps their conversation was more free-flowing than yesterday's, she felt that there was still a barrier of polite formality. Alanna did not want to make him disapprove even more of her habits, so she said nothing about her meeting with Sir Gareth and her opinion of him (the Prince), and told him simply that she had gone for a walk around the gardens instead of up to that tall tower. He told her of his training at arms and of his friends – Sir Gareth, Sir Raoul and Sir Alexander, who was noted as one of the best fencers in court. She wanted to ask him more on his training, but it was not a topic for ladies, as Lady Etiquette had said. So she held her tongue, because she did not want him to think worse on her habits and thoughts. Thus, it was not a very engaging conversation, and her eyes often looked to the other nobles, all chatting merrily with their dining partners, and she saw that he did also, his eyes seeming to rest longest on that dark-haired lady he had danced with last night. She dressed in all dramatic black and white, unjeweled, a contrast to the brightly colored and bejeweled gowns of the other ladies. She was not quite sure if it was simply her imagination, but it seemed as if the lady had returned one of his glances. But she simply told herself that even if she had, it meant nothing, for they could be friends. Their conversation had ceased and Alanna concentrated on her meal. It seemed to continue for quite long, hours and hours, though it was really only three hours. Then finally the subtleties. They were magnificent creations – delicate and intricate scenes and castles, artful figures and representations of the gods. Alanna marveled at them. There had been nothing like these in Clarus. Wonderful creations passed by, and then were cut up and served. After another half hour, the banquet finally ended and the King and Queen led the courtiers into a ballroom.

She and the Prince led several other pairs of dancers in the first dance. Then other couples joined in and the floor was full of people. She could barely make out the gathering of older matrons gossiping amongst themselves. After several dances, she found herself seated, watching the dancers. Jonathon was dancing with a slender golden-haired lady in a yellow damask gown over orange silk. The dark-haired lady in black and white was surrounded by a group of knights. The King and Queen sat upon golden thrones, the Queen in a gown of pale blue trimmed with gold braid and the King in a silver tunic and blue hose. Then Sir Gareth asked her to dance and they moved into the throng of dancers. She wanted to ask him about the dark-haired lady whom she had thought exchanged glances with the Prince, but was afraid of the response she might get, so she did not say anything. As they danced, Sir Gareth told her about the people at the ball. The dark-haired lady in black and white was Lady Accalia. He mentioned the ribbon round her throat from which a jewel hung. Alanna had noticed it last night, but had not thought much upon it. Sir Gareth told her that there were rumors that she wore the ribbon to conceal a mole or birthmark that grew upon her throat.

"Her admirers don't seem to mind," remarked Alanna.

"Yes, but one would wonder why she simply didn't have the mole removed."

"Perhaps there is no mole, and she simply likes wearing a jeweled ribbon around her throat," she replied. As they moved amongst the dancers, Alanna noticed that Jonathon was now dancing with Lady Accalia.

Alanna asked him about the King and Queen. King Roald was known as the Peacemaker; unlike he was from his father, King Jasson who had expanded much of Tortall's borders. Jonathon, as a traditionalist, would probably be much like the old king. The Queen was his father's sister and very much a court lady, although she did not gossip and was not prone to ostentatious displays of finery. She had taken sick much in the past year, and though she had always been frail, she had grown weaker. He mentioned the Duke Roger of Conte, who was a nephew of the King's. He was a great sorcerer and well known in the eastern realms. Alanna had never heard of him, being that her island homeland was far away from Tortall (though they had trading connections) and magic had never been of great importance. It had been a question of great pondering with the court gossips (nearly everyone) that he had not taken a wife, as he was certainly handsome enough to attract a good number of ladies and his rank was quite desired by many ladies of the court. They talked much about the history of Tortall. The monarchs here were certainly different from her homeland. There had been very few marriage treaties with other empires. In Clarus, many of the queens had come from other empires. But most Tortallans thought themselves above such "barbarians", which they considered most of the surrounding empires and most certainly Westerners. The treaty with Clarus had simply been for more trading rights. Tortall desired the fine silks, marble, and the purple dye of the placnus shell that Clarus had to offer. And though the Yamani Islands were closer to Tortall and had what they desired, they had never considered a treaty (and only traded once a year with them) with them on the basis that they were utter barbarians. Alanna replied that then Tortall's perception of other empires was most certainly wrong. Other empires, including Western empires had great achievements and a civilized people, and that civilized people had a true understanding of other cultures and an open view. It was only barbarians that were shortsighted.

"I did not mean to offend you, Princess," he said apologetically. "I do not have the view that other empires are barbaric."

"Nor did I mean to offend you," she replied embarrassedly.

"I was not offended. It's quite good to see other views of the world, something we don't quite have here," he said as they sat down.

She nodded, agreeing. The Prince appeared in front of her and asked her to dance. With a quick smile at Sir Gareth, she got up and took the Prince's hand. They glided amongst the dancers. The Prince was silent and she did not have anything to say, and so they danced wordlessly, executing the complicated steps. There was a slight stiffness to his steps that she noticed. And when the dances changed to freer ones, it was still there, accompanied by the wordlessness. Then he suddenly asked if she would like to go for a walk in the gardens. Politely, she replied the dictated answer and they walked through the doors to the gardens. The walk was rather strange and slightly uncomfortable, though Alanna showed none of her feelings. After a couple walks around the garden, he asked her how she was enjoying tonight's ball. And she was able to reply truthfully that she enjoyed it. She asked him in turn how he was enjoying the ball and he replied that it was pleasant. He inquired as to her meeting with Sir Gareth and she told him they had a polite conversation. He nodded politely and they walked once more around the garden wordlessly.

Upon their return to the ballroom, he went to dance with a golden haired lady in a red velvet gown and damask kirtle greatly trimmed with jewels and her fingers, neck and hair also greatly adorned with them. How strange, she thought yet again, of the heavy and jewel encrusted gowns of this court. She watched the glimmering dancers. I certainly stand out strangely, Alanna reflected, and laughed softly to herself at the strange Tortallans. The ball was coming to an end and people were filtering out. The Prince came to escort her to her chambers.

She got up and walked beside him. They were wordless yet again as they walked to her chambers and Alanna could hear the happy whisperings and laughter of other couples. But our time shall come, she thought. They reached the doors of her chambers and he kissed her hand politely and they bid each other a good night.

A/N: Another chapter! I hope you don't think things are progressing too slowly, but it would be strange if they went faster, because this is only their second meeting. Anyway, please review!!! And give me plot suggestions if you want to. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.