Hello! I am back with a holiday fic, but unlike most of my fics I finished this one! Yes I am as surprised as you. I am going to post a chapter a day although this is little late. I will finish this one because it's sitting on my hard drive and my LJ. Here's the first one enjoy and happy holidays!

One Piece

An Amusing Tradition

"I want a Christmas Tree!" Luffy announced to his crew one day. Everyone looked up from their activities to stare at their captain. Crocodile, who happened to be on the ship because of a certain captain, lowered his paper. "A Christmas Tree?"

Luffy nodded happily. "Yes, Christmas is almost here and I want one. There has to be one close by right?"

"We could cut one down in the nearby forest." Zoro said.

"Great and we can decorate it like we did before." Luffy said.

"I remember our last tree. I didn't even think it was possible to put that many lights on it." Nami shook her head.

Robin laughed. "It was nice watching it light up."

"What happened?" Crocodile asked.

"Well, two years ago Franky made all these lights for our Christmas tree. There were so many it almost covered the whole tree. I thought they wouldn't fit." Nami said.

"The best part was when Franky turned them on." Robin smiled.

"What happened?" Crocodile asked as Luffy bounced over taking a seat in his lap.

"It was so bright everyone could see it." Luffy smiled.

"Yeah, including the marines," Sanji said as Zoro smirked. "That was a fun battle."

"For you, maybe, it took me hours to find my sunglasses just so I could fight." Nami said.

"It was so bright I could barely believe my eyes, but wait, I don't have any." Brooke laughed. Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper joined him as Sanji and Nami shook their heads.

Crocodile chuckled. "That was one bright Christmas Tree."

Franky smiled proudly. "It was super!"

"It was quite nice. I would like to see it again." Robin said

"We could a get a tree and decorate it." Nami said.

"Can we make our own ornaments again?" Usopp asked.

"I don't see why not." Nami said.

"Awesome!" Luffy looked up at Crocodile. "Want to help us look for a Christmas Tree?"

"I don't know. I'm more for decorating the tree instead of looking for one." Crocodile said.

Luffy pouted. "Aww, but it'll be fun."

"I can make ornaments and get some tinsel for you, but I don't have much of an eye for trees." Crocodile said.

"Come with us. It'll be exciting, I promise! You can watch Zoro and Sanji fight over who will cut the tree down first. That's always fun to watch." Luffy said.

Crocodile looked over at Sanji and Zoro, who were fighting about that very thing. He shook his head, chuckling softly. A tug on his shirt took his attention away from the fight. Crocodile looked down, his stomach knotting up at the look on Luffy's face. Luffy had his bottom lip between his teeth staring back at Crocodile with wide eyes. "Are you going to join us? I know you can help us find an awesome tree for Sunny."

Crocodile sighed he could never refuse anything when Luffy used that look. "Alright I'll come join you. Someone has to make sure you find the right one. I know how easy it is for you to get lost in the forest, well distracted more than lost."

"You'll come with us awesome!" Luffy leaned forward, giving Crocodile a quick kiss. Crocodile's eyes widened slightly, in surprise before he kissed back. Luffy pulled back, giving Crocodile his normal grin. "And I don't get lost in the forest, Zoro does."

"Not anymore, since the forest is finally in the right place." Zoro said.

"No, it's not." Sanji scoffed. "You just finally remembered where to go."

"Shut up. No one asked you." Zoro said.

"I just put in a reasonable input asshole." Sanji glared at Zoro who returned it. Another fight broke out between the two of them while Nami groaned and Robin laughed.

"Hey guys, you won't have to worry about getting lost. Crocodile is coming with us." Luffy jumped out of his lap. Crocodile noticed the change of demeanor from a minute ago. He sighed shaking his head in defeat that look was something he could not beat. Crocodile looked over at Nami and Robin noting their knowing smiles.

"I take it Christmas is like this every year." Crocodile said.

Robin nodded. "Yep and it's just the beginning."

Nami smiled. "You think this is something just wait until the tree lighting."

"The tree lighting?" Crocodile said with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes. I heard that Franky is going to make it very super this year." Robin said.

"You know it." Franky posed with a smile. "This year is going to be great! I have to make up for the two years we lost. It's going to be super!"

Chopper, Usopp, and Luffy cheered and happily clapped their hands.

"Awesome we get to see more robot powers!" Luffy exclaimed.

"I can't wait!" Usopp cheered.

"It's going to be so cool!" Chopper hummed and danced around.

"I can't wait to play my new Christmas songs." Brooke tuned up his guitar.

"I hope nothing catches on fire this year." Nami said.

"Hmm, we can always put it out before the fire kills us" Robin added a marshmallow into her hot cocoa.

Crocodile chuckled. "This sounds like it's going to be interesting."

"Oh it will be, but the fun hasn't even started yet. We still have to do the shopping, decorating, and the cooking. That's going to be very exciting." Robin said.

Crocodile nodded as he watched Luffy play around with Usopp and Chopper. He looked over to Sanji and Zoro fighting then to Brooke and Franky talking about the upcoming light show.

"You're right it will be." Crocodile sat back in his chair and lit a cigar.

Robin smiled in agreement before going back to her hot cocoa. This is going to be a very amusing holiday season.

So what do you guys think of the beginning? This is something I did last year and remembered to post it this year for the holiday season. Hope you guys enjoy it. Until next time! Bye!