Written on 11-19-10
100 word drabble
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me.
A/N: I've come to the realization that most people, myself included, don't look at the author page when they read a story on fanfictiondotnet, so I've decided to include this note with my stories. If you're looking for some story ideas, or just like reading crazy crossover bunnies, check out my author page for some interesting ideas.
A/N: Spoilers up to episode 3x13, takes place sometime between that ep and 3x14
"Hey Zuko, check this out!"
Zuko glanced over at his annoying pupil, then dropped his face into his hand with a groan.
Katara patted him on the back sympathetically, but her voice was annoyingly superior.
"I know how you feel, but you have to remember that even though Aang is impressively powerful, especially when he goes all Avatar, he's still just a twelve year old boy."
Zuko ignored her, preferring to pound his forehead into his palm instead.
He also ignored the Avatar, hope of the world, zipping around on an air scooter, trailing a fart of fire behind him.