Chapter 9: Fang's Bang and Tlaloc's Wrath

Reyna's POV

I woke by the sound of alarm. I grabbed the alarm clock and turned it off. Then I realized we have to leave at 9 O'clock for Earth. Jason was still sleeping snoring soundly. He had his hand around my waist. I kissed him lightly on chick and went towards bathroom. I completed my morning activities. Today we are going back to Olympus. I tried hard no to curse but it was impossible.

I was combing my hair when Jason came from behind me and wrapped his hands around me. I smiled "Hey, Good morning"

"Good morning." Jason said and started kissing me on neck

I laughed and got free from his hand. "Hey this is no time to make out. I have to leave for earth any minute now"

He frowned at this and pulled me into a hug "Don't ruin the moment"

"I am not ruining it. I am just saying that the sooner we get there the sooner our work will finish" I said

"Fang is thousand times more powerful then you can imagine, so be careful" he said in a worried tone

"Don't worry. Chaos will be there and you also coming with Percy any time so I don't think any of us have to worry anymore" I said

He smiled and kissed me. We went outside. We saw everyone was waiting for us. "Hey Reyna" Thalia said "Ready to go back to earth to kick some godly ass"

"You bet" I replied

Suddenly a vertex appeared and Chaos stepped through it. We all bowed to him. "It's time to go. We have to warn Gods, what are they facing"

"Yes sir" I and Hepit said

"Tlaloc I will contact you soon when you four have to come. But be prepared. I may call you anytime" he said

"Yes sir" Tlaloc said

Chaos snapped his fingers and a black vertex appeared in front of us and I & Hepit jumped in after Chaos.

After a few seconds we were standing near the Empire state building. We looked around, lots of things were changed but empire building was same as ever. I can't believe city changed this much. We entered in the building. The man at visiting counter looked at us.

"What can I do for you?" he asked

"Sixth hundred floor" Chaos said

He looked at us and said "No sixth hundred floor sir"

I and Hepit looked at each other. A silent conversation passed between us. We both took out our sword and placed on the table. "Sixth hundred floor" we both asked

He looked at sword and then looked at us then he tossed the key at us "I hope you know the way"

"Of course" we both said

Elevator was also the same after thousand years. They didn't even change the elevator songs. When it reached Olympus we stepped outside and looked at the view. It was the same view we had when we were last time here. Neith's designs were still there. She was thinking that they might have hired a new architect.

Chaos said "Nice city"

"Neith designed it sir" Hepit said

"I know" he said

We walked towards the Great Hall. The loud noises were coming out from it. It sounded like Gods were arguing. Man they haven't changed a bit. We entered into a Great hall. Gods were sitting on their thrones and having arguments with each other. Hades & some immortal campers from Camp-Half Blood & Camp Jupiter were there. They were so involved in arguments that they didn't even noticed us coming.

"Silence" Chaos shouted and everyone shut up.

"Who said that?" Zeus roared "Did you do it Poseidon? Hades?"

"I didn't do it. We were talking to you remember" Poseidon said

"Yah" Hades said

"Then who said it. Who dares to say that to me?" Zeus said He still didn't noticed us

"I did it" Chaos said coldly

Every eye in the hall turned to us. Zeus took out his master bolt & pointed at us "Who are you?"

"I am Chaos" Chaos said

And the silence filled in the air. Nobody talked for a while. "What?" almost everyone asked

"Do I need to repeat myself again" Chaos said

"It's impossible. Chaos faded eons ago. There is no such a thing" Athena said

Just looking at her made me want to strike her. But this is not the time I told myself. We will get our chance in future. "If you don't want to believe then don't. But I came here to offer you help in a upcoming war with a new monster you are facing. I believe no one heard about him."

This made everyone flinch. Gods were put in uncomfortable position. This never happened that Gods didn't know something. "If you are really the Chaos the Creator of Universe then where were you all this time?"

"Earth is not my only creation Zeus. I have created so many things in outer space that I have to deal with. I have no time to give special attention to every planet in the universe." Chaos said

"Then go back where you came from. We don't need your help. I am capable to handle any monster that comes in my way" someone yelled from campers

I recognized that voice perfectly. Anyone can recognize that arrogant voice anywhere. He is the reason we were betrayed at the first place. Chaos looked at Jake and said "Well if you want to handle things with that monster who have terrorize universe for over million years then best of luck. We will be going now. I don't think you deserve mine or my army's help"

"Wait" Zeus said

"What?" Chaos asked

"He is the dumbest campers around us sir. Please we accept you offer of alliance in this war. Please tell us you know about monster" Zeus said and every god nodded

I & Hepit looked at each other. I can see a question in the Hepit's eye. Is this really my father? When he learned to give respect to someone?

"You should have thought about that thousand years ago when you all betrayed Percy Jackson & his friends" Chaos said and every one flinched at this.

"Don't speak of that MURDERER" Piper yelled

But suddenly she knocked to the ground. Everyone rose to see who did this. Leo & Hazel were standing behind them. "Do not speak that word for my friend" Leo said

I smiled when I saw my old friends. They were covered in mud. There were wound on their body. It looked like they were coming from some fight.

I ran towards Hazel & Hepit did the same to grab Leo. They were about to hit the ground. "Sir Can you heal them" Hepit asked

Chaos snapped his fingers and every wound healed on their body. Their torn cloths were back to normal now. They were full of energy. They looked at us in confusion. I had a sudden feeling to tell them the truth that their friends are coming back but I know we can't do that unless Chaos said.

"Thank you" they both said

"Have you investigated what is happening near the Tartarus" Hades asked

I, Hepit & Chaos looked at each other. We know what was there. "Yes" Leo said

"A new monster came out from Tartarus. His name is Fang. He made an alliance with Titans & Gaea" Hazel said

Man I thought we have only Fang to fight. But Titan's & Gaea are also rising. This is becoming lot tougher than I expected.

"The monster looked exactly like Rachel showed us thousand years ago" Leo said

"You are right. The thousand year old prophecy has finally began" Chaos said

"But, how that monster rose from Tartarus? How come we never know about this monster sooner?" Athena asked

"It involves a long story" Chaos said and explained about Fang & how can he be killed. He introduced us Commander of Chaos army. The funniest thing was that all the Gods agree that Hunters of Artemis are not the part of this prophecy. Hunters of Chaos will be the one to finish Fang. They were scared by the thought that different kind of monster can also set their foot on earth by Tartarus travelling.

"OK sir, we accept you help but before we allow your hunters to enter into our camp we will test them that whether they are worth or not" Zeus said

"Do you doubt my hunter's ability?" Chaos asked

"No sir but-" Zeus try to said more but Chaos cut him

"You will have no doubt once you meet them. Each of the hunter is able to defeat you all single handedly. So keep that in mind before you meet them. If you made any of them angry there is no telling that they will leave before destroying you" Chaos said

"I would love to defeat your hunters" Jake sneered

"I would love to see their faces once you defeat them Jake" Piper laughed madly

I & Hepit grabbed both of them by their neck. "You know you are the dumbest & weakest person around here. So you are not even worthy of standing against hunters" I said

We both released them. "Be careful gods when Hunters arrived. They will be arriving at Camp-Half Blood today evening. My soldiers will give your campers training so they will know how to fight with the monster that you don't know" Chaos said. The gods were stunned by our ability to move fast. They just stared at us in awe.

"We don't need your help in training. We are capable to do anything" Jake sneered

"Shut up" Chaos roared "Menhit & Hepit. You two will leave to Camp-Half Blood immediately and prepare a cabin for our army. Tlaloc will arrive with hunters in the evening"

"Who is Tlaloc?" Poseidon asked

Chaos smilied and said "He is your worst nightmare" and we teleported to our destination.

Thalia's POV

I & Menhit teleported to Camp Half-Blood.Nothing was changed in Camp Half-Blood. Everything was same as always. Only one thing changed that while Percy was leader everyone had fun. Everyone used to train regularly. But now a day's campers didn't get any time to train they were just busy to fulfill demands of Jake & Piper.

I & Menhit managed to build Chaos Cabin with the help of Cyclops till afternoon as our soldiers arrived. Every soldiers was excited because this was the first time they came to earth to the camp where their favorite hero got training. Ryan was asking campers about him. But he didn't get any luck because they were afraid to speak about him. We asked why is it so, they told Jake & Piper forbidden them. I wanted to strangle those two at this. But Menhit held me back telling me that Tlaloc will teach him lesson when he arrives.

Right now we were having dinner with campers. Jake ordered every camper to stay away from soldiers of Chaos because he didn't trust us. But I know the real thing was that he was scared of us.

Chiron spoke after a long silence "We have guest here today. The Soldiers of Chaos. I welcome them at Camp Half-Blood."

"Thank you Chiron" I said

"Chaos told us to train the campers here. So we are going to train you guys so you will know how to fight with the monster you didn't know" Menhit said

"We don't need you for that." Piper sneered

"So you are not going to follow the direct order from Zeus" I asked

Piper thought of that and sat down in silence "Fine" she sneered

"You can train our heroes in the arena. If you need anything just ask-" Chiron was saying but stopped suddenly by the sound of big explosion and siren stated to ring suddenly

"Come on" I told my soldiers "We are under attack"

We all rushed outside. The ground near the Half-Blood Hill was turned into rubble. Dust was spread around the hill so it was impossible to see what is happening. "Heroes get ready may be enemy is around. We have to defend the camp"

"Of course I am around" a new voice spread in the air. It was very confusing because we can't seem to figure out from where it is coming. We moved towards the Half-Blood Hill. But where we couldn't get too far. Where ever we step foot the ground started to sink in. I looked around to see others, they were also struggling. I heard screaming around. Sand started to stirred more quickly then ever. Gaea I snarled inside my head. She is may be awaken now. I have never seen her this powerful before.

"Gaea is awake" Chiron said

"How can you say that?" I asked

"I have never seen her made this much damaged before. It is the only explanation" Chiron said

"This is bad" Hazel muttered

"We will face whoever it is together" Menhit said

"OK" Chiron said

"No not OK" Jake and Piper yelled but Leo kicked both of them on head and they both passed out

"Shut up asshole" He snarled

But in the mean time everything was over. Our legs were jammed with mud. We couldn't move. Now a two figure was visible to us. One was definitely Kronos & another must be Fang.

"Ha. So this is the great force of Gods. This is how they challenge us. Pathetic, if this is the best they got then I would say they would better go and cry on their mummy's lap" Fang roared laughter and Kronos joined him.

"It's time to finish job" Fang said

He moved faster then I thought. I have only seen Hunters move that fast. He was going to rip Hazel's head with his teeth but some powerful force stopped him. One giant figure was standing in front of Hazel. He just grabbed Fang's bear teeth with his hand.

I recognized him immediately, it was Tlaloc. "You are not going to hurt her" he said and took out his sword. Fang continue to struggle. He was trying to move back as he seen Sword of Chaos. But Tlaloc held him tighter. Neith, Amon & Orcus also arrived and took out their weapons too.

Tlaloc slashed his sword on Fang's belly and he cried out in pain. "This was the cost for trying to hurt my friend. Imagine why will happen if you actually hurt them" Tlaloc replied in cold whisper

Fang was yelling in pain. Big holes appear in ground and he jumped in. Kronos followed him immediately. I don't blame him. Tlaloc had a very powerful aura that anybody will run away.

Silence fell as our bond released. Finally Chiron asked "Who are you?"

"I am Tlaloc the leader of Hunter of Chaos"