Alright, I figured I put this chapter off long enough and decided to get it finished. Before I start I would like to answer a few questions some of you had in reviews. For all of those who are worried about Naruto's Yonko status, chill. Trust in the story and try not to worry about things that I already have planned out. For those who are asking about pairings, I honestly don't know yet. Suggestions are welcome and I will look them over to see how they fit into the story. If it's beyond the realm of reality for this Naruto, I won't do it. (Though there is very little this Naruto isn't capable of doing.) Anywho let me know what you think in a review, my next Bleach/Naruto chapter should be out soon. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or One Piece.

The seedy pirates made to grab the young bartender who was screaming for someone to help him. Ryuuma and Kyuubi glanced at Naruto who shrugged his shoulders. The two took that as a sign that they were not to interfere and went back to drinking their severely overpriced drinks. The barkeep was now beginning to shed tears as Naruto observed the volatile situation with lazy eyes. Finally when the pirates had managed to get a hold on the bartender and were ushering him out of the door; Naruto spoke.

"You know he still has a job to do. My glass won't refill itself." He said gesturing to his empty glass.

"This piece of shit is coming in for questioning. If you want another drink get it yourself." The leader said with an ugly sneer.

"I don't want to refill it myself. I want him to do it; it is his job after all." Naruto had remained calm throughout the whole exchange which was more than could be said for the leader of the pirate gang.

"I think you need to be taught a lesson brat." He tossed the captive barkeep to one of his comrades and marched over to Naruto with his pistol drawn. Cocking back the hammer, he leveled the gun to Naruto's head.

"I'll give you three seconds to get the hell outta here before I put a bullet between your eyes." Naruto for his part seemed unfazed by the threat which pissed the thug off even more. He began counting down.


"Three." Naruto finished staring into his would be killers eyes which had now become bulged in pain. The thug craned his head behind him to observe the source of the pain only to find the very man he was about to shoot standing behind him with a knife plunged into his back. He turned back around to face Naruto and was shocked to find him still sitting at the bar.

"Shadow clone jutsu," Were the last words the thug heard before he fell to the ground lifeless. The clone Naruto vanished in a plume of smoke and the original turned back around in his seat and continued drinking.

"Come do your job." It was obvious that he was speaking to the barkeep so the man shook himself free of the thug's grasp and returned to his station behind the car. The thug's were all still in shock from the death of their leader and did the only thing they could think of. They ran.

"Don't think this is over! You have no idea what you've just done." One of the thugs yelled as he made his departure. The bar was now empty save for Naruto and his crew, the shaken barkeep and a man in a green cloak in the corner of the bar.

Naruto downed his drink and gave a content sigh. He was completely unaware of the looming figure of Kyuubi behind him until a fist came crashing down on his head.

"You idiot! Why is it everywhere we go you always manage to piss off someone? And let's not mention that you just drank a drink that costs 50,000 Beli!"

Naruto rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. Before he could offer up a reasonable response (i.e., bullshit) the cloaked man walked up to them and set down a large wad of cash.

"I think this should cover their drinks as well as a few more, right barkeep?" The bartender nodded with glazed eyes as he studied the cash. He quickly rushed to prepare the drinks.

"So to what do we owe this generous donation?" Naruto asked after downing a drink.

"It's no donation. Consider it payment for getting rid of those thugs." The cloaked man said with a chuckle to which Naruto gave him a thumbs up.

"All in a days work, my friend. Care to give us the name of our new drinking buddy?" The cloaked man removed his hood to reveal a face that looked to be in its early twenties. He wore a large black top hat with a pair of blue goggles wrapped around it, a blue jacket with the sleeves rolled up, a cravat and a pair of light blue cyan shorts held up by a belt with an elaborate flower-design buckle. On his waist was a flintlock pistol. Over all of that he donned a long green cloak. The bartender instantly recognized the man.

"Sabo-san! You're the King of Thieves?" Naruto and his crew were a little surprised at that. From what they gathered Sabo was a noble.

"Oh? Drinks with royalty? I feel so honored." Sabo shook his head at that.

"I'm about as royal as you are, Naruto Uzumaki. Or would you rather be called the Yellow Flash?" Naruto squinted his eyes in an attempt to remember if he had met the noble before.

"Strange I don't think we've met."

"You really don't remember?" The noble asked.

"No." Sabo seemed a little disheartened at that but soon perked up and puffed out his chest.

"Let me help you out a little. There is an island in East Blue called Dawn Island. On the island is a kingdom by the name of Goa." Sabo's dramatic monologue was ruined by Naruto who had lost interest and started on another drink.

"I thought you were giving me a hint not a geography lesson." The blonde said dismissively.

"Let me finish!" Sabo's brow twitched for a moment before he cleared his throat and launched back into his tale.

"As I was saying. Twelve years ago in the Goa Kingdom a great tragedy occurred and I chose to leave. While departing I had the misfortune to drift into the path of a World Noble who was visiting the kingdom. They prepared to fire at me and I was sure I was dead." Sometime during his speech Sabo had closed his eyes in remembrance. When he opened them again he saw Naruto leaning towards him in anticipation.

"Then what happened?" Sabo face vaulted before popping up and screaming at the forgetful blonde.

"You happened you idiot! Don't you remember pulling me off of the boat and bringing me back to the kingdom?" Naruto took on a thinking position then snapped his fingers.

"Oh yeah, I think that was during a Revolutionary mission. You were much smaller then." Sabo's brow began to twitch again as Naruto began to measure him with a ruler he pulled out of nowhere.

"I was ten years old you asshole." Naruto shrugged and tossed the ruler over his shoulder. Going back to his drink he asked the noble a question.

"So how did life work out for you, kid? Shouldn't you be professing how grateful you are for me saving your life?"

"My life is hell." Sabo's morbid response didn't give the blonde any pause.

"Well that's a downer." Sabo continued despite Naruto's supposed lack of interest.

"Everyday I'm forced to watch as my family prospers at the expense of others. There's not a day that goes by that I don't regret not dying back then. At least then I could get away from the shame of being born a noble."

"So that's why you give so much money to the townsfolk. You're trying to make up for being born a noble?" Kyuubi asked with a raised brow. It seemed that the young man still had a lot to learn about the way of the world. Sabo didn't catch the accusing tone in the woman's voice and spoke on with conviction.

"That's right. These people have done nothing wrong and yet they are forced to suffer because of my family's greed." After polishing off another drink Naruto felt the need to point out something to the regretful noble.

"Well giving them more money isn't going to solve the problem. That seems like the way nobles handle their problems."

"How dare you? Sabo-san is-" The barkeep's defensive tirade was cut short by Sabo.

"No, it's okay. He's right. I'm taking the cowardly way out. The truth is I just don't have the courage to fight against the way things are anymore." The noble seemed to be lost in thought before he continued.

"Back then it seemed like I could do anything with those guys by my side. Now I'm just as much apart of the problem as my stepbrother is." Before anymore could be said on the matter the doors to the pub came flying open followed by the noisy entrance of around twenty pirates. Naruto idly noticed that a few of the men from earlier were in the group. One of them pointed directly at Naruto.

"There he is! He's the one who killed Kaito." The group advanced towards the blonde who was gulping down as many of the drinks as he could.

"By order of King Stelly you are to be executed. Any resistance will be met with lethal force." Naruto downed the final flagon and gave off a large belch right in the pirate's faces. Sabo was sure that the blond was about take care of them in the same way he did earlier. He was proven wrong as Naruto held up his arms in a defeated manner.

"Well I guess you got me."

"What?" If Naruto heard the noble's question he didn't show any signs.

"It was me who killed that Kaito guy." That seemed to be enough for the pirates as they slapped a pair of iron shackles on the blonde.

"You are to come quietly." Naruto did as he was told and quietly got off his stool and allowed himself to be lead towards the exit. Sabo turned a frantic eye towards Ryuma and Kyuubi.

"Aren't you guys gonna help him?" The two pirates looked at each other before shrugging.

"What for? We don't even know the guy." Kyuubi's response was like a kick in the gut to Sabo.

"This isn't right. He was just helping. He doesn't deserve to die." Taking note of the defeated look in the young man's eye Ryuma spoke for the first time in a while.

"That's the way the world works. You of all people should know that. The question is what are you going to do about it?"

Instead of responding Sabo ran clear out of the bar to the only place that he could stop this from happening. His stepbrother's palace.

(Silver Kingdom Palace)

The palace of the Silver Kingdom always rubbed Sabo the wrong way. The entire kingdom was an example of how greedy and selfish nobles were but the palace was the most glaring example. It was the largest building on Quickshot Island and it was no doubt the most expensive. The halls were decorated with things that no one needed or ever used. High priced decorations and rugs that were paid for by the sweat and blood of the hard working citizens of the kingdom. It had been this way ever since his father took over lordship of the kingdom and it only worsened when Stelly took the throne.

Walking into the main hall Sabo was greeted to the sight of his stepbrother. Unlike Sabo, who constantly trained in order to stay fit, Stelly had grown obese over the years. He sat in the main hall in his throne stuffing his face full of exotic foods. Looking at the fat king made Sabo's stomach turn.

"What are you doing here, Sabo? Come to borrow some more money?" Stelly asked finally noticing Sabo's presence.

"I came to stop the execution that you arranged." Sabo was firm on his stance as he held no doubts that it was Stelly's decision to have Naruto executed. The obese man laughed with a wheeze.

"You must be joking. That man killed one of my men. He must die." Sabo could hardly control his anger at his stepbrother's reasoning.

"That man stopped an innocent civilian from being robbed and killed!" The slob of a king merely dismissed that comment as if it was unimportant.

"It doesn't matter. He'll be dead soon anyway. I suggest you let the matter drop." Stelly turned a disgusted eye at Sabo."Honestly, pleading for criminals. What would father think of you now, Sabo?"

Realizing that this discussion was getting him nowhere fast Sabo turned on his heels and walked purposefully out of the palace.

'He'd think the same thing he always has; I'm not fit to be a noble. And for once I'd agree with him.'

(Executioner's Stage)

Every citizen of the Silver Kingdom stood around the hangman's noose that was located in the center of the kingdom. The stage was painted a silver hue that conflicted with the morbid action that would soon be taking place upon it. Sabo sifted his way through the crowd trying to find Kyuubi and Ryuma. When he finally located them he saw that they were next to a local merchant by the name of Gozu. Gozu was a fair and wise man as far as Sabo was concerned. He was even in the running to become the next king until Sabo's father was appointed the position.

"They're really going to do it. Such a shame, that man doesn't deserve this."

Gozu had heard about what had happened at the Silver Carafe and he sympathized with what was going on. Unfortunately there was little he could do. He wasn't strong enough to fight off all of the pirates hired by Stelly by himself. And it was obvious that none of the townsfolk would help. It seemed as if the man would die for trying to help a bunch of cowards. The thought enraged both Gozu and Sabo, the latter of which turned to Naruto's supposed friends.

"Are you guys seriously going to let him hang? What kind of people are you?" Ryuma turned a cold gaze to the young man and spoke.

"The same kind as you. I don't see you doing anything."

"I can't…" Sabo traced the area in his belt that held his flintlock pistol.

"Then he'll die." Kyuubi said flatly.

By now they had already tied the noose around Naruto's neck. The blonde didn't seem too concerned about his impending death. He merely watched as Stelly took slow, fat steps on the stage. The overweight king then addressed the crowd of citizens.

"Let this be a lesson to all those who oppose the great King Stelly!"

Stelly gave the motion to pull the lever that would release the trap door beneath Naruto's feet, the blond smiling the whole time. Before the executioner could do anything a single shot rang through the plaza. Everyone began searching for where the bullet ended up and they all expressed various states of shock as the executioner fell over dead. They then began to mummer among themselves as to who the culprit could be. They didn't have to speculate for too long as Sabo leveled his pistol at Stelly.

"Wait, brother! Be reasonable, what do you want money? I can give you all the money you'll ever need!" Sabo remained silent as he cocked the hammer back on his gun.

"You have no idea what you're doing! When the World Government hears of they'll!-"Stelly's desperate tirade was cut short by another single shot. The bang echoed through the area as did the resulting thud of Stelly falling over with a bullet between his eyes. Silence descended upon the plaza but it was soon broken by the yells from pirate thugs.

"You just killed our meal ticket! Kill him!" Another shot echoed and the pirates all flinched. After a moment when they realized that none of them were injured they made to draw their weapons. They were stopped by a loud voice.

"Anyone who doesn't want to die should leave this island right now."

It came from none other than Naruto. The final shot Sabo shot had cut the noose around his neck and freed him. The pirates all remembered what Naruto had done in the bar earlier and made the smart choice. They ran.

When it finally dawned on the citizens that the reason for their suffering was dead they all began rejoicing. People around him all came up thanking and congratulating him for his bravery. Sabo watched it all with a detached view.

'What's really changed?'

He looked at Naruto who had regrouped with Kyuubi and Ryuma. The way he faced his death with a smile made Sabo wonder just how brave he really was.

(Quickshot Island-Docks)

Naruto and his companions stood at the docks ready to leave. After two days of drinking and celebrating Naruto decided it was time to depart. They stood talking to Gozu who had insisted on giving them a farewell gift.

"I hope you like the ship. It isn't much but it's the least we could do for what you all have done."

"It's a fine ship, we thank you." Ryuma stated and received a smile from the man. Kyuubi decided to ask the question that was on everyone's minds.

"So what happens now?" Gozu looked back at the Kingdom particularly at the palace that could be seen from the docks.

"Now we govern ourselves. It was the original plan back before Stelly's father took control. Though the World Government is likely have our heads once they find out that Stelly is dead."

The pirates knew that was a fact. Any kingdom, no matter how small, that decided to denounce the World Government was seen as a threat and eliminated. The only ones that were exempt from that rule were lands under the protection of either a Yonko or the Revolutionary Dragon. With that thought in mind, Kyuubi turned towards Naruto with an expecting look.

"Oh no. Absolutely not." The blond knew what she was about to ask and there was no way he would ever consider asking Dragon for a favor. Kyuubi tried to make the blond captain understand.

"It's the only thing that would keep this kingdom from succumbing to the World Government's will." Naruto however was not so easily swayed.

"No Kyu-chan. I promised that I wouldn't work for him ever again. Not after what happened." Kyuubi decided a different approach was in order.

"Well it's not like you really have to work for him. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to have a new Kingdom under his jurisdiction. Besides, you kind of owe it to Sabo-san. This was your fault." Naruto conceded to that fact. It was partially his fault that all of this happened. Sabo was forced to kill his stepbrother in order to "save" his life.

"You're right, I do owe him something." Looking at the noble that was sitting on the docks in silent thought, Naruto made his decision.

"Alright listen up! From now on the Silver Kingdom is under my protection. If anybody gives you any trouble, just contact me and I'll come running."

The declaration shocked those that could hear it. Such a statement meant that regardless of who came knocking, be it the World Government or a Yonko, Naruto would have to fight them. He fished around inside his cloak for something before producing a small sheet of paper.

"Here take this. Rub a little blood on it and it'll send me a signal. Only due this if your way of life is being threatened again." Kyuubi noticed that what Naruto gave Gozu was a tracking seal. While it made since she idly wondered why he didn't just give the man a Hairaishin kunai. She pushed those thoughts aside when Gozu enveloped them all in a hug deeply invading her personal bubble.

"Of course. Thank you Naruto-san. If you ever need anything from us just let us know." Naruto laughed uncomfortably and wormed his way out of the man's hold. He bid the man farewell as they proceeded to where the new ship was docked. Along the way Naruto stopped where Sabo was sitting and addressed the twenty-two year old noble.

"How you holding up, Sapo?"

"It's Sabo." The noble deadpanned.

"That's what I said." Sabo ignored Naruto's forgetful nature and looked back out at the sea.

"I guess I'm fine. I had no love for Stelly and the world is a much better place without him. I just don't really have a purpose anymore." Sabo looked back at Naruto when the man scoffed.

"You kidding me? Did you think Stelly was the only corrupt noble in the entire world? I hate to break it to you kid but there's more of them than I care to count. Some of them hold more power than you could imagine and I'm not talking about a couple of renegade pirates. Some of these guys can and will lay waste to entire countries on a whim. How does that sit with you?" The thought seemed very unsettling to the noble and he deflated.

"What can anyone do against such power?" Naruto's loud proclamation snapped him downtrodden mood.

"The only thing you can do is fight it. Fight it at every turn until your body can't move and then fight it some more. You up for that?" Sabo gained a fierce look of determination that caught Naruto by surprise.

"I am."

"Can you navigate a ship?" Sabo seemed confused at the random question but answered regardless.

"Yeah, I'm actually pretty good at it." Naruto seemed to appraise the noble before nodding to himself and extending a hand.

"Then welcome to the crew. We don't have a name yet so for now you're just the navigator of a nameless pirate crew!" Sano's eyes widened before he bowed awkwardly, it was clear he had never done such an action before.

"Thank you Naruto-san." Naruto bopped him on his head and sent the noble crashing into the dock.

"That's captain Uzumaki to you brat! Now steer us towards San Faldo and be quick about it."

"We're not going to San Faldo!" Kyuubi yelled irately from her position on the ship. It was at that moment that Naruto finally took notice of the large ship that had drifted into the harbor at some point. It was way larger than the one they had been given by Gozu and the Jolly Roger seemed familiar to the blond but he just couldn't place it.

"Well it's nice to know that some things never change." The new voice came from the before mentioned ship that was just coming in to the harbor.A man jumped down from the railing of the vessel and landed beside them. For once Naruto recognized the face.

"Well if it isn't old red haired-Holy shit! You lost an arm!" Shanks scratched the back of his head in embarrassment much like Naruto does.

"Hehe, yeah. I lost it placing a bet on someone."

"You always did have terrible luck." The blonde commented. Hearing strangled gasps Naruto turned to Sabo who had a look of astonishment.

"What's the matter with you kid, you constipated or something?"

"That's Red Haired Shanks! One of the Yonko and you're talking to him like you're old friends?" Sabo screamed in confusion. The loud noise made Naruto check his ears as he responded casually.

"Yeah that's generally how conversation works between two people who haven't seen each other in a while. You sure you're alright, Sano?"

"It's Sabo!" The noble yelled in frustration. Shanks interrupted the quarrel.

"Speaking of old friends, Naruto. There's someone who would like to have a talk with you."

Naruto detected the underlying hint of danger but chose to ignore it. Shanks was the type of person who never showed his hand until he had to. For the moment Naruto would play along.

"Huh? Well tell him to bring his ass out then. I have a date with a craps table in San Faldo."

"We're going to hit the jackpot." Ryuma added while nodding.

"We're not going to San Faldo!" Kyuubi screamed at the duo. Shanks ignored the banter and explained.

"Well he's not really in the best of shape right now. It would be much easier if we go to him." Naruto eyed the red haired man for a moment before shrugging.

"Well let's get to it then. Those dice won't shoot themselves." Shanks seemed pleased with this outcome and walked back onto his ship. He spoke to Naruto without turning to look at him.

"Follow us in your ship."

(Open Sea)

Naruto kept a steady eye on the ship in front of theirs. Shanks was always a hard person to read. The man never revealed his true intentions until he was ready. Knowing that Naruto had to assume that this meeting was far more important than the Yonko was letting on. His theory was given some credit when the two pirate ships were suddenly surrounded by Marine battleships. Naruto watched as twelve warships ascended from beneath the water. It seemed they had been coated with the special resign from Sabaody Archipelago that allowed for ships to travel underwater.

Naruto knew that Shanks would take care of the ships in the front so he walked to the back of the ship and observed the ones behind them. There were a total of six Marine battleships at their rear. It seemed as if the lead ship's captain was about to announce something but Naruto didn't give him the chance. He formed a series of hand seals and announced his attack.

"Water Release: Great Dragon Bullet Technique!"

The water surrounding the battleships began to take form into a giant, powerful dragon with glowing golden eyes. The dragon soared into the sky before looping around at charging at the ship with great velocity. The impact was devastating and tore through the six battleships with ease leaving a mess of metal floating atop the sea. Naruto, Kyuubi, and Ryuma watched the event with dull eyes while Sabo was much more vocal in his opinion on the matter.

"Wow! How did you do that? Have you eaten a Devil's Fruit?" Naruto turned to the top hatted noble and responded.

"Of course not. I heard they taste disgusting. Ramen is the only food I'll ever need. Sweet, sweet ramen." Naruto's drooling elicited a sweatdrop from Sabo. His daydream was interrupted as Ryuma posed a question.

"So who do you think this person is to warrant such a response from the World Government? Or could it be a trap?" Kyuubi waved that thought off.

"Shanks doesn't have the attention span for traps." Naruto wasn't so quick to draw conclusions. His face took on an expression of deep thought before he spoke.

"Be ready for anything." Kyuubi and Ryuma both nodded with solemn faces. Naruto's serious statement served to put Sabo on edge.

"Captain Uzumaki? Is something wrong?" Naruto snapped out of his trance and took on his usual goofy persona.

"Of course not. And stop it with this Captain Uzumaki stuff, the name's Naruto!"

"But you told me to-never mind." Sabo sighed dejectedly.

They sailed for a good half hour without any further incidents. Naruto became vaguely aware that they were entering an area that seemed familiar to him. When he couldn't place the location he let it drop. Before long they spotted a gigantic ship that could be seen even from their position. It was larger than Shank's ship by at least five times, which meant it was at least ten times the size of their own. Naruto felt the stinging sensation of feeling emasculated and decided right then that they needed a bigger ship.

"That's one big ship." Ryuma commented casually observing the titanic vessel.

"It has to be. It holds the biggest ego in all the seas." Naruto said staring intently at the whale figurehead. Sabo was now curious as it seemed Naruto knew the owner of the ship.

"Who is it?" Naruto looked at Ryuma and nodded when the man shrugged. Turning to the noble he spoke in a hushed tone.

"You want to meet a legend, Sabo?" Sabo was so shocked at the fact that Naruto had finally gotten his name right that he didn't realize that the blond had wrapped an arm around him. The noble gasped as he was soon airborne in Naruto's grasp. Before he could comment he heard Naruto speak.

"Whatever happens, don't look up." His tone was soft and it caught Sabo by surprise. He felt the impact from their landing harder than Naruto did for some reason. From his position on his backside the noble idly noticed that Ryuma was also with them. He paid little attention to that, as well as the dozens of unconscious men sprawled about the deck, as he laid into Naruto.

"You can't just do things like that out of the blue Captain!"

By now Sabo had gotten to his feet and was right in Naruto's face. The blond looked amused and a little bit proud which made the navigator confused. He didn't have time to dwell on the matter due to a deep voice.

"Out of the blue is the only way Naruto D. Uzumaki operates."

Turning around towards the voice's origin proved difficult for the noble. It seemed that the more he turned the heavier his body became. By the time he had fully turned to look he found himself back on his knees from the sheer force of whatever was in the air. He struggled greatly to lift his head and he soon wished he hadn't. Sitting on a large throne was perhaps the largest man that Sabo had ever seen. It wasn't the man's size that floored him, it was the fact that he knew who this person was; he doubted that there was anyone in the world who didn't. This was Edward Newgate, also known as Whitebeard. The Strongest Man in the World. Standing a little ways away from the large man was Shanks, whose demeanor had shifted from before. Back at Quickshot Island the man was loose and seemingly laid back. The red haired Yonko now radiated a strong aura that seemed befitting of a man of his station.

'Such power! What are these people? They're not human!' Sabo felt his arms buckling to remain straight against the deck. A trail of saliva fell sown the side of his mouth and his breathes became ragged and shallow.

"Looks like the boy is having trouble breathing, Uzumaki. Where did you find such a weakling?"

The mere act of Whitebeard speaking seemed to amplify the pressure in air and Sabo thought he would die right there. Suddenly he felt a new aura. This one seemed to push against Whitebeard's crushing presence. It allowed Sabo to regain his breath and look around. He found that Naruto was giving him a sincere smile and it was then he realized that the blond was the source of the calming aura.

"He just hasn't gotten his sea legs yet. But he's got heart." Naruto said with an eye smile as he and Ryuma walked towards Sabo. The noble looked up at the two in utter shock as they seemed to be unfazed by the pressure.

'Captain.' His respect for Naruto skyrocketed as the blonde reached down to pick him up. This would only last for a brief moment though.

"But I think you're right. This atmosphere might be a little to much for him at the moment." Without so much as a second thought, Naruto tossed Sabo overboard and sent him plummeting below.

"You bastard!" Sabo's scream lessened the further down he dropped.

Naruto chuckled as he heard a loud crash indicating that the noble had landed in the ship below. Lucky for him Kyuubi had anchored the ship in that exact spot. The blonde's actions drew forth a chuckle from the only man standing besides the two Yonko, Ryuma, and himself.

"Still as random as ever I see." Naruto squinted trying to place the face brfore snapping his fingers.

"Yo, Marco. Long time no see. I'm starting a pirate crew, wanna join?" Marco scowled at the suggestion.

"As if I would ever join up with you." Naruto sent the man a confused look.

"Huh? Who asked you to?"

"You did you bastard!" Marco screamed at the blond captain in frustration. Shanks soon cut in to the conversation and took his place between Whitebeard and Naruto.

"While this is quite the reunion, I think it's time we got down to business." Naruto shrugged and leaned against the railing of the Moby Dick with Ryuma at his side.

"So what did you want old man? Shanks said you wanted to see me for some reason." At Whitebeard's confused look Naruto turned to Shanks who scratched the back of his head.

"Actually that was just a lie. Sorry about that but I figured it would be easier to kill two birds with one stone." It was obvious that Whitebeard was not amused at Shanks' tactics. His wording left much to be desired as well.

"My patience is wearing thin. State your business Red Hair." The red haired Yonko's face grew serious and he turned to address the older Yonko.

"I've asked you both here to discuss your current movements. I ask that you Whitebeard have Ace stop his search for Marshall D. Teach." Ignoring Whitebeard's scoff Shanks turned to Naruto with the same serious expression.

"And I ask you Naruto to cease your journey as well. I know what it is you plan to do and I can't allow you to continue." Whitebeard spoke up without hesitation. It was obvious he already had his answer.

"My answer is simple enough. Marshall D. Teach will be taught a lesson in morals by me. I will not call off the search." Naruto tilted his conical straw hat and spoke in a casual tone.

"I'll have to say no as well. What I aim to do can't be stopped by words." Shanks' face grew grave and his voice was somber.

"I guess there was no stopping this." He said with a sigh. The sigh soon turned into a grin and without warning the red haired pirate was instantly in front of Naruto with his sword drawn. Naruto didn't move an inch even as his cloak fluttered from the close proximity of the Yonko.

"The rampaging point of this age!"

Shanks' declaration was followed by the sound of swords crashing together. Ryuma blocked the Yonko's attack on his captain with his own blade and the resulting clash tore a line in the cloudy skies. In that time, Whitebeard had moved from his position on his throne with speed one would not expect from a man in his condition. The Yonko armed with his bisento made to cut down all three of the visitors on his ship only to be intercepted by Naruto who had seen the old man preparing to attack. The blond bit his thumb and ran the bleeding digit along the tattoo on his left arm. A large sword with a butcher knife like appearance manifested in his right hand. Those who were familiar with the blond knew to call it the Executioner's Blade.

When the two clashed it was with such raw power that the deck began to splinter. The cloudy sky in the immediate area dissipated allowing the sun's bright rays to shine through the otherwise murky sky. The waters below became violent and whipped about in a fury so fierce that the three ship's anchors were constantly being stressed.

From the rocking ship below Sabo could only watch in awe. He couldn't see the fight but he could hear the thundering clashes and he could see how the exchange was affecting the surroundings. It was like something out of an old tale of godlike warriors.

"Unreal. People like this, there's no way such strength can exist." Water from below rained down on their much smaller ship as the sea fell victim to the violent brawl above.

Sabo nearly flew off the boat when a particular exchange rocked the ship with tremendous strength and snapped the anchor. It was only due to Kyuubi that he refrained from being tossed overboard. She held a firm hand on his shoulder and spoke with her eyes closed and a serene smile on her face.

"Listen closely, Sabo-kun. This is what it sounds like when the Gods themselves clash."

Sparks flew from the deck of the Moby Dick down to their much smaller vessel and Sabo too found himself closing his eyes and allowing the thunder that spawned from the battle to wash over him.

(Water 7)

The Straw-Hat Pirates were basking in the glow of their recent victory against the CP9 and the World Government at Enies Lobby. It was decided that a barbeque was in order to celebrate their victory and the return of their crewmate, Robin.

Robin smiled at her crewmates as she watched them partake in as much debauchery as humanly possible. They were such a rowdy bunch that a secluded person like her often felt out of place. She honestly couldn't see why they cared so much about her after all that she had done. Her face lost its smile for a moment as she thought about what had happened recently. So lost in her thoughts, she didn't realize that Zoro was standing next to her until he shoved a drink in front of her face.

"You need to get out of your own head for once. This is supposed to be a celebration and you're over here brooding." The woman took the drink but her face didn't change.

"And what exactly are we celebrating?" Her voice was as soft as Zoro had ever heard it. He responded with enough conviction for the both of them.

"The return of a Nakama."

Robin turned her hazel eyes towards the swordsman and stared at him for a moment. He was right. They had been through hell and back to retrieve her and it was for no other reason than because she was their Nakama. The very thought filled her with emotions that she hadn't felt since she was a child. Mainly hope. Hope that she could continue her people's research. Hope that she could have real relationships with people again.

'Maybe even something more.'

It was obvious that he was uncomfortable with her gaze as he turned away with a blush on his face. Robin chuckled as she too turned to look in the distance and spotted dark clouds that flashed with lightning ever so often.

"Looks like there's a storm on the horizon." She commented to the swordsman who had lost the blush and was staring intently at the dark clouds in the distance.

"That's no storm." Robin studied his stern expression and was about to question him when they were interrupted by a certain chef.

"Robin-chan! Is this bastard causing you trouble with his presence?"

Robin watched with a smile as the two started a brawl over her, though Zoro would never admit it. Her smile dropped when she felt the familiar feeling of being watched. Summoning a few eyes in the area she was surprised to find out who her observer was. Robin walked over to a secluded area of the party and leaned against a wall. She allowed the hidden watcher to speak first.

"Originally I was planning on ended your drifting by capturing you. Even I didn't think that the CP9 could be defeated; least of all by a crew like them." Robin spoke after confirming that it was indeed Admiral Kuzan on the other side of the wall.

"They have a special way of doing things no doubt." She paused as she watched Luffy snatch a piece of meat from a platter Sanji had prepared and chuckled when said chef gave chase to the captain."But I guess I should expect no less from the crew of the future Pirate King."

"So have you finally found a place to stay?" Kuzan asked genuinely interested.

"Yes." Robin's answer was sincere and it seemed that was enough for the Admiral.

"Well I guess I should leave it at that then. But the next time we cross paths I won't be so cordial."

"Where are you going now?" She questioned before he could leave. For a long while she didn't receive a response.

"The CP9 was defeated but some of them are still alive. It's my duty to rectify that. Until next time." She wasn't allowed any more time to talk as Luffy called out to her.

"Hey Robin! Come sing with us!"

She saw with her hidden eyes that the Admiral had departed. So with nothing further to do, the archeologist sauntered over to the rest of the crew and partook in the festivities with her Nakama, her family.

(With Naruto-Open Sea)

"Man am I hungry. We really need a chef or something." Naruto's groaning was beginning to work on Kyuubi's nerves. She had the sudden urge to kick him over the railing his was lurched over.

"Well we have a navigator, that's a start." She said in an attempt to keep calm. Ryuma soon proved her attempt was in vain.

"I'm sure there are plenty of chefs in San Faldo." Kyuubi sighed at the swordsman's comment. She had given up on talking the two out of going to the Carnival City. Judging from Naruto's reaction it was obvious that it was their next destination.

"Ah, beautiful San Faldo. I hope it's every bit as wonderful as I remember."

"Do you remember being thrown out of every bar in the city? Cause I know I do." Naruto waved off the red haired woman's concerns. Things would be different this time. He now knew how to hold his rum.

"You guys, how can you act so normal after what just happened? You just faced off against two of the Yonko!" Sabo couldn't fathom how these people could go from insanely powerful to talking casual so quickly. The battle with the Yonko happened not five hours ago and they were talking as if it never happened. Naruto's response didn't add any levity to his confusion.

"I know. I think that's why I'm so hungry. Old man Whitebeard sure has fallen off, though. I remember there was a time I couldn't get within five feet of him without the world shaking."

"Not everyone can age as gracefully as an Uzumaki." Kyuubi offered up.

"Or a demon." Naruto said pointedly. The exchange was lost on Sabo who was deep in thought.

"Hey Naruto." The noble asked suddenly.


"I was wondering why they call you the Yellow Flash." Naruto looked puzzled before his face settled into a bloodthirsty grin that set Sabo on edge.

"Well it could come from the time I killed over two hundred pirates in ten seconds. They say that the only thing that could be seen was a yellow streak followed by a trail of blood." The creepy atmosphere that the blond captain created was shattered by Kyuubi's next statement.

"Or it could be from the time you ran around San Faldo in that yellow trench coat flashing the local women."

"Could be, could be." Naruto admitted without shame while scratching the side of his nose.

"After watching you and Ryuma-san today I can't help but feel like I'm not strong enough to be apart of this crew." Sabo's declaration was met with a curious gaze from Ryuma.

"So you are giving up?"

"No! There are still nobles out there abusing their powers at the expense of hard working people. I just, well…" Sabo seemed to fight with himself about something before making up his mind. Kyuubi and Ryuma were surprised when the noble bowed in front of Naruto.

"Can you please train me captain?" It was obvious that Sabo was not used to asking for help like this. Even disregarding his noble status he seemed like the type of person who would rather figure things out for himself than ask for help.

"No." Naruto's response quick and simple. The detached manner in which he replied came as a shock to the other three crew members.

"W-what?" Sabo stuttered. He was sure that Naruto wouldn't deny his request if he asked like this.

"I said no." The blond repeated without batting an eye.

"But why?"

"I don't need a reason. Your job is to guide the ship and try not to die, that's all." After Naruto's explanation, Sabo pulled his hat down to cover his face in an attempt to hide his shame.

"I understand. I should double check our heading." When the navigator had gone below the deck Kyuubi turned a furious eye towards the blond who was still unfazed.

"Wanna tell me what the hell that was about? He was practically begging to get stronger to help the weak that's right up you're alley."

"He put his pride aside to ask for assistance from someone stronger. Such an action should not go unrewarded." Ryuma added.

"Do you think my name would change if the world found that I can't use the Hairaishin anymore?" Naruto's seemingly random reply caught the both off guard and Kyuubi felt the need to clarify.


"I've known for a while now. I thought it was because I had stopped using the special kunai but even after I made some, it didn't work. That was right after the Kuma incident." Naruto's recollection was cut off by the demoness.

"So you can't use the technique anymore, so what? That has nothing to do with training Sabo." Naruto snapped in a way Kyuubi had not seen in a long while.

"It has everything to do with it! Can't you see? I'm not the same anymore. How can I teach someone else to be strong when I'm so weak?" Looking at the former ninja, Ryuma felt nothing but pity. He was a once a strong willed warrior the likes of which the samurai had scarcely seen. Even if he was still as strong as ever, having such a weak conviction did not sit well with the swordsman. It was obvious that Kyuubi felt the same way.

"Do you know why your father created that technique? I do because I witnessed it through your mother's eyes as she helped. He said he knew there would come a time when he would need to kill many people in order to save the ones he cared for."

"Everyone I care for is dead." The statement wasn't said with the intention to harm but that didn't stop it from affecting the blonde's two companions.

"Naruto." Kyuubi said softly. To see him so weak was nothing short of tragic. Before any more could be said Sabo came running up from below the deck.

"San Faldo is right up ahead!"

Ryuma watched as his captain's attitude did a 180 shift. It was obvious the man was still in pain over whatever happened in the past. He tried his best to drag him out of that depression but it seemed that the swordsman had only partially succeeded.

"Alright, let's make some money! Ready Ryuma?" Ryuma nodded and jumped off of the ship behind Naruto. He wouldn't leave the man to wallow in the past. Not after all the blonde had did for him. With the two now out of sight Kyuubi felt it was time to run damage control with Sabo.

"Sabo, about Naruto…you have to understand-"The noble didn't give her a chance to finish. He spoke with his top hat still covering his eyes.

"You don't have to say anything. I know he thinks I'm not strong enough to learn from him and that's okay." He lifted his head to show a conviction in his eyes that shocked Kyuubi. It reminded the demoness of a certain blond shinobi.

"I'll just have to show him how strong I really am. Then he'll have no choice but to train me!" The shock on Kyuubi's face gave way to a smile as she responded.

"That's right. Now let's go stop those idiots from causing too much mayhem."

(Banaro Island)

"You have to answer for Thatch, Blackbeard." Portgas D. Ace announced over the noise of the duel. Blackbeard was proving to be a formidable opponent but he wouldn't stop until this man was brought to justice for his crimes.

"You just don't get it do you, Ace? You are fire but I am darkness!"

It became obvious that words were no longer necessary. This would be a battle to the death. The two powered up their respective Devil's fruits to the maximum in what would be the final attack. Both prepared to fight to the death, "The Sun" and "The Night" literally clashed; forming a massive explosion of energy that consumed all of Banaro Island.

The fallout from the battle caused the complete destruction of Banaro Island. The event was later given the name "The Banaro Incident" and many would say that it was the trigger for the changing of the world.

And finished. I always write my chapters too long and end up having to cut them in half. I guess this is something I'm going to have to work on. Anyway a lot will be happening next chapter including Naruto's crew gaining three new members. It was hinted at in this chapter so I want to see if anyone can guess it. Remember to review!