I wrote this story last year and I actually forgot about this story! By the way I'm MoonLover, I'm borrow this profile from BeautyKrs because I can't sign in yet and problem computar at home so I'm using this profile to update this story. Anyway warning, I'm not very good with english because englidh id not my first language so sorry if there's spelling, grammer, and others.
I don't own Shugo Chara and Gakuen Alice!
A young girl whose 12 years old that had bubble gum pink hair pass her shoulder, golden eyes, and wears a frown on her face.
And this girl name is Hinamori Amu.
Amu sighed while watching the TV in the living room, with nothing interesting shows.
Amu turn the TV off and throw the remote on the table then pull her legs up to her chest as her eyes started to watering.
'Ran...Miki...Suu...Dia...I miss you girls so much.' Amu thought sadly as the flashback came to her mind.
"Amu-chan...I'm leaving." Amu looks at Ran in shock then she shakes her head.
"Wh-why?" Ran smile wide.
"Because ever since I saw your courage, determined, strong, and very good in sports also love by everyone with your cheerful and bright personality side. The reason I'm born was to make your personality cheerful, bright and love. And I finally complete the goal. You don't need me anymore Amu-chan." Ran said with a big smile on her face while Amu eyes started to fall.
"Me too Amu-chan." Miki said with smile and Amu looks at her blue chara.
"Miki..." Miki close her eyes and cross her arms.
"Ever since I saw your passion, sense of fashion, design, drawing skill, and really good with music you play. I'm born was to make your passion and lovely arts & music personality side." Miki said open her right eye and smile at Amu.
Suu fly toward Amu and whip her tears "Don't be sad Amu-chan desu." Suu look at Amu with motherly face and care then Amu sniffed and look at Suu.
"You're going too?" Suu nodded her head and smile.
"Hai, Amu-chan when I notice you bake all the time and you were really enjoy and happy. Also I saw that you really care little kids, even you show the kids you're motherly and love side to the little kids and the children become to love you and saw you as a mother. That's the reason I was born Amu-chan." Suu smile at Amu and pat her cheek.
Dia look at Amu with a very proud smile on her face, "Amu, you made me so proud of you." Amu looks at Dia in confusion.
"Huh?" Dia smile brightly.
"You shine...you always protect your families and friends. No matter what you always love and protect someone or something very important to you. You shine and you didn't notice, and you help everyone who's in trouble and you made them shine. That's why I was born. I'm very proud of you Amu-chan." Dia said then four charas flying right in front of Amu with a smile on their face.
"Amu-chan, no matter what. We always are there with you!" Ran held up a thumb up with a left wink and grinning as Ran slowly disappeared.
"Remember arts and passion!" Miki smile wide and slowly disappeared.
"You are never alone Amu-chan." Suu smile with her eyes closed as she slowly disappeared.
"Shine and be strong Amu-chan. Never give up hope, love, or faith." Dia smile with her eyes shining as she slowly diapered.
Amu shaking and burst out crying, "Ran, Miki, Suu, and Dia...I love you girls no matter what." Amu whisper as she heard the last line from her four charas.
"We love you too Amu-chan!" chorus four charas voice.
End of Flashback
Amu didn't notice that she fell asleep and sudden she felt her soul pull out of her body forcefully.
Amu slowly opens her eyes and look around slowly then she look at the couch as her eyes wide.
"WHAT THE HELL!" Amu shouted in shock when she saw herself sleeping on the couch.
Amu looks down and saw her body is glowing white, "Na-nani? Wh-what happen to me?" Amu question herself then she heard the door unlock and saw her parents walk in.
"Okaa-san outo-san!" Amu shouted but her parents didn't hear nor seen her at all.
Ami ran and saw her onee-chan sleeping on the couch, "Mama, papa! onee-chan is sweeping!" Ami fail in whisper as Midori smile while Tsumugu eyes sparkle with hearts shape in his each eyes.
"Kawaii~! My beautiful daughter is sleeping! Papa is going to get the camera!" Tsumugu was about to run upstairs but Midori stop him and shake her head.
"Iie, Amu is probably very tired so please take Amu to her room to sleep while you do that, take Ami to her room and ready for bed okay?" Midori said to her husband and her husband nodded his head and walk to Amu's body. Tsumugu carry Amu in princess style and walk upstairs very quietly while Ami walk upstairs with holding her papa pant fabric.
Midori smile softly and she look straight at Amu, Amu blink and turn around thinking that her mama staring something behind her.
"Amu-chan, I'm staring at you not behind you." Midori giggle as Amu snap and look at her mother in shock.
"You can see me?" Midori nodded her head.
"Yes I can."
"But why can't otou-san or Ami see me? And why am I out of my body? Why can you see me? What happened to me?" Amu asked so many questions as Midori sigh softly and walk to the table and sat down on the chair.
Amu walks toward the table, just standing right of her okaa-san.
"Amu...the reason I can see you was because of my alice." Amu looks at her in confusion as she tilted her head to her side.
"Alice? Isn't Alice supposed to be a main character in Alice in Wonderland where she thought it was her dream?" Amu asked and Midori smile and shake her head.
"Iie, that's different. Alice is a name for power, whoever had power they called it alice. I had alice that called See-Souls, it mean I can see ghosts or souls around in public where no one can see at all. And I used to be in Somatic Type." Midori said as Amu shaking and she cross her arms.
"S-so...if you had this 'alice' then does that mean...?" Midori nod her head.
"Hai, Amu you had alice. No wonder your hair is pink." Midori mumble the last part but Amu heard it very well.
"My hair? I thought it was natural." Midori smile softly and look down a little.
"When I give birth to you, I notice that it was very strange that your hair is pink. So I figure that you must have alice like me, pink hair might be something to do with your alice." Midori explained while Amu listening very carefully.
"And your father can't see you were because he doesn't have alice nor Ami does. Ami, this time she wasn't born with alice. Just a normal little girl but you, you are very different Amu." Midori look at Amu with small smile.
"I see..." Amu mumble then she remember her okaa-san told her.
"What's a Somatic Type?" Amu asked and Midori smile wide.
"It's been a long time since I talk about Somatic Type. It's a class for any years goes to." Amu frown, not understand anything and Midori smile wide.
"I'll explain, there are five type of alices class. One Latent Alices are the most common in school, and involve powers connected to ESP abilities. This is the well-documented class, for examples, teleportation and telekinesis. Two Technical Alice types appear when individual performs a certain activity, such as cooking, drawing, tec. The Alices in this type are based on technology and research fields, for example, plant manipulation, invention and cooking. Three is Somatic Type, unlike other classes, this type manifests itself physically. The Somatic Alices are based on the bodies of humans, animals, and other living things, and appear in the form of a pheromone or physical ability, example, super speed and human pheromone. Four is Special Ability; this class is for students with Alices that do not fit easily into any of the other classes. Their powers are different and the class is mixed. Some of the rarest Alices belong to this class, examples amplification alice, doppelganger alice, nullification alice, and shadow manipulation alice. And last fifth which it called Dangerous Ability, this is considered to be an extra type, the Alices in this class are so strong that they are a threat to the school. This class is very different from the others and could be described as an occult." Midori explained while Amu was silent.
"So...these types of 'Alices' class is from...?" Amu pauses as Midori smile wide.
"Gakuen Alice, or Alice Academy or AA for short." Amu nodded her head slowly.
"And why am I...here...out of my own body?" Amu asked pointed herself; still glow in white and Midori raise her eyebrows.
"I'm not sure what type of alice you have. It's actually kind of rare, nobody have this kind of alice before. So it's very rare to have those alice...probably from my See-Souls alice made you leave your body and appear as a soul or a ghost?" Midori said in her own option and Amu shiver from goose bump.
"I see." Amu look down then she look up and stare at her mother.
"Okaa-san...what's an Alice Academy?" Amu asked again and Midori frown.
"Gakuen Alice is a...school...where you can't escape from school because it's very dangerous outside." Amu furrowed her eyebrows.
"Nani?" Mirdori sighed.
"Outside of the Alice Academy is dangerous for kids who student in that school. Because there's threat by kidnappers and slave traders are target the students in AA school. The grounds are closely guarded and heavy security and electrified fences deter students from attempting to leave." Amu gulped and shiver from fear.
"I'm glad I'm not going to that school." Amu said but Midori look at Amu with sad face.
"Gomen Amu but you have to go since you had the alice." Amu looks at her mother in shock.
"Amu, no matter what anyone...anyone can tell that there's someone who had alice that has to go the AA school." Amu swallows and shakes her head.
"I don't have to right?" Mirdori shake her head sadly.
"You have to, and I actually am agreeing because it's for your safety and you can control your alices and beside AA school is not a bad school. You'll love it once you get to know AA school." Mirdori said and Amu shaking.
"But-but...no one can find out who." Midori shakes her head.
"Amu...gomen but anyone who's from AA can tell who had the alice and even knows where they live. So it's kind of too late Amu." Midori said then Amu looks down as her hair bangs cover her eyes.
"You can go to your room now, and go back to your body while you do that, think about this AA school, think about this conversation and let me know okay?" Midori sat up from chair and walk toward the stairs.
"Good night Amu." Midori walk upstairs while Amu still in silent.
Amu walks to her bed and saw her body sleeping there...or lifeless.
Amu sighed and climbs her bed and touches her body as her soul went in her body.
Amu slowly opens her eyes and held up her hand, she went back to her body.
Amu kept staring at her hand, "Alices?" Amu whispers.
'Ran, Miki, Suu and Dia is gone...iie...back in my heart...and now I had this so called alice...maybe...just maybe this is another chance...new life...' Amu thought as she put her hand down to her side and move her side as she curls up in circle.
"Alice...Academy..." Amu slowly closes her eyes and fall asleep.
I know...it's...well...yeah...anyway what do you reviews think of this new story? Like it? Please r&r! :)
iie- no
hai- yes
nani- what
okaa-san -mom
otou-san -dad
onee-chan -big sister