Disclaimer- I own nothing when it comes to InuYasha or the wonderful characters in it.


By: Angelchick_1014

Rated Mature for later chapters

Summery: Kagome never knew she could live life without Inuyasha by her side until she was forced to do exactly that. Her salvation comes from and unexpected source and a new life begins.

Chapter 1:

Kagome was getting tired and lonely, 2 years had gone bye since Inuyasha's death and she was beginning to think of going out and exploring this world by herself. She had been back in the feudal era for a total of 3 years. Yeah, she finally came back to him, they settled down and truly lived for a year before he went and got himself killed. She thought she would die at first but somehow or other Sesshomaru gave her strength, well in his own way at least. She had been mourning and crying for a full 2 months before Sesshomaru stepped in and roughed her up. She still remembered what he said, "Miko, you truly are unworthy to keep Tetsusaiga from falling into the wrong hands. This Sesshomaru will take it now." And take it he did.

Kagome cried even harder at first until she understood him. If she didn't straiten up soon then Inuyasha's sword would end up getting stolen. And it would be her fault, she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she let someone unworthy take it. Inuyasha worked to hard and long in order to keep that sword, and it had saved his life so many times. That's what woke her up, that's when she decided she still had something to live for. She had to keep going for Inuyasha's sake and for her own. If that sword landed in the wrong hands all hell would break lose.

So two years of training is what she had been up to. She had somehow convinced Sesshomaru to give her back the only thing she had left of his brother. And for a while he would come to check on her to make sure she was still keeping it safe. They would talk now and then and she would find herself talking of their past. He wouldn't say much, only correct her when she got some fact wrong or what not. But it was nice to have someone to talk to. Everyone else had moved on with their lives and Kagome found herself left behind. Miroku and Songo had their own family and were rebuilding Songo's old village. Kohaku and Rin (16 now) had gotten married and where now starting their own family in Keade's village. Kaede had trained Rin to take her place as village miko and so their was nothing for Kagome to do. Of course everyone always tried to keep her company and make sure she was doing ok but she was still an outsider looking in. She was alone, they all had families and were living their lives out peacefully. She still had more to do in life, she felt the need to travel.

After grabbing some supplies and bidding her farewells she was on her way out to explore. Shippo promised to catch up with her now and then but he was still doing his training and couldn't join her. She was fine with that of course and though she missed him dearly she was proud of him. She went north first, stopping at villages and helping those in need before resupplying and moving on. Kagome had traveled two weeks alone before Shippo found her. They spoke of their travels and he would let her know how everyone was doing. He stayed for only two nights before going back, he had training to do after all.

After going so far north that it started getting too cold, she turned east. By the time she went south she found that her name had traveled far and wide. She was now referred to as "The Traveling Shikon Miko" and all would ask for her help humans and demons alike. She had been attacked quite a few times as she traveled but it was only from low level youkai. She never had too much trouble with defeating them but it always made her miss her friends. Over all the years, she had become dependent on them for protection and now she was alone. All the training she had done before she left them did do her well though.

She had a follower by time she started west, it was a cougar youkai (slightly bigger than Kirara and black) that she had rescued along the way from some youkai hating monks. He had stuck to her side like glue since, but she didn't mind she liked his company. Plus he helped her with hunting, and with fighting off youkai that attacked her.

Shippo had been surprised when he found her traveling with the cougar, but was happy she wasn't alone any longer. He had spoke some with it, understanding a little of what it said and told Kagome his name (Kiro), and also let her know he wished to stay by her side. She was happy that she now had a constant companion but Shippo didn't tell her any more than that. Shippo hadn't been back to find her since then. Kagome figured he was less worried about her now with Kiro at her side.

Then a man had been a new addition, his name was Kinta and he was traveling with her into the western lands. Kagome had found him on the side of a path she was traveling, he had been beaten to a pulp but she was able to heal him. After he was able to walk again he stated he wanted to help protect her in order to repay his debt to her. She tried to convince him he owed nothing to her but in the end allowed him to travel with her. Though Kagome was a bit unsure of him he seemed like a nice enough guy. He was older than her and had stated once that he was looking to settle down and marry. She just hoped he wouldn't bother asking her, she didn't want to hurt his feelings by letting him down.

All in all she had been traveling for about six months by the time she actually made it into the west. She believed dropping Kinta off was her first priority now, 2 weeks with the man had been a bit odd for her. She wasn't use to human male company anymore and it made her uneasy. Kiro was currently leading them in the direction of a human village now.