This is my first story. I've always read fanfiction and decided to try my luck in contributing a story. I had read many wrong boy who lived stories and have been my favorites for some time. If by any chance this looks like another story let me know. There have been many stories like this that I am not even sure if there has been one similar to mine. Thanks and enjoy the first chapter.

The Boy and the Snake

Night had fallen. The moon was shining with an unnatural glow. The wind passed with a chill of silent malice. Every possible indication that something evil was going to happen was there. The vultures on nearby trees. Death trees, black as death itself, stood at the side of a street.

This place… this street… was known as Rottenroad drive. It stranded at the worst possible place in England. And ironically nobody knew where it was. Crime was everywhere; there was no police that were sane enough to go there.

Every day strange things happened; murder happened every day, and theft and kidnappings everywhere. It was the worst possible place for a child to grow up. So naturally, hated by luck, Harry Potter dwelt there.

Harry Potter had to have the most one sided luck there can be. Either he was extremely lucky or the complete opposite. The child in question was now searching the local dumpsters for any sign of food. Food was scarce in Rottenroad drive; children from all ages fought each other for survival. It was survival of the fittest.

This was a place forgotten by everyone. No government official knew of them. There were no records of the place, but it was a place nonetheless, suspended from time and space as if by magic. In essence it was a prison. A prison were bastard children were abandoned, were unwanted babies were thrown like trash, were blood children were abandoned to. And it was hell on earth.

To people who lived here… it was not a question if their situation was going to get better… but at how much worse it was going to get. It was as if this street was damned by God, a street were his shadow rested. And this is the place where our hero grew up.

He wasn't born there, much less belong there. But he was a survivor, he adapted to it. He was abandoned at an early age and somehow survived to childhood. He didn't know his birthday; he didn't know how old he was, he didn't even knew his last name. He only knew that he was alive, and that was enough for him. Yet he lost a part of himself. He was forced to hurt others. To fight for his right to survive, to fight for food.

Anyways we continue the story of our hero…

"Finally!" Harry exclaimed as he found a half-eaten sandwich at the bottom of the dumpster.

"Hey you!" a passing bully shouted when he saw the food in our hero's hands, and as he saw it he called to two to his friends.

"Shit!" Harry cursed and started running as fast as he could possible can without losing hold of the sandwich. He ran as though there was no tomorrow, which there wouldn't be for him, at least without his sandwich.

Why did it always happen to me, because seriously, every time he saw anything that resemble even the most disgusting of food someone spotted him and chased after him . He thought to himself. Anyways he sprinted through the street and into one of the street's neighboring dark alleys, still with his sandwich.

He saw a fence and hurriedly climbed it. His pursuers close by closing in dangerously behind him, one in particular, and he was in no mood to give up his prize. And then Harry's luck ran out.

A dark wall met him down the alley. It was a dead end. You have to be kidding me! Then one of the bullies catches up to him and punched him hard on the gut. His sandwich fell from his hands.

He laid there on the ground, and suddenly saw a snake, it was beside him… "Help… please help" he pleaded to the snake. His voice sounded like strange hissing noises. Then to his surprise, the snake gave a brief nod as if accepting an order and lunged at the bully with surprising strength and quickness most would have thought impossible.

The snake struck on the bully's neck. A fountain of red crimson blood came out like water out of a recently poked highly pressurized hose with lots of holes, spreading everywhere till the ground stood covered in blood that shone unnaturally against the full moon.

The remaining two bullies cowered and ran out in fear.

Afterwards Harry turned his attention back towards the snake. Harry didn't knew a lot about snake species, and he found out that he didn't care which it was, he only knew that he/she had saved his life, and that it was about the length of an electrical guitar. Quite short by snake standards. But then the snake spoke to him.

"My lord, I took care of the troublesome hatchling, is there anything that you desire, my lord?" the snake said.

"Why do you call me a lord?" "You speak the language of my people. The language of the noble reptiles, your people call it Parsceltounge, and for that you are our lord, we will follow you everywhere." The Snake responded

"What about other parsceltounges, shouldn't you serve them as well?" Harry asked.

"No there are no others, the only one with the gift lost his right to use it. He can still use it, but no serpent would ever willingly serve him." The Snake answered.

"So in a sense, I am your ruler?" Harry asked

"You are our lord, our king you are the King of Serpents. It is probably one of the many titles you will acquire. May I ask your name my lord?" The snake asked.

"Call me Harry, just Harry." He responded.

"Well Harry, how will you feel if I told you that magic existed?"

That single statement sent Harry thinking. He thought of all the weird, bizarre and unexplainable things that always happened to him.

Once, while he was being chased for a half-finished coffee, he disappeared and found himself on the roof of a building. Another time he punched another bully so hard he couldn't stand for a week. And another time he even chocked a bully with only outstretching his hand and picturing him drowning by his own hand. And then he remembered all of his superhuman jumps and speed.

"I would have believed you" Harry responded to the Snake's cryptic question.

"There is a magical world, were witches and wizards live in relative peace. There is a school of magic that is named Hogwarts; it is very likely that you will attend there. It is located somewhere north of Scotland. It is a castle filled with magical knowledge. One of greatest lords we ever had was a founder of Hogwarts. His name was Salazar Slytherin. He build a secret chamber at the school. I will show it to you one day… in your third year… yes, yes in your third year would do nicely."

"But why wouldn't I have access to it earlier, why can't I see it in my first year?" Harry asked

"You are young, there is some knowledge that you are not ready for. But let me continue. There is also a Ministry of Magic, they are ineffective old fools, they are corrupt, don't trust them" the Snake warned.

"I trust you, and I give you my word that I will never trust the ministry." Harry said.

"Good , good, also, if you would allow me, I would like you to teach you lessons on wandless magic. We snakes have some knowledge on it, but we are unable to use it." The Snake stated.

"And why is that? Harry asked curious for this information.

"We don't have a magical core, thus we are unable to use magic. But we have had many lords and they all leave some knowledge to use to share to a next lord should they have no other means to learn" the Snake told him.

"That would be wonderful! If I could use magic, I will never be hungry again, I'll help all the other poor kids, and those bullies will pay!" Harry said the latter with hatred and fire in his eyes.

"You will learn my lord, do you wish to learn the power of magic?" the Snake ask, he/she needed to be sure that he would not back out on his training.

Harry took a moment to really think about it.

"I need to warn you, many of the arts that I will teach you are considered dark, people will fear you, they will try to discredit you at every possible turn, you will stand as everything people have tried to destroy."

"If that's how they feel about this then they are not worth my time." Harry said.

"Good, good you are learning already, always remember Harry, there is no right or wrong in magic, only power and those too weak to use it. I must warn you again Harry; only use this philosophy for magic. Many people will tell you otherwise but the powers in which you are gifted do not define you, it's how you use them that matters. Even the darkest of spells are capable of good. Seek power but not lose yourself in it. Use your powers for the general good. Learn the dark arts and use them for your own purposes. How you use them is up to you. So young Harry, have you reached a decision?" The Serpent asked.

"Yes, I wish to learn the dark arts." Harry said as he was exited and anxious for a way out of this hellhole.

"You are sure… once you start on this path there is no going back." The Serpent said.

"I am." Harry simply said.

"Good, now listen to this. There are many branches of magic that have been forgotten through the ages. Some were not fully forgotten. Some spells survive and became what you call Transfiguration, Charms, and Defense against the Dark Arts. I happen to know a lot of forgotten branches. I know of Alteration, grandfather of modern Transfiguration. Alteration is the art of changing the property of objects and persons. It can change the property of a lock from locked to unlocked. It can allow the human to walk on water. It can even make you resistance to elements and physical attacks.

"So I can change anything from anything into anything?" Harry asked

"That is the general idea." The Serpent answered.

"So I could make myself lighter allowing me to carry more things?" He asked.

"Yes it is possible. Now let me continue explaining. I also know the branches of Illusion and Restoration which like Transfiguration and alteration are the grandparents of modern day Charms. Illusion deals with spells that makes you likeable, you can charm countless weak minded people with simple charm spells. I must warn you they do not work with wizards or witch unless they are truly pathetic. Also illusion can grant you invisibility but will break the moment you use to much motion. A chameleon spell would be more effective if you are planning for a quick escape."

"So I will be able to turn invisible?" Harry asked. This magic training is going to be great.

"Yes, but you will need lots of concentration and be certainly at least an expert in this field. Then as I was saying Restoration is anything concerning healing. You will be exited to know that many healing spells have been lost and only one or two remain. I have lots of them for all kind of specific reasons.

"So I could be like a one man army?" Harry asked.

"Don't be naïve. You might be able to heal yourself but that doesn't make you invincible. So as I was saying we are left with the last of the branches of magic. The magic school of destruction.

"That sounds interesting" Harry said unable to hide his smile.

"It is. There always have been 3 spells that have been banned from all time. These are elemental spells. Spells that will enable you to control fire, frost, and lightning.

"So I will be able to make fireballs, and shoot lighting from the tip of my fingers?" he asked.

"Yes all that and more. You will learn many other spells that will make Defense against the Dark Arts look like a toy gun." The Serpent said.

"That is incredible, all of that power, I just wish you could follow me everywhere so you could instruct me everywhere I go." Harry said.

"That actually gives me an idea; I could become your familiar." The Serpent suggested.

"A familiar?" Harry asked.

"Let me explain that by being your familiar will allow me to go everywhere with you. A familiar is any organism that is not human that befriends its owner." The Serpent explained

"So lots of people have them?" Harry asked.

"No, it takes time and effort for both of them for it to happen. Most wizards don't even bother."

"Great I'll ask you to be my familiar but only under one condition."

"Which is it?" The Serpent asked.

"What is your name?" Harry asked.

"Serena." She said.