Warning- this Chapter contains underage drinking, be warned.

Chapter 13 Halloween

Harry awoke to Ron snoring, sighing, Harry grabbed his glasses and looked at the clock, it read 3:48. Sighing once again, he remembered the intense dream he just had. It was the morning after Ginny and his first time, he smiled at the memory. All he wanted was Ginny back, and he had to wait so long to just see her, disheartened, he tried to get some sleep. After fifteen minutes he got up showered and dressed. Walking down to the common room he plopped down in his favorite armchair, content. Not even realizing he fell asleep he woke to Ron shaking him.

"Come on, breakfast." he said urging Harry.

Harry stood, and walked down to breakfast with Ron.

Harry fell into a rhythm over the next few weeks, school, Quidditch, the abating flow of questions from Hermione, and the vivid dreams of Ginny still, the both of them getting closer and closer. Way to soon for Harry, Halloween was upon them, it seemed that Ron really was trying to be nice to Hermione, just so he didn't hurt her. The morning of Halloween, the three of them were sitting in charms, working on learning Wingardium Levosia Ron once again couldn't get the hang of it. Hermione tried to help him but he finally broke.

"Hermione, I will never learn if you are constantly helping me! Just leave me alone!" Ron said, whispering furiously.

"I'm just trying to help you." Hermione said in a small voice.

"Yeah, and I don't want your help! In fact, I never want your help ever again, I can do things on my own." Ron said harshly. Hermione looked on the verge of tears, racing out of the room, leaving her books behind."

"What in the bloody hell was that about?" Harry asked pissed.

"I am sick of her babying me, I can take care of myself." Ron said, still angry.

"She wasn't babying you, you prat. She was just trying to help, not get in your way, if you didn't want her help, just tell her, not blow up in her face." Harry said, hoping the message was sinking in. And by the looks of Ron's face it sure was.

"Class dismissed." Flitwick said.

"Now take this," Harry said, handing Ron Hermione's books, "and go make up with her." Ron nodded, ashamed of his actions, taking her books he strode off to make up, Harry looking pleased, walked back to the common room, hoping they worked out their problems.

When Harry finally went to lunch alone he wondered, had Ron found her yet? It wasn't like him to miss meals. Halfway through lunch Harry looked up to see a dejected looking Ron still carrying Hermione's books, he sat down, not even trying to eat. Harry was nervous, what had happened? And where was Hermione?

"I never found her," Ron said, "but Harry, what if I screwed up? What if she and I can never be friends again? What if she hates me?" getting more and more nervous.

"Ron, don't worry about it, we will find her, and when we do, you can make it up to her, I promise. Hermione doesn't have a hateful bone in her body, she is too nice for that." Harry said, hoping to assuage Ron's fears. Ron gave him a small smile but his heart wasn't in it, and Harry knew that.

After lunch they continued their search but having no luck in their quest. They even checked the Marauder's map, but to no avail.

By dinner Hermione still hadn't been found, and Harry had a sinking suspicion that she wouldn't be found unless she wanted to be found. They had checked everywhere, even the girls bathroom where she had been previously, but all the boys efforts had been for naught.

Very dismayed, they went to Dinner, both downcast.

"Troll! Troll in the dungeon! Just thought you should know." Quirrell yelled, running into the Great Hall, and then promptly fainting. Harry looked almost disgusted at the professor. The Hall erupted in pandemonium, everyone screaming his or her head off and pushing for the door, it reminded Harry of a mosh pit, minus the dancing.

"Silence!" Dumbledore yelled, enhancing his voice over the hundreds of frightened children screaming at the top of their lungs. "Please," he said calmer, after the yelling had subsided, "Prefects, please escort students to their houses, teachers, follow me to the dungeon."

The rest Harry missed due to Ron looking at Harry with eyes as big as saucers, and saying "Hermione, she doesn't know!"

Pushing their way through as the crowd jostled to get to their respective common rooms, Harry and Ron, broke into a sprint breaking away from the group, avoiding Percy's gaze. Harry hoping he was right, lead the way to the girls bathroom, just before they rounded the corner, they saw the looming form of a mountain troll enter the bathroom before them. Hearing her scream, they rushed in, both afraid for her life. Harry running in, failed to notice the large piece of wood, and subsequently, tripped over it, and still going to regain his balance, he ran into a large object, and proceeded to fall right on his butt.

The troll, feeling Harry's body smash into its leg, looked down at him and picked him up by the leg, almost crushing it. Deciding to hit Harry a few times with his club, did just that.

"Do something," Harry yelled at Ron.

"What?" Ron asked in confusion.

"Anything!" Harry yelled in exasperation. Hermione huddling under a sink, tried to remind Ron, "Swish and Flick."

"Wingardium Levosia!" Ron yelled, pointing his wand at the trolls club. The troll, about to take a swing at Harry, swung, but the club stayed, suspended above its head. Ron, releasing the spell, let the club drop, falling strait into the troll's face as he looked up in confusion. Dropping Harry, the troll swayed, teetering before crashing to the ground, creating a large dust cloud to come up and, almost crushing Harry in the process.

McGonagall rushed in, followed closely by Snape and Quirrell. Quirrell looked like he was going to hurl, or have a heart attack. Snape looked almost mildly amused, and McGonagall, she looked furious.

"What on earth is going on here?" She said in a cold voice. Sighing, she said in a softer voice, "Your lucky you weren't killed. Why aren't you in your dormitory?"

"They were looking for me Professor." Hermione said.

"Miss Granger?" McGonagall said, shocked.

"I had read all about them and I thought I could handle it, obviously I was wrong." Hermione said, looking down. "If it wasn't for Harry and Ron I probably would be dead." Hermione said, looking up at McGonagall.

"Well, Miss Granger, your actions were reckless and not well thought, Five points from Gryffindor." McGonagall said. "You can go finish the feast in the Common Room," Turning to the boys, she said, not many first years could take on a full grown Mountain Troll and live to tell the tale, as is, Five points each will be awarded to your house."

The boys beamed, they hadn't gotten expelled, that was good. "Now go and finish your feast." McGonagall said, dismissing them. They walked out of the bathroom, Hermione was just outside, pacing.

"Hermione," Ron started, "I'm really sorry-"

Hermione practically jumped into Ron's arms, Ron not expecting it at all, but somehow managing to stay upright, hugged her tightly back. Harry, knowing they needed time, headed back up to the common room.

"You saved me," she said, her voice sounding strangled.

"Of course I did, couldn't let that Troll get you, now could I." Ron said reassuring her.

"But I thought you hated me."

"Never, Harry and I were looking for you all day, I almost went spare when we couldn't find you." They both laughed their tension fading.

"Come on, you must be starving." Ron said, disentangling himself from Hermione but keeping his arm on her shoulders.

"Ya," she said smiling brightly up at him, and snuggling closer to him. They departed, both feeling much better. If bringing a troll down with someone doesn't bring you closer, then you must be crazy.

Harry walked into the common room, surprised to see that someone had smuggled in Butterbeer and Firewhiskey.

Harry, in remembrance, took a shot of Firewhiskey. After his eyes cleared after the burning substance, He saw someone he hadn't seen in a long time, standing out of the way, looking almost lonely in a huge party.

Frowning Harry called, "Katherine!"

The brunette Fifth year walked over, "Do I know-" she stopped abruptly seeing his scar.

"I am Harry Potter," Harry said smiling at the girl and extending his hand. She took it, unsure of his actions.

"I'm sorry but how do you know me?" She asked.

Harry was thankful he was quick on his feet and said, "Oh I just saw you around and wanted to meet you." After he said it, he realized how lame it really was. But how was he supposed to tell this girl that when he knew her, she got turned into a vampire and killed her husband and son. Overcome by grief, she had burned herself alive to join them.

"Ok," she said awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, if I am making you uncomfortable, you can leave." Harry said.

"Oh, it's ok, I just don't usually get celebrities knowing my name," she said, muttering, "or anyone else for that matter."

Harry smiled, "I'm sure it will all work out for the best," he said, "and by the looks of it, someone does want to talk to you." He nodded at a man, seeing her future husband talking to another guy, but glancing at her.

"Stephen?" She asked doubtfully.

"You'll never know if you don't try." Harry said.

"True, you sure you will be fine alone?" She asked.

"Absolutely, I was going to bed anyways." Harry said. Smiling she walked over to Stephen and started talking to him, glancing over her shoulder to gesture towards Harry, she saw he was already gone, looks like she would have to thank him later, she thought to herself.

Harry walked up to his room, thankful it was empty, he flopped down on his bed, exhausted from the day.

When Harry awoke in his dream, it was like he was back at the crossroads. Trying to judge how old he was, he guessed he was late twenties, early thirties. Sitting down on a nearby bench, he waited, for something. Finally, for what seemed like an eternity, a lone figure came out of the white light surrounding him. Unable to make out the face but, seeing the red hair, he jumped up, ready to greet the visitor.

"Daddy!" a young girl yelled and rushed to him.

"Lily?" Harry asked the young girl.

"Hi daddy, I missed you." She said, hugging his waist. She looked 10 maybe in Harry's eyes, he wondered why she was here at this age/

"Why are you here baby?" Harry asked.

But it was not his daughter that answered but a figure in dark robes, a cowl covering his face. "While you may have gone from your old life, it still continues, and it was, as unfortunate as it may be to you, her time to go."

"But she wasn't a wielder of the Hallows, and hopefully not imbued with a Horcrux."

"No, but I figured she would want to see her father before she went on, since you won't be there for a while." The figure said.

"Are you saying I am not going to die soon?" Harry asked.

"I can't say anything, but what I can say is, there are many forces in this world, some good, some evil, I collect all of them, and they all beg for more time, except for some my family, who still welcomes it like an old friend."

"You're related to Ignotus Peverell?"Harry asked, shocked.

"My dear boy, of course, I am Atta Peverell, and I was the creator of the Hallows, and not wanting anyone to have that power, I gave each of them to one of my sons, on a bridge before they departed off into the world. I died shortly after, never learning of the fate that had befallen them. Thanatos welcomed me, as he welcomes all, and together, we bring the souls of everyone, however mangled, to the afterlife."

"But why?" Harry asked.

"Harry, those objects should never have been made, they corrupt even the best people, you of all people should know." He said, and Harry did, George had gone almost mad looking for the Resurrection Stone, never to find it.

"Harry, they need to be destroyed." He said.

"Daddy, can we go home?" Lily asked him.

"Of course baby, I just have to do some things then I will be there, I promise." Harry said.

"She is right, we must be going, and Harry, remember, they must be destroyed." And with that, the two of them disappeared, moving on to the next great adventure. Harry feeling drowsy, lay down on the ground, falling asleep only to be woken up again.

I am so sorry for the wait, I had a huge writers block that i have hopefully overcome. Hope you like this turn of events, review if you don't, I love suggestions! - The Jedi Wizard P.S. I really would like a beta reader if you are interested, just let me know.