***Here's the first chapter to one of my Christmas stories. I hope you guys like it.
"And that my dear, is another reason why I love you." Rick huffed out as he kissed Kate's forehead and rolled off her. He lay on his right side, propped up on his elbow, admiring her naked form, her chest rising and falling as her breathing returned to normal.
Kate laughed as she snuggled in closer to him. "Because I just rocked your world?"
"Yes!" Rick admitted to her as his left hand moved up and down her bare back. "You totally rocked my world!" He smiled as he leaned in to nibble her neck. "How did you learn to do that thing... Nevermind, I don't want to know."
Kate pulled away from his warmth and looked up at him. "I read about it in a magazine a while back, but tonight was the first time I actually tried it."
"Thank you." Rick whispered as he leaned in to her lips and gave her a quick kiss.
Kate glanced up to his eyes and was in awe of the love she saw in them. "What are you thanking me for?"
Rick thought about telling her she had set his mind at ease with her confession, that the thought of her doing 'that' to previous lovers made his heart ache. But he chose a more manly response and whispered it to her. "For being you. For being here , with me... Naked and sweaty!"
Kate pushed his hand away when it moved south. "Castle, I need to go before your mother and Alexis get back."
Rick growled out his disappointment as he turned from her to lay flat on his back. His eyes scanned the ceiling as he listened to her get dressed. She dressed quickly then moved to his side of the bed and leaned over him. She placed a finger on his lower lip and tapped it. "Quit pouting Castle, I'll make it up to you."
Rick smiled, looked at her lips and then her eyes. "What do you have in mind, Detective?"
Kate thought for a moment then kissed him deeply. She kissed a trail over to his ear and then whispered seductively. "How about I give you any early Christmas present."
Rick turned so that they were nose to nose and moaned deeply. "I like the sound of that."
Kate rolled her eyes and stood upright. "Not sex, Castle! I was meaning an actual gift. Something that every time you see it, use it, wear it or whatever, you remember that I gave it to you and that I love you."
Rick sat up and tugged at her jacket, forcing her to lean down just a bit. "I already know what I want."
Kate smiled as she looked into his eyes and saw the excitement in them. "Yes..."
Rick framed her face with his hands and his eyes darted back and forth as he calmly spoke. "Sometime before Christmas... In front of our friends and family, I want you to kiss me, on the lips."
"What?" Kate stepped away from the edge of the bed and straightened her jacket. "I thought we decided to keep this to ourselves for a while."
"It's been months Kate, and I'm tired of hiding this. I want to hold your hand in public and I want to be able to kiss you under the mistletoe, wake up with you in my bed Christmas morning..."
"I'm sorry. I don't think I am ready for that yet."
"What? Waking up in my arms instead of sneaking away in the middle of the night?"
"God no Rick, I want that as much as you do. But we just can't right now. I'm not ready to be labeled by the press as the 'Flavor of the Month' or whatever. I need more time."
"There's going to be a 'Page six' incident eventually Kate, and all the time in the world won't stop busy body reporters from printing their two cents worth. You know that I love you and I am in this for the long haul, that's all that matters. Let the world think what they want to."
"I love you too, Rick. I just... I don't know, I can't think about this right now. I need to go."
Rick stood up and wrapped his arms around her waist and placed a kiss to the top of her head. "OK, how about a compromise."
Kate gave him a puzzled look. "What kind of compromise you talking about?"
Rick released her and he began getting dressed. "When mother and Alexis return tonight, we tell them about us."
Kate chewed on her bottom lip as she contemplated his request. "I can handle that."
Rick squealed and Kate laughed as he crushed her to him and twirled her around. "One more thing..."
"Don't push your luck Castle." Kate started as she helped him button his shirt.
"Oh please, Katie... "
"Don't call me Katie." She glared at him but smiled in spite her best efforts when he stuck his lower lip out again. "Ok, let's hear it. What's this other thing?"
"You ride with me on the Black Pawn float in the Christmas Parade." Rick clasp his hands together in front of his face and begged her. "Please say yes, please, oh please, oh please..."
***Follow me on Twitter RayleenW if you'd like and feel free to click the review button below and let me know what you think about chapter 1 of Christmas Wish. :)