She was bored, unbearably bored. She tapped her fingers mindlessly against the side of her bed. Her father has sent her to her bedroom a half hour ago to do her homework and so far she had gotten nowhere. The homework she had been assigned was boring, she plugged in her IPod and soft Broadway music began playing. She closed her eyes and began singing along to the song "Don't Rain on my Parade." The farther she got in the song the louder she sang, until finally she heard footsteps coming up the stairs. She lowered the music quickly, and flopped back on her bed and tried to look like she was doing homework.
She heard a knock on the door, and looked up to see her father enter her room. "Anita? Are you finished with your Math homework?"

Anita nodded, pushing her math notebook under her bed. "Yes, Daddy. I'm finished."

Kurt smiled, "And was it that hard?" he asked her.

She shook her head, "No, No, It was easy." She lied easily, used to it by now.

Kurt patted her brown curls, "Good, now come downstairs your Dad is home, and it's time for dinner."

Anita nodded obediently and followed him downstairs. Blaine was already sitting at the table, looking happy as always. He looked relaxed and happy, and Anita knew that would mean he was in a good mood. She pulled out her chair and sat down.

"Hello Dad, How was your day?" she asked politely.

"It was amazing Anita. Thank You." He looked up at his husband, smiling brightly. "What has my amazing husband made for us to eat tonight?"

Kurt rolled his eyes, "I made us vegetarian lasagna, with a salad."

Anita giggled when her dad made a face. "Dad, just because we don't eat meat, doesn't mean you can't." She pointed out.

Kurt looked over at her, "Honey. Your father is a vegetarian by his own choice not mine."

Anita snored, "Yes because when you're not here he doesn't make the world largest steak and chow down on it before you get home."

Kurt glared at his husband as he moved to set Anita's plate in front of her, "Is that true?" he asked, his voice colored with venom.

Blaine shook his head, "No, No, No. I hate the idea of eating meat." He looked over at his daughter giving her the signal that she needed to be quiet.

They ate in silence for several minutes, before Anita put down her fork and cleared her throat, "Dad? Daddy?" she asked, waiting for them to look up from their food before she continued, "I was invited to this party tomorrow night. I was hoping that I could go?"

Blaine looked over at Kurt and shrugged, letting him know it was okay with him, but Kurt wouldn't let it go so easily, "Where is this Party at Honey?" he asked her.

"It's at Charlie McDonald's house. You met his parents at open house, remember?" She hoped that they would just go with it, because they never met Charlie's parents, and if they had she for sure wouldn't of been allowed to go to the party.
Kurt thought it over for a moment, "I don't remember meeting any McDonald's…Do you Blaine?" he asked, looking over at his husband.

He shook his head, "No…I don't think we did." He turned back to Anita, and shook his head, "I'm Sorry Anita Honey, But were going to have to put our foot down on this one. No Party and that's final."

"So, Blaine, I got an interesting email from Anita's math teacher today…" Kurt said, looking at Anita while he said it. Anita's face reddened as she realized what the email was about.

Blaine look interested, "And what was that email about?"

"Apparently Anita hasn't been turning in her math homework." He was still looking at his daughter disapprovingly.

Blaine frowned and addressed Anita, "Why haven't you been turning in your math homework?" he questioned.

"Because…Because it's boring! It's a jumble of numbers and I just can't make sense of them. I try Daddy, I really do." She looked at Kurt, her eyes pleading.

He shook his head, "Anita…You could've just asked us for help. Zero's are un expectable."

Anita rolled her eyes, getting out of her chair. "Oh Please. You're an awful teacher. And Dad is never home."

Blaine frowned, and stood up too, "Anita Elizabeth! I do not appreciate being spoken too like that! Go to your bedroom, while your father and I finish our dinner. You'll be given your punishment when were done."

Anita rolled her eyes and headed for the stairs, "You know what? I wish you two had never even met! Maybe then I would have better parents!" she yelled.
"ANITA ELIZABETH!" Kurt yelled, obviously angry. "YO-"but his voice was cut off by a huge gust of wind and a burst of light. Seconds later when everything had returned to normal, Anita ran into the kitchen to make sure her parents were okay.

But it was empty. No plates, no cups, nothing. Anita walked tentatively in the kitchen, hoping to see her father's in there, but it was empty too. She ran upstairs and threw the door open to there bedroom, but it was empty too. And Anita knew that something was wrong. The room was painted blue. Kurt would've never allowed that in his bedroom. Frightened, Anita ran across the hall to her own bedroom. It was wrong, all wrong. The bed, the curtains, the walls, nothing like her Daddy has designed for her. She heard a door opening downstairs and rushed down the stairs hoping to see one of her parents entering, instead was a lady, with a young couple behind her.

"Who are you?" Anita asked.

"I'm Santana Lopez-Pierce. And who might you be? What are you doing in the home?" she asked the young girl.

"I'm Anita Anderson-Hummel. And I live here. What are you doing in my house?"

Santana turned around to the young couple and smiled pleasantly. "Excuse me, But I think were going to have to reschedule. How are you for tomorrow at 3 pm?"

The couple nodded, leaving the house. Santana turned back to Anita and looked at her, with obvious disgust.

"Anita eh? Named after Anita from West Side Story?" She asked, walking over to the edge of the staircase.

She nodded, "Yes. My fathers were in it when they were in high school." She was hesitant to talk to this lady, but somehow the name Santana seemed familiar to her.

Santana nodded, "Where is your family?" she asked her, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I don't know where my fathers are at the moment…but you can bring me to my Uncles house." Anita suggested.

"Who's your uncle?"

"Finn Hudson?"

Santana gave her a confused look, "But Finn only had Kurt as a step brother…" she mumbled under her breath, but shook it off, looking back at Anita. "I'll take you to your Uncle. You can contact your parents from there." She opened the door, and left the house Anita following. They got in her car and drove in silence to Finn Hudson's house.

Santana pulled into Finn's driveway and parked the car, "Here we go. Finn Manboobs Hudson. Good Luck Anita."

Anita opened the car door and walked up to the door and knocked. A slim brunette opened the door and Anita smiled at the familiar face.

"Aunt Rachel?" She asked her.

Rachel opened the glass door, and looked at Anita, "Excuse me? Did you just call me Aunt Rachel?"

"Yes…Your married to Finn right? I'm his brother's daughter. Remember?" Anita knew someone had to be playing a joke on her, there was no way her aunt could've forgotten about her.

But Rachel just shook her head, "No…I don't have a niece. What did you say your name was?"

It was then that Anita knew something was wrong. Desperately wrong.

BAH BAH BAH! So I'm going to try and post another chapter to 'Unstable' tomorrow! Just depends on the school work. But updates and reviews help me update this one faster!