A/N: Okay...so i started writing two different stories, and i don't know which one to persue at the present time. This one or Phoenix... So i am letting you guys decide.

This story is about Carlisle and Bella, i know, it is different but honestly has anyone seen Carlisle? Yeah...i thought so...

This story is placed way back when...but it won't be written like that so cut me some slack cuz i didn't live back then. Just chillax and take it as it is. :D


I don't own anything...

The Blind Girl


I lived a depressing life. I had no one, and I was a monster. I was lonely even in the company of the Volturi I could find no peace. I wandered alone through the streets in the dead of night, trying to figure out why I was still alive, trying to discern the reason why God left me here and didn't let me die that night, for obviously he had some part in it all, but I could find no answer. I didn't realize there was someone with me until I walked into her.

The girl stumbled and I caught her reflexively. "I apologize, I was distracted and didn't see you." I stated. The brown haired girl leaned back upon to her own feet. She smelt wonderful to me, but not in an edible way…her scent calmed me.

"I apologize sir… I'm afraid I've lost my way." She sighed. That's when I noticed it. Her eyes had a milky glaze over them, dulling down the beautiful brown that resided underneath it. She strangely looked up, directly into my eyes. She couldn't have been older than thirteen, but she carried herself in a way that suggested she had grown up quickly. I knew she was blind and instantly I worried for her. She was a young, blind human, with sweet smelling blood, walking alone, in the middle of the night, in Volterra of all places! Did she have a death wish?

"Where do you live?"

"A mile north of the blacksmith… I don't know where I missed a turn… I was sure I made all of the correct ones…" She frowned and looked around.

"I will walk you home, miss." I stated, offering my arm to her. Then I realized she couldn't see the gesture, so I grabbed her hand gently and placed it in my arm.

"You are a good man, sir… Not many grown men would help a blind girl if they found her alone and helpless. You couldn't imagine what some would do." She shook her head sadly and sighed.

"How can you tell I won't do such things?" I wondered. I was truly curious as to how she knew my nature.

"I may be blind, but there are things even a blind person can see." She nodded with a small smile. She looked up directly into my eyes. "You have odd colored eyes don't you?" She asked forwardly.

"Why might you ask that?" I wondered. She shrugged.

"I have an uncanny ability to guess the color of eyes that people have. Call it a gift, Mother just thinks I am strange." She frowned. "They must be close to golden…maybe orange… I don't know for sure, I can't really see them." She pouted. "What is your name?"

"Carlisle, Carlisle Cullen."

"I am glad to have met you Mister Cullen, else I might have found myself in the hands of some fiend." She smiled. "I am Bella, Bella Swan." She smiled slightly. She took a breath through her nose and looked around. "The bakery, we are close to my home." She nodded. I was astonished, most humans wouldn't have been able to smell the scent of bread on the air from this distance, but she could. "That means the blacksmith is five hundred paces behind us…so about two thousand more steps 'til my home, assuming this is the correct road and my math is logical." I looked back, and sure enough, close to five hundred paces away was the blacksmith's forge.

"Your math is perfectly sound. I hope I have chosen the correct road." I told her.

"And I as well, I have no way of telling you otherwise." She shrugged again. We walked in silence for a long while before she froze dead. Could she have possibly heard what I did? Could she know that there was a vampire not twenty feet away from her who wanted her death?

"Not her…" I whispered to Felix who sat back in the dark, waiting to attack. I knew she didn't hear me, but she turned her eyes in Felix's direction and winced into my side. "Leave her alone." I whispered once more before he left. Bella sighed in relief.

"I hate people like him… I'm glad you were with me."

"How did you know someone else was here?" I wondered.

"I'm special…you wouldn't believe me if I told you." She stated, looking up into my eyes.

"You would be surprised… I know of a few things that you might believe in."

"I have been blind my entire life…but I've always been able to see." She sighed. "I can see people's souls and emotions. I am assuming that there was a man to my right a moment ago, his intentions were murderous. He wanted me, for some reason. The term blood lust comes to mind, though I can't tell why… I know you are a good man and have nothing but good intentions towards me. You were very protective of me when the other man showed up, and you have been contemplating my mental stability since you met me… You are also one of very few people who has thought I am beautiful." She told me matter-of-factly. "You are taller than me by almost two feet…"

"How can you know all of that? Everything you say is true." I admitted.

"The colors… I see them in my mind. Auras around human's and whatever you happen to be, because I know you aren't normal. Each color in my mind stands for a different emotion, the brighter the colors the purer the person. You are the brightest I have ever seen… I never had to question your intentions, I would have known before you even approached me…" She looked down. "Dad believes me… Mother doesn't and I am not surprised that she is trying to figure out how she can expel me from her perfect home."

"It is horrible of her not to care for you." I stated.

"Father cares, as long as I have him I am safe…but he's sick…I don't know how much longer I'll have him… His lights are fading, I know he's leaving me soon. My sister faded just as he is now, and she had never come back to us." She stopped in front of a small house and gasped, looking towards the house with wide eyes. "Father! He shouldn't be out of bed! He's worrying after me…he should be resting! I could have made him sicker!" Bella took quick steps to the gate and began fumbling with the lock, trying to get through.

"Allow me." I unlatched the gate for her and guided her up the front steps of her house. Bella found the handle of the door and pushed the door open.

"Father! I'm home! Please sit and rest." Bella cried out, running to her father, barely avoiding a small table, though the skirts of her blue dress grazed it. She wrapped her arms around her father.

"Oh, Bella… I was just coming to find you." He whispered. "You worried me." I could tell he was deathly ill just by the smell of his blood, he was going to go, soon.

"She shouldn't be walking outside to begin with. What with her disability." A woman said snootily.

"Hush, Renee." The man said sharply, protecting his daughter from the woman's wrath. Bella helped her father sit down in a seat and gently began to take his worn shoes from his feat. The man looked at me curiously. "Who are you?"

"Carlisle Cullen." I nodded respectfully. "I found Miss Bella in the streets alone. I couldn't leave her there alone, what with all of the monsters out there." The woman eyed me like I was a piece of meat to be eaten.

"Thank you for helping her along her way… She doesn't normally get lost, but on occasion she needs a guide. I am grateful that you helped her, the world truly is a monstrous place…I don't trust hardly anyone as far as I can throw them."

"Yes, well I couldn't help but make sure the little one made it home in one piece…" I smiled at her and she smiled back, as if she knew I was smiling at her.

"Would you like some tea? It was quite a cold night out, it might warm you up." Renee offered brazenly, obviously trying to keep me here longer. Bella's eyes flashed over to her mother, her mouth forming in a scowl. For a moment, I felt like Bella, Renee's true colors were nothing like she tried to make them seem.

"No thank you, madam… I must be getting on my way. I was expected at my cousin's home an hour ago, he must be worried about me as well."

"I don't know how I can thank you, Carlisle." The man said, trying to stand up but Bella wouldn't let him.

"Relax father…you needn't tire yourself."

"No thanks are necessary… Any decent person would have done as I did."

"But would any other decent men have been around? Besides decency is in the eye of the beholder…true decency is rare these days." Bella whispered.

"Says one who is blind." Renee scoffed under her breath. I hated her for treating Bella that way. I was so upset that I missed what Bella's father had said to her. Bella walked forward, touching the back of a chair gently to guide her—probably more for her mother's sake than her own—she held out her hand towards me and I took her hand gently, guiding her further forward. She bowed her head and kissed my knuckles gently. I felt an electric shock pass through my body.

"Thank you ever so much." She nodded to me.

"Off to bed, you look horrid and it is far too late for a lady your age to be up." Renee stated.

"Of course mother." Bella nodded, smiled at me and then made for the stairs that led to the second level of the house. After avoiding Renee's propositions I finally made it out of the house. I instantly began to climb the siding and I slid through the window in the second story. I looked down to see Bella, lying asleep in her bed. I stared at her, she was positively the most beautiful creature I had seen, but then again I felt like a pervert for even thinking about the young girl as being beautiful. "You aren't a pervert… I would know if you were." Bella said softly, sitting up but not opening her eyes. "You are the only man to have thought me beautiful…so strange, my mother thinks me plain and no one else has thought to the contrary except you…and that vile boy Mike but he hardly counts as a person." I chuckled softly at her rant.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you…" I whispered. "I can leave."

"Don't…" She stated, opening her useless eyes. "Stay for tonight… I fear mother is in a foul mood… I would feel better knowing you were here to protect me." She lay back down silently and pulled her covers up to her neck. "You can sit…" She offered quietly.

And so I sat in that little girl's room, listening to her parents argue all night, her mother was trying to get her put into prison for her disability and freakish powers, her father continued insisted that Bella was perfect the way she was… I had to admit that I agreed with the later. When dawn began to break I got up, leaving the girl for good… I couldn't be sure if I heard correctly, but I think I heard Bella tell me that she would find me someday, and she would miss me until she found me…but then again, I could have been wrong in many ways. I must have been wrong, because who would go looking for a monster like me?

A/N: Tell me what ya'll think or i won't know what to focus on. :P Read the other new story if you have time and decide which you want more of.