AN: I do not own Harry Potter, although that would make paying for college a lot easier =)

Sigh No More Chapter One

It's empty in the valley of your heart

"Do you think it will always be like this?" Harry asked me, his emerald green eyes seemed dimmer than they usual were. We were sitting outside our tent, somewhere in the America's. The surrounding area was filled with trees and the ground was covered in their fallen leaves and pine needles. We had been in this camp spot for almost two weeks meaning it was going to be time to leave soon. It was going to be sad; we had some nice times here. Peaceful times.

"I think it will get better soon. It can't stay like this forever." I gave him a small smile, wondering if that small lie would come to bite me in the ass.

"We've been on the run for two years Mione. We've only destroyed one of the horocruxes. Were almost twenty for God's sake. I haven't seen Ginny since last summer, and Ron is gone."

"It'll get better Harry, it has too." I insisted, forcing myself not to cry when he mentioned Ron. We had lost him the year before when we had visited the Weasley's. Somehow the death eaters had figured out what we were doing and the place was surrounded. A killing curse was fired at Ginny, and Ron jumped in front of it to save his little sister. It was quick, so fast I almost didn't see it happening.

"I don't know how much longer I can live like this. Ginny had our son and I haven't even seen him yet! Voldemort-"

"Harry no!" I shouted, but it was too late. Loud cracks filled the air as the death eaters were given our exact location. We had been very careful not to say his name since we were informed on the death eaters spell to be taken to whoever had spoken it out loud. I quickly magicked our supplies into my bag, shoving them into Harry's arms. "Run! Go to the next spot we had talked about, leave me a clue that only I can figure out and I'll find you."

"I'm not leaving you!" He had his wand drawn, ready to fight.

"You need to. I'll be fine I promise. You can't get caught Harry, it'll be the end." His already dark eyes seemed to lose more of their light as he nodded. He gave me a quick hug, and then was gone.

"Well well well, what do we have here? Could it be Harry Potter's little Mudblood?" I shivered in disgust as I heard that voice. The voice that had laughed while I had been tortured by his sister-in-law in his house. I turned around and looked at Lucius Malfoy. He was startling handsome for how evil he was, it seemed almost unfair. His white-blonde hair was still at his shoulders and didn't show any signs of receding. He was dressed in the best robes, and his face didn't show anything like struggle or hardness on his features. I sighed at the injustice of life.

"Hello Lucius, I can see that you're looking well." I said calmly, smiling a little when I saw how much it irritated him that I called him by his name.

"Given yourself up to protect Potter?"

"Who said anything about giving up?" I retorted before I sent three curses in rapid succession to the men standing next to him. They fell easily enough so I turned my attention back to the hardest of the lot. His smirk was the last thing I saw.

I awoke to pain. More pain than I should have from just a curse from Lucius. I was lying on hard wood floor, in a brightly lit room. I didn't open my eyes yet and kept my breathing steady; the key to staying alive was listening to them while they thought I wasn't aware of what was going on around me. There were at least three people in the room with me; two of them were Malfoy's.

"I think that killing her would be a waste." Draco Malfoy's voice was soft, but strong.

"A waste of what? She's already Mudblood-the biggest waste of all." Bellatrix Lestrange's harsh voice hit my ears hard. I couldn't stop my body from flinching at the sound of my previous torturers voice.

"I think she's waking up, we need to make a decision." Lucius drawled, as if he was already bored with the conversation.

"I want her." Malfoy's said, as if his request wouldn't be denied.

"For what? She's a filthy Mudblood-"

"Yes yes I know. But I want her. She pretty to look at, and I've been bored lately." Someone was walking closer to me, they stopped at my side. "I'm keeping her; make sure everyone knows she's mine. I don't like other people touching my things."

"I'm not sure the Dark Lord will appreciate-"

"The Dark Lord will give me this. I've been a very faithful and deserving servant. I've already asked him anyways." Malfoy picked me up roughly; I could tell that we were walking away by how much pain my body was in.

"What are you going to do with her?" Bellatrix laughed.

"Whatever I want." Was his reply before I promptly passed out again.

The sun was setting over the water, casting out brilliant colors of blue, yellow, orange, and pink. It was reflected in the rippling ocean, causing the scene to become even more beautiful.

"How can there still be things this lovely when everything is so wrong?" I wondered aloud, eyes glued to the sky. Ron had slipped his arms around me so I leaned into him, closing my eyes so that I could capture this moment in my mind forever.

"Your still lovely." He whispered in my ear before placing a soft kiss there. I smiled, tilting my face up towards his.

"Sweet talker." I accused, kissing him.

"No, it's the truth. Sometimes I feel like it's too much-you being with me. I don't understand how I get to have something so perfect."

"I'm not perfect Ronald." I huffed, but didn't pull away from him. These moments were few and far between now.

"You are for me." Was all he said before kissing me again. I melted into him for a second before pulling away.

"Have you been reading that book Fred and George gave you?" He laughed at my suggestion before looking at the sunset again.

"No. I wonder how Ginny is. The last time I saw her was when we visited and she told us all that her and Harry were going to have a kid. Merlin, my baby sister having a baby." He shook his head to get his hair out of his eyes. I reached out to fix it, thinking about how I was going to have to cut it again soon.

"I know. It's strange to think that they are going to be parents. We're so young, yet so old at the same time. I'm a bit jealous to be honest." I admitted, sure my cheeks were bright red.

"You want a baby?" his blue eyes were focused on my brown ones intently, waiting for my answer.

"A baby would be nice. But I don't think that I could leave you or Harry, and the baby wouldn't be safe with me because I'm as wanted as you two are." I tried to smile but couldn't quite manage it.

"If you want a baby Mione, I'll give you one. I wouldn't mind having a little girl who looks just like you."

"It's too dangerous." I shook my head, my heart clenching at what he was offering to give me.

"We would find a way, the order would help us." He tilted my head up to meet his own. "Do you want a baby with me Hermione?" I let the question hang there for a few minutes, contemplating what he was asking me. Of course I wanted a baby with Ron; he was the love of my life. I wanted a little person with red hair and blue eyes that called me Momma, someone I read to at night and held when they cried. I wanted to always have that connection to him, but not in these dark times. It wasn't worth the risk, right?

"I've never wanted anything as much as I want that." The words were out of my mouth before I even realized it, and his smile lit up his face.

"Then we'll have one." Was all he said before capturing my lips. We stayed on that hill for a long time, making plans for where I would go during the pregnancy and what it would look like.

"What are you two doing out here? It's freezing!" Harry surprised the both of us, making me jump.

"Guess what mate!" Ron's grin was so wide it looked like it hurt, and I'm sure my own matched his.

"What?" smiles were contagious, and Harry caught ours when we told him our plans.

"That's great Mione! You're going to be a wonderful Mum." He patted Ron's back. "Now all you two have to do is get married."

"We already did." Ron said sheepishly. At Harry's upset look he rushed on. "We got married right after we left Hogwarts in private because we didn't want to make a big deal about it, or draw more attention to my family. We figured the fewer people who knew about it the safer they were."

"So you've been married for a whole year?" Harry looked at me, hurt clearly in his eyes.


"Where's your ring?"

"It's the one on my thumb," I looked at the simple Celtic knot that was engraved on my wedding ring, knowing the words in scripted on the inside by heart. 'til the sun grows cold and the stars grow old'. Ron had picked it out for me himself, and I had picked 'Doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt I love' for Ron's. "we didn't want it to be obvious, so we both got thumb rings."

"Why didn't you tell me?" he was still obviously hurt by our secret.

"We didn't want you to have to keep anything from Ginny," Ron shrugged. "Plus you kinda have a big mouth." At that Harry lunged at him and they wrestled playfully. I watched with a smile on my face, wishing every day could end so nicely. When I woke up this time it was on top of a soft bed, the lights were dimmed, and a fire was keeping the room comfortably warm. I let out a tiny sigh, enjoying the moment of peace while I had it. I had learned not to take these little things for granted anymore. The bed shifted to the left of me and I turned quickly, remembering where I was. Draco Malfoy sat on the bed with a book, looking for all the world like it was completely normal for me to be in his bed.

"How long have I been out?" I asked, wincing. My voice was husky and raw, my throat burned.

"A few days if my father brought you here directly after he cursed you, which I think he did. There's a glass of water on the night table." He told me, not taking his eyes off of his book. I watched him for a few more seconds, wondering why I was in his room, before grabbing the water and drinking it slowly. The burn in my throat subsided and I let out a hum of contentment.

"Thank you." I mumbled, still unsure if I should be thanking him or not.

"You're welcome." He closed the book and set it on the night stand next to him, his long, elegant fingers folding to rest on top of his lap. "I'm only going to tell you this once Granger, so listen good. It's much too dangerous to repeat, and you need to not think about what I'm about to tell you after very much, or it will be over."

"What will be over?" I frowned, sitting up in his bed.

"Any bit of happiness or dignity you manage to keep while I have possession of you." He rolled his eyes at my scowl. "Look, it's either I take you, or you get stuck in the dungeons and you're up for grabs. Anyone is fair game down there."

"Up for grabs for what?" I shook my head as a horrible thought hit me, even they wouldn't do that right? My blood is filthy to them-I am filthy to them.

"Anything they want Granger. More than likely you would have been raped numerous times, tortured, humiliated." He glared at his door before his face became a mask of arrogance again.

"Why do you care?" I didn't say it to be mean, or ungrateful, I just didn't understand why that would matter to him. Or why he would help, or what his help entailed.

"Think what you want Granger, but I don't hate you." His ice blue eyes were staring at me intently. "I don't want to see you put through that, regardless of your blood status. I went to school with you, I grew up with you, and I don't want to see that happen. It was hard enough to watch my Aunt torture you the first time, I don't want to do something stupid and get us both killed should that happen again."

"What…what did you mean earlier when you said any bit of happiness or dignity I keep with you?" I tilted my head, studying his aristocratic features. Ron was a pureblood and handsome, but it wasn't the same as Malfoy's. His looks spoke of a long line of pureblooded ancestors, all molded together from the perfect stock.

"If I am going to keep you, there are certain things that are going to have to happen." He paused for a long moment, probably trying to figure out how to word what I had already guessed at. "You will stay in my quarters unless I take you out, you will not try and starve yourself to death, or try and harm me, is that clear? If you can't agree on that then this isn't going to work and I might as well take you to the dungeons myself."

"Why would it matter if I tried to starve myself?" I would never do that, ever. If I was alive, there was a chance of escape, which meant I could find and help Harry.

"It would draw attention to you. It's best if you are in the back of everyone's minds, forgotten. So, can you do that?"

"I won't try and hurt you or starve myself." He was trying to do me a favor after all, and it would be stupid to upset him when he was the only person on my side.

"Good. Now, I'm going to ask you some questions, and you're going to be honest with your answers." His tone left no room for disagreement, and I remembered that he was heir to a huge estate and a name that held huge amounts of respect throughout the Wizarding world, especially now. He was brought up in a different manner than anyone I had ever hung around, which meant that the rules weren't the same for him.


"Do you know where Potter is?"

"No." he continued to stare hard at me and I sighed. "I really don't know where he is Malfoy. I told him to go to a spot we both knew, and then leave if I didn't make it there after a time." He seemed satisfied by my response and nodded.

"Are you a virgin?" my cheeks reddened at his question and I looked away.


"How many people Granger?" at his question I looked up at him and frowned. His expression had turned to one of slight disappointment and his mask was cold.

"How many people what?"

"How many people have you had sex with?" my mouth dropped open and I quickly snapped it shut at the amused spark in his eyes.

"I don't really see why that's important. But one." He nodded as if he had been expecting that answer.

"It was Ron Weasley right?"

"Yes." My heart missed a beat as he said his name, bringing up a fresh wave of pain that didn't seem to ever leave me for long.

"You gave up your virginity to the Weasel?" he sounded skeptical and I glared.

"I gave up my virginity to my husband." I lifted my head up, not ashamed to defend my dead lover. No one, and I mean no one, would talk about him like that in front of me.

"You married him?" he seemed shocked, something I had never seen on his face before.

"Of course I married him, I loved him."


"Right after the fight at Hogwarts." I twirled the ring on my thumb, remembering. "We kept it a secret because we didn't want his family put in an even worse spot because he married a Mudblood." The word didn't bother me anymore; it was just a stupid word. And Malfoy had called me it enough times at Hogwarts for the sting of it to eventually fade away.

"That he did. Well, now I have to change to direction of my questions, sorry." He said, but he didn't sound it at all. He actually sounded quite mad that I had married Ron.

"Ask away." I shrugged.

"Weasley died last year in a fight, right?"

"He did." I said shortly, unwilling to talk about his death with someone who didn't care about him.

"Protecting his little sister, who was pregnant with Potter's child?" I hesitated before answering the question, not wanting to put Harry, Ginny, and James in any danger. "I already know the answer; I'm just asking you to make sure you tell the truth."

"Yes, he died protecting Ginny and the baby from a killing curse." I bit out, anger slipping into my body.

"Do you have any children?" I should have expected that question, at some point or another. It was a hard question, one that brought up so much pain.

"Do I have to answer that?" I whispered.

"You do." His voice was firm, but softer than it was before, almost as if he was trying to coax the answer out of me.

"I have a child."

"Tell me about it, I need to know." He demanded.

"Ron and I were trying for a baby," I closed my eyes, pretended I was anywhere but here. "We had known I was pregnant for a few months, and were going to tell Ginny so that she could tell the family. He died, and I didn't. I was a mess after his death, and Harry took care of me for a while, until I pulled myself together. I had her on Christmas actually, early Christmas morning. It was almost like Ron was giving me a present, and it was the best present I've ever gotten. She was beautiful, her hair was a lighter brown than mine, and when she opened her eyes, all I saw were Ron's."

"What did you name here?" Malfoy asked, probably to keep me talking.

"Rose. I named her Rose because she was so lovely. Her full name is Rose Elizabeth Weasley, because Ron wanted to name a girl Elizabeth." I took a deep breath; it hurt just thinking about my little girl. "I wanted to stay with her, but it was too dangerous. I didn't want her to be a target because of me, or who her father was, or because Harry was her godfather. So I hid her, with people I trust, and I haven't seen her since she was born."

"If you could have her back, would you?" at his question I glared at him, every ounce of anger I felt was now directed at the man in front of me. For what he stood for, what he helped create, what he was a part of.

"I want my daughter more than I want anything in the world. Do you know how hard it is to know that I haven't seen her in months? That I'm missing something a mother should never miss? But I love her, and she is more important than my wants. If I never see her again and she is safe, then I'll be okay."

"If I gave you your daughter, would it please you? If I could promise you her safety?" his face didn't hold any hint of malice or cruel intentions, and I felt my heart drop.

"How could you promise that?" I demanded.

"Despite what you think, we won't harm children." He stood up. "My mother would be delighted to have a little girl in the house, she always wanted a daughter you know-"

"Rose is my daughter. I won't have you bring her here just so your mother can take her from me." I cut him off, fury in my voice. I now know how Molly could seem so ferocious when battling for her children. There was something inside of me, something fierce and dangerous, when it came to my daughter. I would do anything to protect her.

"I didn't mean that, and I apologize for confusing you." He sighed. "I was only trying to make you happy, because no doubt it will be hard to find happiness with what you have to do."

"What exactly do you mean? What do I have to do?" my voice was shaking and I cursed how weak I sounded.

"From the moment I picked you up in front of my father and my aunt, you because mine. I can't marry you to give you my full protection, but believe me, I would if I could. Instead, and you'll hate this, but it's the only way, you are to become my mistress. There are certain laws that purebloods have, and being my mistress is almost as good as you being my wife. If you had your daughter with you, no one would touch her, ever."

"Mistress?" I whispered, my stomach dropping. "But I wouldn't actually be your mistress right? I mean, we wouldn't have to…you know?"

"I'm sorry Granger, but you would need to. It's an old magic that grants you protection from me, and it can't be faked." He did look a bit sorry, but not by much. In fact, he looked strangely pleased with the idea that I would be bound to him in that way.

"How long does the spell last?"

"I knew you would ask questions, and that there wouldn't be a way to keep this from you." He gave out a long sigh, as if he was tired of talking. "The spell would last forever or until I married you-which can't happen as I've already said. It also includes some small things that have to happen to ensure its continuous protection."

"Such as?"

"Children. You would be required to have my children."

"And if I say no?"

"It wouldn't matter, the spell has already begun. You drank the potion that I placed in the water next to your bed, and that's more than half of what needs to be done. I would rather not force you to my bed, but I would if I had to. I don't think you understand, I refuse to watch you tortured again. It's not good for me, and I will do anything to make sure that I don't endanger myself or my mother by doing something stupid to save you. This is my best plan, and I will follow through with it. Be prepared to get your daughter soon, because I want a happy mistress. You can stay in this room, the bathroom is right there. I'll be back here for dinner." Before I could say anything else, Malfoy walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. I stared after him in shock, wondering what the hell I was going to do, because I was not having Draco bloody Malfoy's children.

Alright, so…should I continue with this story or not? Please review or message me to let me know what you want =) that little button at the bottom of the page that says review…yah, that's my favorite button in the entire world…it's very nice, check it out! =D