Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia or My Little Pony. The only thing I happen to own is my randomness.

Attempt to drown in a kiddy pool

"Hey Liet! We should, like, totally try and drown in a kiddy pool!" Poland said. Lithuania had no clue how he got talked into this, but it sure was better than staying at the house. The two countries walked to the pool aisle and pulled out two kiddy pools. Poland got in one kiddy pool and attempted to 'drown.'

"OMG, LIKE, SOMEONE TOTALLY HELP ME! I'M LIKE, DROWNING!" Poland flailed his arms and legs in random directions to make it look like he was drowning. Lithuania decided to stay out of this one and say "I am not of any relationship to this man!" and pointed at the flailing man in a pink kiddy pool. Two Wal-Mart employees walked up to Poland and asked him, "Sir, are you currently on a medications?" Said man stop flailing and said, "No, cause' like meds are totally uncool." The taller employee facepalmed and said to himself 'I really need to get a better job. One without these bozos.' The shorter man had a retarded smile on his face and said "I know! How about you try these medications?" Poland was about to say no, until he saw what kind of medicine it was. My Little Pony pink chewy gummies. "OMGGGGGG LIET LOOK AT THESE MEDS! I HAVE TO TOTALLY GET THESE!" Poland grabbed the bottle and jumped up and down looking for Lithuania. The shorter man somehow dragged Lithuania out of his failed hiding spot and out the exit of the store with even bothering to pay for the meds.

The dumber employee walked away humming the My Little Pony theme song. The more sane one stood there rubbing his temples thinking why he decided to work at Wal-Mart.

AN: Wow, I managed to write two chapters in one day. I'm so sorry for not updating for such a long time. School got in the way. I hope to write more in the upcoming few days because I've been less busy. Also, feel free to leave a review with a way for the countries to get kicked out! Just leave your idea and the two countries. Just try to keep the groups the same. If you don't remember the groups, I'll put them here.

America and Canada

France and England

Poland and Lithuania

Germany and Prussia

Russia and Belarus

North and South Italy

Thank you for reading! Don't forget to leave a review!