It all happened after they had rescued her from that hell-hole she was stuck in. All three of them were so happy when Gibbs shot him. Damn fool with his caf-pow. But one person in particular was happy, Tony Dinozzo. He and Ziva had finally re-established there friendship. But it didn't stop with friendship, Tony's year long fantasies finally became reality when she kissed him after he dropped her off home after work one night. From that moment on everything was moving way too fast for the infamous Tony Dinozzo. She asked him in, they made out on their way her bedroom - which he was amazed off – and they spent one of the best nights off his life together. But that wasn't really the fast part though, the fast part came when she kicked him out in the morning. When they didn't talk about it at work, when three days later, they still didn't talk about it.
"Ziva, come on." Tony said pleadingly, he had finally got her alone in the car to the crime scene. "Tony, I do not want to talk about it." "Yeah, I noticed you've been ignoring me ever since.." "Don't say it Tony, I had a weak moment and I used you" PANG there you go that was the end off Tony, the flirter, Dinozzo, USED him? Did she really use him? Does he believe that, that she used him? Does she even believe that. For Ziva the last question wasn't even really a question, she KNOWS that she didn't but it brought up so many damn feelings. Feelings she wants to put back into that space of loneliness. "You," He sighed, "Fine." He said angrily.
It passed, days, weeks, months even. They talked but said nothing useful, Tony was acting like a 9 year old all over again. Talking about how he watched this movie - which he didn't - , talking about this blonde girl he went on a date with – which he didn't – talking about a lot but never really saying anything.
Gibbs knew something was going on, duh, he is Gibbs. He knows everything. He just tried to ignore it, as long as they still did their job the way they should, right? He could see Ziva wasn't happy and his heart broke for her, although he would never admit it openly –he is a marine after all, a tough marine- he doesn't talk about feelings.
Ziva wasn't feeling good lately, especially in the mornings. She recognized the signs, she just choose to ignore them, she didn't want it to be true. But after a little while it became harder to ignore, the vomiting was more regular, food cravings. But what should she do with the two lines she was seeing in front of her? She should tell Gibbs, right? He's her boss, but it's none of his damn business. Tony? No, not tony. He'll be all proud and tell everyone. She can keep it to herself. It's not gonna be there more then another month anyway. She is Mossad, well was mossad. She is a NCIS agent, FIELD agent. There is no such thing as a pregnant field agent. They get desk duty, and she HATES desk duty.
"Today is going to be a dreadful day" She says to herself. Her appointment to remove the little, parasite, in her is set in 2 weeks. She has to request a day of two weeks up front. So today is the day. The day she has been dreading since she made the appointment last week. She had to fill out a form in the clinic, she left a blank for 'emergency contact' but they refused unless she filled in someone's name, address and telephone number. Did she fill in the right person? She only had 4 people, friends, in her life. Tony, McGee, Gibbs –boss/friend- and Abby. Tony was definitely not going to be her emergence contact person, McGee would just be too awkward –Although he can keep a secret- , if she had chosen Gibbs she would have to admit she was weak –and everyone knows she doesn't admit to being weak- only person left standing is Abby. So she filled in her name, Abby Sciuto. Damn. She is going to have to tell her, today. She is the one who has to take her home, you know, after. Or, she can just call her after. And say what exactly? Okay, I'm gonna tell her.. She is taking a deep breath, and just when she is about to leave her car. "HE! ZI-VA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING JUST SITTING IN YOUR CAR?" Tony yells. She gets out off the car. "Leave me alone Tony". 'oh, sounds like she is having a bad morning' Tony thinks to himself. "Always thought you were a morning-person officer Dav-id" "Tony, if you don't shut up right now I will kill you with my car keys! And I know more than 10 different ways how to!" "Morning Ziva, Tony" McGee says cheerfully. "Why does everyone seem to be in the parking garage at the same time today" Ziva whispers under her breath
A/N I will try to update stuff regularly but I do have school, and it requests some off my time.
This is also my first fanfic, that I write, so still trying to figure out how works