Chapter 12

Disclaimer: I don't own the Vampire Diaries. I'm just borrowing. Only the story belongs.

Note: Previously, in "Losing Your Memory," Damon and Stefan return to the summer home and reunite with Elena and Rebekah.

Hope you guys have had as much fun reading this as I did writing it! I know that I haven't updated in a while (the last time being September 23), I thought I'd update. No spoilers, except the action takes place six months later.

Salvatore Mansion – Six Months Later...

Elena smiled as she surveyed the gifts that she had gotten at the baby shower Rebekah had given her two weeks ago. They were all pink, because Elena was having a girl. Everything from the clothes, to the rattles, to the furniture the nursery was pink. Damon smiled as well as he stood next to his wife and surveyed the presents along with her.

"I think it's safe to say you made out like a bandit."

Elena laughed slightly at her husband's remark. "Yeah, I guess you could say that. This little girl is going to spoiled rotten, not only by her parents, but also by her aunt and uncle." She kissed Damon's cheek. "But, in addition to that, she's also going to be loved and..."

She never got to finish her sentence because she then felt a sharp kick in her stomach and when she looked at the front of her dress, she saw a huge spot of blood, as well as water all around her feet. "Shit, my water just broke. Damon, I think it's time."

"Already?" he replied. "I thought we had another week."

"Try telling that to the little princess," said Elena. "Damon, unless you want me to give birth where I'm standing, I suggest we haul ass to the hospital."

Damon nodding. Thankfully, he had packed her bags last night and had them waiting by the bottom of the stairs so that he didn't have to rush around trying to get everything. He carefully took Elena's arm and picked up the suitcase, heading toward the door. Once there, he saw Stefan standing there, the back door of the new Lincoln open for them. They had agreed that Stefan was going to be the one driving them to the hospital, mainly because they didn't want the media to harass them, and also because Stefan knew some shortcuts that would make the trip easier.

"Looks like my little niece is going to be here ahead of schedule."

"Obviously, she's too impatient to wait out the extra week," said Damon. "Now, let's not dawdle. She'll be here whether we make it to the hospital or not."

"Right," said Stefan. "I called Rebekah, and she's going to meet us at the hospital because she's got a new patient and it might take her a little more time than she thought. Thankfully, though, she might just make it."

That being said, he helped both his brother and sister-in-law into the back of the car, shutting the door behind them before getting in on the driver's side, putting on his seat belt, starting the engine and practically flying down the driveway of the mansion, heading off in the direction of the hospital.

Mystic Falls Medical Center – Later...

Rebekah stood by the desk in the lobby, waiting for Stefan, Damon, and Elena to arrive. She had gotten to the hospital five minutes ago, having gotten finished with her new patient sooner than she had anticipated. However, that wasn't as important as becoming an aunt to the baby that was set to be born, even if it was a week ahead of schedule. She was still waiting when she saw Damon walking in, holding Elena's arm.

When he saw Rebekah, he said, "What happened to that new patient of yours?"

"We finished up earlier than I thought," she replied. "Then, I practically rushed here because I didn't want to miss seeing my niece."

"Well, that's not important right now," said Damon. "What is important is that you're here."

That being said, he led Elena over to the desk. However, he didn't have to give his name because the nurses already knew they were there and an orderly came out with a wheelchair. Damon helped Elena into it.

"I'll be there once they get you prepped." He kissed her softly. "I love you."

Elena smiled, returning his kiss. "I love you too, Damon."

Damon kissed her one more time before the orderly wheeled her to the room to get her prepped for delivery. Once she was gone, Damon saw Stefan coming in. He had been fortunate to find a space just near enough so that he could find the car later. Stefan saw Rebekah and was a bit surprised, since he wasn't expecting to see her so soon after talking to her on the phone.

"Bekah, what happened to the new patient you were seeing?"

"The session ended earlier than I thought," his fiancee replied. "You honestly didn't think I was going to miss out on the birth of my niece, did you?"

"Well, no," said Stefan. "I was just surprised to see that you got here, that's all." He kissed her. "I'm glad you're here, though."

Rebekah returned his kiss. "The feeling is mutual, darling."

Damon smiled at his brother and future sister-in-law before heading to the room, thinking that Elena was prepped by now. When he got there, he saw her sitting up in the bed, hooked up to the fetal heart monitor and smiling at him. Damon returned her smile and walked into the room, grabbing a chair and sitting next to the bed.

"Bex just got here," he said. "Her patient finished sooner than we thought."

"That's nice," his wife replied. "At least the baby will meet both her aunt and uncle at the same time and won't have to worry about waiting until later."

She didn't give Damon a chance to reply because an intense pain hit her, indicating that it was now time for the baby to arrive. The doctors and nurses attending to her walked into the room and got everything ready. Damon stayed right by his wife's side, holding her hand and squeezing it to let her know that he wasn't going anywhere.

"All right, Elena," said one of the doctors, who had positioned himself in front of her. "When you're ready, I want you to give me a big push, okay?"

Elena said nothing to him, just nodded and began to push as hard as she could, causing the head to crown and then pop out. "Good job, Elena, I can see the head. Push a little more, you can do it."

Upon hearing this, Elena pushed harder, letting out a scream and squeezing Damon's hand hard. This time, the baby's arm and shoulder popped out along with the head and neck. "That's perfect, now I'm going to need you to push really hard so that we can get the baby all the way out."

"I...I can't," said Elena. "It hurts too much."

Damon heard this and looked at her. "Elena, you can do this. I know you're in pain, but you can't give up. In the time that we've known each other, you've never given up. You stayed the course and didn't let yourself quit for anything." He kissed her forehead, ignoring the sweat that was there.

"Easy for you to say," said Elena. "You're not the one trying to squeeze a little person out of you."

"You're right, I'm not," said Damon. "But, you have to keep going, cara mia. It'll all be worth it once the baby gets here."

Elena decided against protesting, mostly because she was sure that it would fall on deaf ears anyway. "All right, you win. I'll give it another push...for you."

"That's my girl," said Damon, kissing her forehead again. "I'm here for you."

Elena took a deep breath and pushed harder than she ever pushed before until she heard the first cries of a baby, their baby. Their daughter was here at last. The doctor cut the cord and brought the little girl over to meet her parents, who kissed her hello and told her that they loved her.

"She's beautiful," said Damon once the baby was taken to be cleaned and measured. "What are we going to name her?"

"Anastasia," said Elena. "Anastasia Rose Salvatore. Yeah, that's a very..."

She was cut off by another wave of pain, causing the doctors and nurses to come back to her, telling her to push, thinking it was just the placenta. However, after several pushes, there was another cry of a baby. What the hell? Elena had only one baby in there. How the hell could she have been carrying twins the whole time? It was a girl, just like the first one.

"Twin girls?" said Damon. "I thought for sure you were only having one."

"I did too," said Elena. "But, I guess it must've been a mistake while reading the sonogram. I mean, you hear about stuff like this all the time." She smiled. "You know, I think I know the perfect name for our second little girl. Arietta Michelle Salvatore."

"Anastasia and Arietta," said Damon. "Perfect. I love them." He kissed her lips. "And I love you most of all."


Note: Well, since everyone is happy, I'm going to end the story here. Depending on how I feel, I might do a sequel. As I said in the first note, I hope you had as much fun reading this story as I did writinng it.