Just Being There

A Castle Story By


There are some people in this life that are not our family, but we care for them as though they were. Sometimes that love, that bond is so strong, you actually believe that they are your brother, sister, mom, or dad. They literally mean that much to you and you know that without them, you don't think you could get through as many of the challenges you face every day. You need them, they need you and nothing can change that. They are not family, no, not blood related, but they are a part of you and you love them just like they are family.

As Richard Castle watched Katherine Beckett stare at her computer he sighed, because for the first time in a long time, he had nothing to say. There was nothing he could do to help her. He understood that she needed space, but the question was, how much? Turning, he looked over and saw that Detective Esposito was watching her as well. Castle could see the pain, and sadness in his own eyes. In his eyes Castle saw how much he cared. Castle knew that their relationship was a special one, in fact all three detectives of this homicide unit had unique relationship. He saw it the first day he walked into the 12th precinct, and he saw it every day after that. The day he saw them after that long summer in the Hamptons, he saw that it had become much stronger and even more so when they caught Lockwood, when he got out, when Montgomery died, when she was shot, when she got back, and most recently when she was suffering from PTSD. Every single one of those events really demonstrated their care for her, and how far they would go to help the other.

Castle remembered what Captain Roy Montgomery had once told him, a couple of weeks after he first came to the precinct. "Castle, those three out there, they have a very special bond, one that goes beyond family. They would do anything for each other, even die." Richard had already seen that and realized how strong it was, but Montgomery's words had really let him know that they have been through a lot together, and he needed to understand that.

"We have a lead, either that or our killer just gave us a fake location again," Kevin Ryan said and all of them headed towards the elevator, when he got a text from Alexis.

Dad it's movie night, where are you? He gasped, he totally forgot about it.

"Castle, go home. It's late and it's movie night. We'll take care of this and call if we find anything, see you tomorrow," Beckett said as she ran in the elevator.

"How did you know?" But the elevator door had already closed so he answered Alexis message.

On my way

As Castle walked to his house, he thought about their current case. It was a psychopath, he picked out his victims, no known connection except they were girls in their early thirties... each of them were in professional career, two were lawyers, one a book editor, and all of them were doing very well. The killer, also known as Jonathin Thompson, had been leaving them hints and clues, some of them were real, some of them fake. Every 2 days he had a new victim, who had been tortured one day prior to death. In two more days there would be another victim. Everyone was pressuring the detectives of the 12th to solve this case, catch this murderer, it has been 6 days since the first attack and they still haven't found him. Castle sighed as he walked into his home, pushing his thoughts aside he sat down ready to enjoy movie night with his daughter.

He could only laugh as the three detectives walked into the building, he told them to go to as an anonymous tip. He figured they knew it was him, but he also knew that they would check the place out anyway. They were cops after all, and he knew they were good at what they do. It was part of the reason why he chose this city, the last one, the cops were giving up and didn't present him with a challenge anymore, these guys he had a feeling they wouldn't give up, as long as he kept providing the bodies. That of course was only part of his plan.

Before he had made his way to New York City, he had studied each and everyone of the detectives, he followed them when he got here, and he was pretty sure they felt his presence, which impressed him even more, because he was very good at following people. The woman, Katherine, turned around while he was following her, he had ducked out of sight, but when he looked for her again, she was gone, lost him in the crowd, the other two turned back often, but shrugged it off and quickened their pace. To be honest, Jonathin Thompson, was getting old, he was nearly fifty-nine and has been at this for a long time. Truthfully, he wanted to get captured, but he wasn't going to make it easy. Oh no, that cute little detective and her partners were going to have to prove to him that they really were the best. The first few kills were just to get warmed up, this is where he tested their ability to think, act, and move quickly, they were going to have to if they were going to save themselves and all of the innocent people he was planning on killing. He smiled as he held the timer in his hand, he was going to see how fast they'd spot his bomb that was set to go off in ten minutes.

9 minutes 59 seconds...

9 minutes 58 seconds...

Hey! Long time no writing, for me anyway. Just watched the new Castle! Wasn't that awesome! Anyway, I know people have probably had this idea also, but I thought I would post it anyway. Please let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions! Thank you!