[Author's note: italic text surround by ** indicates a flashback]

*Glenn was in the half-state between sleep and wakefulness when Daryl stepped into the tent. He instinctively shifted over to give the other man more room to lie down beside him. Daryl gracelessly crashed down next to him and pulled a share of the blankets over himself.

"Damn dude, leave some for me." Glenn grumbled, tugging at his corner of the blanket.

"Sorry 'bout that."

Glenn started. Out of all the things he had expected, an apology wasn't one of them. He rolled over to face Daryl.

"Everything okay, old man?"

"Yeah. Just feelin' tired, that's all. Real fuckin' beat."

He understood. Today had been tough- Shane was swiftly becoming more and more unstable. His erratic behavior worried the rest of the group, and apparently not even Daryl was immune from the general air of unease that had permeated the camp.

"I'm sure things will turn out fine. It's not like Rick's going to let shit like that fly for long. Not with another kid on the way."

"I know. I just like it when the only thing I have to worry about is the walkers, and not the people who're supposed to be watchin' my back."

Glenn had no response. He just reached out and grabbed Daryl's hand in his own. Normally they'd drift to sleep like that, touching in some small way. Tonight was a different story; Daryl responded by pulling the younger man closer, locking him in a tight embrace.

It was so unexpected that it was shocking, but when that feeling passed… It seemed like the most natural thing in the world. The two men held each other for a moment before Glenn tilted his head and found Daryl's lips with his own. They shared a long kiss, Glenn running his hand up the back of his partner's neck before burying it in his already tousled hair.

It felt like liquid fire was running through their veins. It was an addicting sensation.

They broke for air. Like so many of their interactions to date, this one was marked by silence; there were no words for this. Daryl shifted so his body was covering Glenn's, leaning down to initiate another deep kiss. The younger man's hands reached up, first grasping for purchase in Daryl's clothing, then sliding under them to glide over hot skin.

The sweet friction of their bodies moving together in the darkness was made all the more delicious by the fact that neither man had ever expected to experience this kind of intimacy again. Suddenly, the world seemed more manageable. Things always did when you had someone you cared for at your side.

Fuck the apocalypse- they were finally ready to start living again.*

Back on the tower…

Eventually Glenn shifted position, and lay down by Daryl's side. They curled into each other on the narrow catwalk, and Daryl had just began to nod off again when Glenn's whispered voice brought him back from the brink.

"Hey Daryl?"


"Have you ever wanted to swim naked in a water tower? Like in the movies?"

"Glenn. Go the fuck to sleep."

"Love you too, Daryl."

"…Love ya."

Well shit. There was always tomorrow.


[Author's note: And thus marks the conclusion of 'Sleep'. Thanks for reading- I hope you all enjoyed it, and please feel free to leave reviews… This is one of my first attempts at fanfiction in many years, and I'd like to hear what I did right/wrong! If you're interested in more of my take on Daryl, check out my other fic 'Redemption' which is basically an introspection of Daryl Dixon and his search for Sophia.]